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Search is limited per-post instead of per-topic?


@simonsarris wrote:

Suppose I have a topic where a user named blah asks a question, and later I reply "you should use someFooMethod"

Suppose I want to find this topic later, where this user has asked a question. I remember the user and I remember what I said, so I do a search for:

user:blah someFooMethod

I would expect to see the topic in the search results, but instead I see no results.

This seems to be because search is only searching individual posts, instead of searching all the text in each topic, so it does not find the topic where user blah asked a question and I gave someFooMethod as the result.

Is there a way to make search look at the entire topic text to match its query instead of just looking at individual posts? I think most forum searching software would find the topic I am looking for with my query.

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Support for custom fields in sync_sso API resource

Adding unique ID to custom user fields


@OnceWas wrote:

I would like to be able to target custom user profile fields with CSS in both the user profile/card, and the user preferences. Currently, all custom user fields get the same div and span class, making it very difficult to have CSS target any single field.

I looked at users.hbs, and this is the relevant section:

        {{#if publicUserFields}}
          <div class="public-user-fields">
            {{#each uf in publicUserFields}}
              {{#if uf.value}}
                <div class="public-user-field">
                  <span class="user-field-name">{{uf.field.name}}</span>:
                  <span class="user-field-value">{{uf.value}}</span>

It would be great to add something that could uniquely identify a custom user field and its value, like this:

<div class="public-user-field" id="{{uf.field.name.sanitized}}">

Where .sanitized would replace spaces with dashes, strip out nasty characters, and convert to lowercase. Embers has underscore and dasherize methods which could go a long way (but to be completely safe, only alphanumeric characters and dashes should be permitted).

I'm nowhere near enough of an Embers and Ruby person to be able to make this change without some pointers.

As a general principle, it would be great to always add classes or ids such that element styling can be modified with custom CSS.

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Adding unique class names to to the elements in the topic map


@OnceWas wrote:

Related in spirit to https://meta.discourse.org/t/adding-unique-id-to-custom-user-fields/29423?u=oncewas, I would like to be able to target elements of the topic map through CSS.

This is another place where CSS can't individually target elements:

The elements in this section are not uniquely accessible.

If anybody would find this helpful, I made the following changes to topic-map.hbs:

<section {{bind-attr class=":map mapCollapsed"}}>
  <ul class="clearfix">
    <li class='topic-map-created'>
      <a href='{{unbound topic.url}}'>
      <h4>{{i18n 'created_lowercase'}}</h4>
      {{avatar details.created_by imageSize="tiny"}}
      {{format-date topic.created_at}}
    <li class='topic-map-lastpost'>
      <a {{bind-attr href="topic.lastPostUrl"}}>
      <h4>{{i18n 'last_reply_lowercase'}}</h4>
      {{avatar details.last_poster imageSize="tiny"}}
      {{format-date topic.last_posted_at}}
      {{number topic.replyCount}}
      <h4>{{i18n 'replies_lowercase' count=topic.replyCount}}</h4>
    <li class='secondary topic-map-views'>
      {{number topic.views class=topic.viewsHeat}}
      <h4>{{i18n 'views_lowercase' count=topic.views}}</h4>
    <li class='secondary topic-map-participants'>
      {{number topic.participant_count}}
      <h4>{{i18n 'users_lowercase' count=topic.participant_count}}</h4>
    {{#if topic.like_count}}
      <li class='secondary topic-map-likes'>
        {{number topic.like_count}}
        <h4>{{i18n 'likes_lowercase' count=topic.like_count}}</h4>
    {{#if details.links.length}}
      <li class='secondary topic-map-links'>
        {{number details.links.length}}
        <h4>{{i18n 'links_lowercase' count=details.links.length}}</h4>
    {{#if showPosterAvatar}}
      <li {{bind-attr class=":avatars mapCollapsed::hidden"}}>
        {{#each p in details.fewParticipants}}
          {{topic-participant participant=p}}

I added a unique class name to each of the elements/list items. This lets you target individual elements in the topic map for styling with CSS.

If the Discourse team finds this useful, I can contribute this change myself, or if anybody else wants to run with it, feel free to take it.

It would be very helpful, as a general development principle, to make sure to add unique classes or ids to HTML elements whenever possible.

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API: Can I authenticate without putting the key in the URL?


@mc0e wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse API Documentation:

An unfortunate (in this context) characteristic of GET parameters is that they get logged all over the place, possibly including the discourse server, load balancers or proxies closer to the client.

Is there a way to provide the authentication details other than as GET parameters? E.g. many APIs allow for them to be passed via a custom HTTP header.

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Grant a badge to individual users manually


@techAPJ wrote:

In this guide we'll be creating a new badge "Scholar" that we will grant to individual users manually. Let's get started!

Create a new custom badge

Create a new custom badge from Admin > Badges page by clicking on "New" button.

Fill out badge details

Fill out the badge details. In our example, I am naming the badge "Scholar" and badge type "Gold".

Note that badge image can either be a font awesome icon or an image URL. In this example I chose the font awesome icon "fa-graduation-cap".

Go to user admin page

Browse to the admin page of the user you want to grant the badge, and click on "Edit Badges" button.

Select the badge

Select the badge which you want to grant to the user. In our case the badge is "Scholar". Now click on "Grant".

Badge granted successfully!

Go to user profile page > Badges tab and you will see newly granted "Scholar" badge!

That's it. Now go grant some badges to your users!

