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Edit Username instruction


@ChristopherMcEwan wrote:

In our forum we would like users to adopt usernames that are based on their real names.

Currently the default login screen encourages users to adopt a short name.

Can I edit this message on login screen?

I am non-tech who relies on a hosted version and the admin console so if it is more complicated than that could you provide directions that a dummy could follow. cold_sweat

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S3 with CDN image link broken on user card and profile background


@wub wrote:

On my site (let's say foo.com), I have a "Discourse CDN" set up (cdn.foo.com) to serve JS/CSS. Uploads to S3 are also enabled, and the S3 CDN is storage.foo.com. My raw S3 bucket is foo.s3.amazonaws.com.

On the user profile image, the S3 cdn gets appended to the Discourse CDN: //cdn.foo.com//storage.foo.com/xxxxx.jpg

The user card image, on my site appends raw S3 bucket to the Discourse CDN: //cdn.foo.com//foo.s3.amazonaws.com/xxxxx.jpg

I've tried rebakes etc., is there anything else I need to do, or is this a bug?

This commit might be related.

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Admin --> dashboard get more #'s and analytics


@AlexAB wrote:

So when I go under Admin -- Dashboard there are some great analytics there. I am wondering, can I view more of it? Can I view the years worth or get any more analytics?

For example I would like to see the user trust level changes over time and have not been writing down the numbers - I would like to start tracking this.


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Emoji prompting fails in some cases


@irrationalJ wrote:

As bugs go, this is probably not on anyone's high priority list. However, since it does not seem to be working as I would expect it to, the OCD part of me won't let me just walk on by. flushed

As shown in the screenshots below and for no rational reason obvious to me, when I type :thumbsup: for the thumbsup emojii, the prompt menu does not work as I expect it to.

This confuses me for two reasons.

First, as shown in the screenshot of the meta.discourse.org editor below, there should be prompting for this when I type, for example, :thumb, correct? Where is it?

Second, as shown in another screenshot, this time from the editor on try.discourse.org, in this other context I do get prompting. Just not the prompting I was looking for … disappointed confused I suppose I should add that the :thumbsup: emoji does also work over on try.discourse.org as it does here on meta. You just won't see it listed in the prompt menu. no_mouth

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First-added bookmark doesn't show up until refresh


@wub wrote:

For me, if I start with zero bookmarks, and add at least one, it takes a full page refresh before it shows up in /users/(username)/activity/bookmarks.

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Why I am Disabling the User Stats


@ChristopherMcEwan wrote:

In considering whether I should make user stats visible on our forum I extracted some of the data about the Discourse team from this forum.

From this data, i considered two questions: Who is the most complementary of the team? and; Who is the most likable? The analysis is below.

A few conclusions can be drawn.
Despite his reputation @codinghorror is clearly the most congenial of the team, giving a Like to 13% of his all time reads However @zogstrip seems to be in a particularly good mood recently and is closing in terms of propensity to like. If you get a like from @eviltrout treasure it; they are few and far between.

In terms of likability, @techAPJ leads the way getting more than 2 likes for every topic/post entry. @neil has suddenly become popular - new aftershave? @eviltrout attracts a high number of likes, perhaps from users trying to encourage him to reciprocate.

Having seen how dangerous this information can be in the wrong hands, I won't be publishing it on our site. wink

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Post comment/reply for a topic


@User143 wrote:

I am using following API request for commenting/replaying topic.Is it possible do this way?

or any other API available for this?

discourse.site.com/posts.json?api_key=bjdgfbapikey&api_username=username&topic_id=72&raw="This is a post to a topic."

Please suggest the better option

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Can admins see posts when post deleted by user?


@gingerling wrote:

Hi, a topic someone made later disappeared (url just takes you to welcome thread) I am guessing it was deleted? How can I check as admin that it really was deleted? Can I see anything about this post in my admin dashboard?

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I don't understand the coloring of the Activity field

Tags: is there a way to display a tag cloud using CSS?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I'm feeling slightly sad that the /tags page on my sites, and here on meta, has a fairly useless list of tags listed in reverse order by how many topics have the tag. This makes it impossible to actually use it as a navigation tool.

Has anyone succeeded in displaying the tags on the /tags page as an actual tag cloud, with different sized tags depending on number of topics using each tag?

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Sidekiq Jobs::CreateThumbnails Error


@KazWolfe wrote:

After updating to the latest version (v1.3.0.beta10 +48), my Discourse has been printing some errors to the log:


Job exception: undefined local variable or method `max' for #<Jobs::CreateThumbnails:0x007ff4cc284b00>


/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/create_thumbnails.rb:26:in `block (2 levels) in create_thumbnails_for_avatar'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/set.rb:232:in `each_key'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/set.rb:232:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/create_thumbnails.rb:24:in `block in create_thumbnails_for_avatar'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/create_thumbnails.rb:23:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/create_thumbnails.rb:23:in `create_thumbnails_for_avatar'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/create_thumbnails.rb:17:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:153:in `block (2 levels) in perform'


current_db: default
current_hostname: [redacted]
job: Jobs::CreateThumbnails
problem_db: default

  upload_id: 83
  type: avatar
  current_site_id: default

Sidekiq keeps queuing these taks for "Retry" but they keep failing.

