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Anyone have any experience with HAproxy?


@AstonJ wrote:

I've installed Docker on my server and it seems to be working fine, however I already have several sites on this Apache server and I read that we should avoid mod_proxy and use HAproxy instead - but I am unsure how to proceed.

Is it possible to have HAproxy direct all traffic for a specific domain (the Discourse docker container) to a specific port, then everything else as normal?

Any help in getting this configured would be appreciated :- )

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Blank avatar in v1.3.0.beta11 is a feature or a bug?


@trandatnh wrote:

I've just updated discourse to the v1.3.0.beta11 +16 and saw the new blank avatars

I don't know if it is a feature or just a bug?

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How to add header menu links


@ky_metro wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory):

OK, here's a quick how-to based on what I did. If you just want the CSS and header info, skip to the end of this post. Any DOW references are specific to my site, http://driveonwood.com - just substitute your own.

To see this code live, visit http://forum.driveonwood.com. Try resizing the window, open it in Firebug etc.

Disclaimer, I'm not a CSS pro, just a tinkerer. There's likely code presented here that is sub-optimal, extraneous, or incomplete. I have not tested this code apart from my main body of CSS customizations. No lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk.

1. Add links above the header

This is pretty simple, and follows Coding Horror's tutorial. You need a couple of classes and id tags to help with the CSS later. Go to Admin > Customize > CSS/HTML, and make a new sheet. Click on the Header tab, and add the code (see bottom). Customize to whatever you want, links can be internal or to a "mothership" site, or anywhere you like. Keep the names as short as possible and only put absolute essentials in there. I wound up with three links; Home, Store, and Library.

2. Move the links onto the Discourse header

Time for some CSS positioning. On the same sheet as the header code, click the CSS tab, and start adding code.

You need to move the links down and left; I used negative margins to the right, to avoid the stock Discourse controls, and top margin to bring it down onto the stock header. You need to specify a z-index or it will slip under the stock header - not too high or you'll cover the stock controls with your padding. Use Fixed position to keep it in place while you scroll. Tweak these margins to fit your specific use.

 /*Adding DOW links to top - link text section*/
span#top-navbar-links {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  margin:22px 0px 0px -385px;

    div#top-navbar {
    max-width:none; /*remove max width*/
    width: auto; /*prevent other widths taking over*/
    z-index: 1040; /*stays on top of other header*/

3. Style the header links

This part is up to you, I just made it white to match the white Discourse controls (see /admin/customize/colors - I set header primary to white) and changed the text size and spacing a bit to match my other site.

/*Individual links*/
a.dow-menu {
    font-size: 14px;
    padding:0 13px;

4. Making it responsive

Right now it looks great at full width, but as soon as you narrow the browser things start to overlap and get ugly. A couple of media queries will solve that.

This is by far the sketchiest part of my CSS, and could probably use some work.

Set a max-width for every point that there's just barely room for the next menu item. When it breaks over, you'll have to readjust the spacing. In addition to that, Discourse has it's own media query points at which it resizes the menu bar width. Some of the code deals with that. I recommend you copy the code below and read it carefully, apply it one piece at a time and try to understand what it does.

While the window is small enough, you can simply measure from the right side of the screen and do a big padding section to space it out. Over a certain width, Discourse starts to center the screen and you have to use percentage based spacing. This gets over my head, and hopefully a smarter person will suggest a better way. What I have works good enough for me, for now.

Another concern is the title of the post. Long titles will overlap on your new menu items; you need to set a max-width on the title to keep that from happening.

5. The home button

Later on, I decided to add a home icon instead of the whole word. This works better on mobile and saves some space, plus it fits in with the other font-awesome icons - comes out of the same library which the user has loaded with the page. The home icon is loaded before the Home link, and is normally hidden with display:none. On media queries under a certain width, I hide all the nav links and make the home icon visible again.