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Upgrade failure version 1.3


@kdurrani wrote:

I got a blank page when following the upgrade link, so I tried upgrading manually with:

  cd  /var/discourse
  git pull
  ./launcher rebuild app

This failed with the following error message:

RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 292 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}

There is also this message higher up:

I, [2015-05-29T18:57:39.834094 #38]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'
2015-05-29 18:57:52 UTC [302-1] discourse@discourse ERROR:  catalog is missing 2 attribute(s) for relid 16563
2015-05-29 18:57:52 UTC [302-2] discourse@discourse STATEMENT:  CREATE  INDEX  "index_topics_on_pinned_globally" ON "topics"  ("pinned_globally") WHERE pinned_globally
rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PG::InternalError: ERROR:  catalog is missing 2 attribute(s) for relid 16563

Could somebody help me with this please? Thanks!

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Suspension reason on User Card seems un-civilized


@cipher1 wrote:

I was going to contact another user privately and I saw that they had been suspended. What surprised me was that the reason they were suspended was displayed.

This seems a bit like public shaming behind the user's back, which doesn't really seem to fit the idea of "Civilized Discourse". I understand that there is a need to indicate a user has been suspended, but is it necessary to indicate why?

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How to mass update everyone's title who has a certain badge?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Improving discovery of the badge title feature:

Is there a way, perhaps even via a rake task, to update everyone's title who has a certain badge? This is something I'd generally like to be able to do, but I also have a particular circumstance now where I've changed the name of a badge and it appears I have to go and edit each user individually to reset the title to reflect the new badge name.

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Tooltip for user menu is not meaningful


@cipher1 wrote:

The menus in the upper right of the screen generally have meaningful tooltip. The one exception is what I refer to as the User menu:

Yes, the tooltip is technically correct, but it is not useful. Knowing that the image is a Profile Picture does not indicate what to expect when clicking on it. This tooltip should be updated to something like "User profile and options" so that it is more consistent with the other menu tooltips.

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Group Tagging System


@KazWolfe wrote:

I'd like to put in a feature request for a group ping notification system. Basically, this allows users to tag members of groups all at once.

Each usergroup gets a unique tag (definable by staff) that can be used by forum members.

To prevent abuse of the tagging system, there should be a permission system similar to the category system. For example, I should be able to define a minimum of TL2 to use a tag, or only allow members of certain groups to use the tags.

There should also be a couple special tags (which can of course be customized):

  • @everyone - A special tag that will ping every user currently on the forum (Default staff only)
  • @staff - Tags all forum staff (Default TL1+)

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Bundler always adds "BUNDLED WITH" to Gemfile.lock


@gerhard wrote:

I just installed a new development environment with the current version of bundler (1.10.1).
When I run bundle install it always changes the Gemfile.lock and adds the following:


That's quite annoying since git always sees a changed file.

Should I revert back to bundler 1.9?
Is there some config option to disable this behavior (I couldn't find one)?
Or can we do something within the Gemfile in order to stop this from happening?

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Grant Admin or Moderator over select topics or categories?


@Ethosyde wrote:

Is there a way to Grant Admin or Moderator over select topics or categories? I want people to have admin or mod over sections in my forums but not the entire forum. Is that possible?

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Moderation stuck?


@Sequence wrote:


Long time reader, short time Discourse user. I'll cut straight to the chase. I've installed Discourse using the preferred docker image and everything seems to be going fine... besides one thing.

For whatever reason, all of the accounts that have registered are stuck in the post moderation queue. Each of the accounts was added as admin, moderator and upgraded to trust level 4. I had turned the 'approve post count' option to 0, but it still happens. I have to put it back to 1 to get the option to approve posts via the hamburger (which i think I saw is a known bug).

Any thoughts or ideas? Could it be because I manually upgrade to Trust Level 4?

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Extended Set of User Fields Resequences itself


@ChristopherMcEwan wrote:

A recent modification increased the available number of user fields from 3 to [a number equal to or greater than 15 - that is as far as I tested].

However, when working with these new fields, they appear to resequence themselves after having been created.

The screenshot below illustrates. The topics were created in a sequence of 1-15. I placed different alphas in front of the sequence identifiers to test whether the list was being sorted alphabetically. So the list was created and intended to display as UF1, MT2, IE3, IE4.... ,UF14,UF15. However, having closed out and gone to test as a new user the list now presents a different sequence with UF14, UF15 being brought to the front along with MT2. This is also the sequence that a new user sees at login.

I presume that the design intent was to present the fields in the order in which they were originally created/laid out.

And yes, i know that I shouldn't hit the new user with 15 questions at login - that is not my intent; this was done for testing purposes (once i noticed that my smaller list was also being resequnced)

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Avatars not loading

Private Message Attachment Issue

TL3 requirements calculation somewhat off


@PJH wrote:

I've had posts liked on 101 of the last 100 days.

And I'm sure the fact that I'll "be promoted soon" has been pointed out before....

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Email not working on registration - but does working in admin


@ankh2054 wrote:

Hi all,

Not sure if anyone else has experienced the same issues, but I've configured discourse to use mandrill.
Email works when I send a test from the admin settings, but when I try to register a new user OR change the email address in a users profile settings, the email does not come through.

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How does Discourse, an Ember app, handle being crawled by search engines?


@glcheetham wrote:

I'm currently code-spelunking through Discourse's source and contemplating using Angular JS and Rails for an application that must be indexable.

I know the general consensus is to use Phantom.js and a little server-side code to serve up pre-rendered pages to search engine crawlers, but I'm interested in how the Discourse team approached this problem.

Any experience you can share?


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