Steps to Reproduce:


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Adding JavaScript opt out to privacy section


@anja wrote:

Hallo team.

first i want to thank your for this gread piece of software.

I need some help to put a little javascript in my privacy scetion

 <a href="javascript:gaOptout()">Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics</a>

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Text on suspension message is cut off


@loopback0 wrote:

Spotted by someone else, repro on a different instance.

  • Suspend user
  • User is logged out
  • User logs back in, which is rejected and user gets incorrect message

(14 days from today is June 11th)

Usercard shows it correctly though.

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Invite box is missing - what might disable it?

Discourse does not show the Real Name on a topic page then it (wrongly) assumes it is the same as the Username


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

User has set the Real Name:

But Discourse does not show the Real Name because it assumes it too similar to the Username

The problem code is https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/poster-name.js.es6#L40

if (name && this.get('displayNameOnPosts') && (this.sanitizeName(name) !== this.sanitizeName(username))) {

And sanitize method is defined as: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/poster-name.js.es6#L7

  // sanitize name for comparison
    return name.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s_-]/g,'');

I think it could be better the one of:

  • have possibility to disable such sanitation
  • recode sanitize method as

  // sanitize name for comparison
    return name.toLowerCase().trim();

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'Long Version' Site Description Text


@ChristopherMcEwan wrote:

I am considering using a more extensive 'site description' text as a means of adding more contextual information to the invitation email . Are there limits as to how much text can be included? Where else is the site descriptions used? if I modify it for the email will it trip me up elsewhere?

(question originally posted as part of a discussion in features category on invitation emails. Now moved here where it seems to belong)

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What event is emitted when navigation bar is rewritten?


@hongquan wrote:


I want to rename "Categories" label in the navigation bar to "Forums". I try using JavaScript to replace the text. The action will be done in a handler of the event in which the #navigation-bar element is rewritten.

Can anyone let me know what event it is?

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Emoji aliases not listed in popup

Re-assigning post ownership keeps posts in activity feed


@Oliveriver wrote:

Hi, I'm using an instance of Discourse where I don't have access to the system account but I've been setting up some topics with it using the post ownership re-assignment mod tool. I've run into an issue where posts are still listed under my own profile despite showing as posts by system.

After some searching here I found someone with exactly the same issue and an apparent solution. The issue appears to have been fixed as far back as release v1.3.0.beta3, whereas I'm running v1.3.0.beta9 and still experiencing it. While the installation was updated recently, all the posts were made under v1.3.0.beta6, so possible problems with retroactively fixing counts with posts made before the update shouldn't apply.

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How to move from standalone container to separate web and data containers


@5minpause wrote:

I managed to migrate to two containers. If anyone else needs instructions, this is how it worked for me.

  • stop current standalone container
    ./launcher stop app

  • copy web_only.yml and data.yml from samples/ to containers/ rename them to whatever you’d like

  • if you rename them, please pay attention to the entries volumes: in data.yml and web_only.yml
    If you renamed web_only.yml to web_rocks.yml you need to modify the entry like this:

  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/web_rocks
      guest: /shared
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/web_rocks/log/var-log
      guest: /var/log

Do this in data.yml and web_only.yml accordingly.

  • Start with data.yml and set a password for the database.
  • run ./launcher bootstrap data (or whatever you renamed data to)
  • if everything goes smoothly you need to connect to the container via ssh and get the IP address: ./launcher ssh data (again: replace data with your name)
  • after connecting successfully type ifconfig
  • The results might look like this:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:ac:11:01:3a
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::42:acff:fe11:13a/64 Scope:Link
          UP BROADCAST RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:11657 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:9846 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:3617250 (3.6 MB)  TX bytes:3842216 (3.8 MB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:1307 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1307 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:634713 (634.7 KB)  TX bytes:634713 (634.7 KB)

The important part is right up there in the eth0 block. find inet addr: and take note of the ip address that’s shown. Write it down.

Modify web_only.yml

Somewhere in there you’ll find this block:

  • Enter the password you set inside the data container.
  • Enter the IP address you just wrote down. For DB_HOST and for REDIS_HOST.
  • You probably didn’t change the DB_USERNAME.

You’ll find the values for DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME and many more. You already have these values in your app.yml. Copy them from there.

  • Link your data container to your web container:
    Find these lines (they are commented)

  - link:
      name: data_new_name
      alias: data

If you renamed the data.yml to ‘something_else’ put it in for ‘name’. I renamed my data.yml to data_new_name.yml for this example. Make sure you remove the comments from the lines.

In the hooks section remember to set any additional plugins you already use inside app.yml

Now you should be ready to bootstrap it:
./launcher bootstrap web_only (again with your name)

After this, everything worked again for me and my discourse installation was running again, but now in two separate containers.

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