@media (max-width: 570px) {
    a.dow-menu#store {
    span#top-navbar-links {
        margin:19px 0 0 -220px;

    i.fa.fa-home:before {
        display:initial !important;

Full CSS Code:

/*Adding DOW links to top - link text section*/
span#top-navbar-links {
    display:block !important;
    margin:22px 0 0 0;

/*Start dropping DOW Menu links & shortening title on small windows*/

.extra-info-wrapper .topic-link {

@media (min-width: 1150px) {
    .extra-info-wrapper .topic-link {

@media (max-width: 1149px) {
    div.title-wrapper {

@media (min-width: 999px) {
    /*Adding DOW links to top - link container */
    div#top-navbar {
        max-width:none; /*remove max width*/
        width: auto; /*prevent other widths taking over*/
        z-index: 1040; /*stays on top of other header*/
        left: 58%;

@media (max-width: 998px) {  /*jumpover point, attach to right side*/

    div.title-wrapper {

   /*Adding DOW links to top - link text section*/
span#top-navbar-links {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  margin:22px 0px 0px -385px;

    div#top-navbar {
    max-width:none; /*remove max width*/
    width: auto; /*prevent other widths taking over*/
    z-index: 1040; /*stays on top of other header*/

@media (max-width: 900px) {  /*jumpover point*/
/*div#top-navbar {
    left: 50%;
    div.title-wrapper {

@media (max-width: 725px) {
    a.dow-menu#library {
    div.title-wrapper {
    span#top-navbar-links {

@media (min-width: 571px) {
   i.fa.fa-home:before {

@media (max-width: 570px) {
    a.dow-menu#store {
    span#top-navbar-links {
        margin:19px 0 0 -220px;

    i.fa.fa-home:before {
        display:initial !important;

    span#home-text {

    div.title-wrapper {
        padding-right: 50px;
    .extra-info-wrapper {
        display: block;

@media (max-width:455px) {
    .extra-info-wrapper {
        display: none;

/*Individual links*/
a.dow-menu {
    font-size: 14px;
    padding:0 13px;

Full Header code:

<div id="top-navbar" class="container">
<span id="top-navbar-links" style="display:none;">
  <a href="http://www.driveonwood.com/" class="dow-menu" id="home"><span id="home-text">Home</span>
  <i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
  <a href="http://www.driveonwood.com/store/" class="dow-menu" id="store">Store</a>
  <a href="http://www.driveonwood.com/library/" class="dow-menu" id="library">Library</a>

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Must approve own posts?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I've just upgraded our forum to the latest, then was able to reproduce the following:

  • View that a post is moderated
  • approve it
  • navigate to that post (*)
  • Post a reply
  • Immediately get notified that I need to approve my post.

I'm an admin/moderator on the forum in question.. what site settings might be effecting this?

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How to add slider in home page?


@CarlPham wrote:

Hi all.
I want add slider in home page (above area welcome message).
Any guys can help me.

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Profile Activity failing to load posts until refresh


@Mittineague wrote:

Lately, sometimes when I click my avatar in the upper right to go to my Profile, my posts don't load until I refresh the page.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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How do I filter all e-mails from various Discourse instances?


@vi0oss wrote:

I want all Discourse-generated e-mails to be automatically moved to a folder on e-mail client.

Which rule shall I use for detecting Discourse-originated e-mails? I don't see any obvious tags.

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Navigating from topic to topic via suggested topics is not issuing dom cleanup


@sam wrote:

  1. Go to topic
  2. Expand hamburger
  3. Click on another topic from suggested topic list


Hamburger collapses, mini profiler timings clear and so on.


Clean dom is not called.

This is particularly distracting with MiniProfiler, but also there may be cleanup that when missing causes all sorts of other bugs.

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Saved hidden behind tags box

Site title being used in subject, despite email prefix being used


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Clarification on site_domain_name and site_name:

This is still an issue on my hosted version. Is there some workaround until a fix can be had?

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Admin names getting truncated in posts in Win/Firefox


@scottfsmith wrote:

I have two users on Windows 8.1 and Firefox 38.0.5 which are seeing admin names having their ends truncated (as well as the badge being missing).

Here is an example. The screenshot is from my computer (Mac/Safari) showing how its supposed to look and the inset is the user's screenshot of what they see.

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Error moving posts


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I'm seeing this on one of the discourse I manage, when trying to move two posts to a new topic

ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_users_on_topic_id_and_user_id"
DETAIL:  Key (topic_id, user_id)=(266, 177) already exists.
:       INSERT INTO topic_users(user_id, topic_id, notification_level, notifications_reason_id)
           SELECT user_id, 266, 3, 6
             FROM category_users
            WHERE notification_level = 3
              AND category_id = 24
              AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM topic_users WHERE topic_id = 266 AND user_id = category_users.user_id)

I've upgraded to latest, and still see it.

What can I do here?

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Jpeg-recompress not found


@fuerst wrote:

Got this in shared/standalone/log/rails/unicorn.stderr.log:

jpegrecompress worker: `jpeg-recompress` not found; please provide proper binary or disable this worker (--no-jpegrecompress argument or `:jpegrecompress => false` through options)

Any ideas how to fix that?

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Plugin Oulet Locations

Errors upon errors with embedding Discourse


@5minpause wrote:

I embedded a Discourse Docker multisite installation with separate data and web containers.
After some rebuilds I am using version v1.3.0.beta11 +7 now.
Before I used version v1.3.0.beta7. I always received some javascript errors but it still worked. Right now the embedding doesn't work as the JavaScript doesn't load due to errors.
These are my error messages:

I am using a plugin to prevent cross-origin-request errors: https://github.com/TheBunyip/discourse-allow-same-origin.git

These are my embed settings:

My logs show these errors:

Uncaught ReferenceError: iom is not defined
Url: http://forum.lauffeuer-lb.de/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lauffeuer-lb.de%2Fteams%2Flkz-team%2Fmartina-kutterer%2Fnoch-besser-als-eiscreme
Line: 64
Column: 1
Window Location: http://forum.lauffeuer-lb.de/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lauffeuer-lb.de%2Fteams%2Flkz-team%2Fmartina-kutterer%2Fnoch-besser-als-eiscreme

I am stuck. Does anyone have an idea what's wrong here? It should just work but it's really a drag to get this to work properly and reliably.

Thank you.

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Tracking weight using Discourse


@manvfat wrote:

Apologies if this belongs in Extensibility and please move if so!

I use (and love) Discourse to run a forum that provides free help for men who want to lose weight. One of the popular features of the forum is a regular weigh in, many guys don't feel comfortable going to mostly-female weight loss groups so - as ever - the internet is our friend.

I'm trying to figure out a way to allow guys to post their weight and have Discourse remember it. That way when they've lost 5lbs/10lbs/etc then they can get a badge/notification. It would also allow other members to see where they've been.

Can anyone think of any smart ways to have that functionality on the forum, other than just adding it to their profile? I love the way bodybuilding.com has it as part of the profile questions -

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions. The forum is at www.talk.manvfat.com - all constructive feedback welcomed!

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Big Picture Features Poll


@erlend_sh wrote:

Let's try a new (but old) feedback flow. Instead of the usual complaint-driven development, let's try the good old poll, from democracies of old. I'm not hoping for any kind of decision to be made here. Just trying to gauge interest.

What is your most-wanted, big picture feature for Discourse?


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Is it possible to create a "private group" within Discourse?


@Clara wrote:


Does anyone knows if it is possible to create an "invite-only" topic for discussion and how to do it?

Also, is it possible to delete a topic after I've created it?

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Discourse is (still) confusing


@AstonJ wrote:

'Latest', 'New' and 'Unread' just don't give you what you'd expect imo - the last two in particular.

I strongly suggest changing to:

Latest - shows all the latest threads/posts BUT any threads with unread posts are in bold. This lets you quickly see which threads have activity and which ones warrant your attention. (Alt: 'Latest Posts' or 'Latest Activity')

Change 'New' to 'Latest Threads' - to show all latest threads with the newest at the top (don't just limit to the last few days, but by number or unlimited).

Change 'Unread' to 'Watched Threads' - and list ALL watched threads, but again, show any threads with unread posts in bold or with the number of unread posts.

I feel this will make Discourse much more intuitive and easy to get into because it is much more descriptive and better reflects what you will get at each. I also feel these changes would make it a lot more useful (by listing all threads rather just a handful - in watched/latest threads).

Agree? Disagree? (Why?)

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How to get a feed from a password protected Discourse?


@strategeek wrote:

Hello. I need to display password protected Discourse feed on the external site. How to do that?

Other sites suggest using this structure http://[username]:[password]@[domain]/[path]
But for Discourse it doesn't work.

By the way, the external site that I want to show the feed is a wordpress page. Discourse is linked to this page with SSO.

Any ideas?

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