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Username Used for Sending Flagged & Hidden Post PM


@Er00 wrote:

When enough people flag a post for it to be hidden, a PM is sent. However this PM doesn't come from the System user (at least not on my forum) as most System-y posts do. I can't find a setting to alter who it does come from, but I would like to change it.

Anyone know where I can set that?

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Dropdown does not dismiss when clicking on links


@tgxworld wrote:

Recently, we made a change where clicking on a link in the dropdown would dismiss it.

However, I just discovered that clicking on links while the dropdown is active does not dismiss it.

I spent some time coming up with a fix but was unable to do so. sadpanda

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Use new/absent feature to redirect to Categories


@jesselperry wrote:

I'd like to use the "Redirect users to top page" setting to instead push those new/long absent people to the Categories page. Does anyone suggest the best way to do this?
(I don't list the "Top" page on the navigation menu, so there won't be people going there otherwise, so I can safely push every visitor of /top to /categories)

question Bonus question: Does anyone know what is considered a "long absent" user and how long one is considered "new"? Because I default all new users to TL2 (it's a closed paid-only community, so spam isn't an issue), so hopefully "new" is based on time, not trust level.


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Error when inviting new users


@marchdoe wrote:

Seeing a console error when trying to invite new users.

This only started appearing after upgrading to 1.4.0.beta4, and occurs on the admin/users/list/active page when clicking on the "send invites" button.

Console error = Uncaught Error: There is no route named user.invited

screenshot of console expanded - http://cl.ly/image/2n260X0r0Y46

Has anyone seen this before?

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Plugin suggestion - Set "watching" as default for a specific category on user signup


@adierteschik wrote:


I'm looking for a way to add every new user as a "watcher" in an updates category automatically as he/she signs up for our discourse instance.
All I could find were instructions on how to run a specific piece of code to change it for existing users in the database: https://meta.discourse.org/t/setting-defaults-to-enable-mailing-list-mode-temporary-solution/25645

So, I'm thinking of writing one myself.. Is anyone else working on something similar? Any tips/how2s/things I should know?

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Migration fails during restore


@Stelmsind wrote:

I'm trying to restore a backup I made earlier this evening and I'm getting the following error message:

[2015-07-13 21:15:05] CREATE INDEX
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] CREATE INDEX
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] Enabling readonly mode...
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] Pausing sidekiq...
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs...
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] Switching schemas... try reloading the site in 5 minutes, if successful, then reboot and restore is complete.
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] Migrating the database...
[2015-07-13 21:15:05] EXCEPTION:

No migration with version number 20150709021818

[2015-07-13 21:15:05] /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.10/lib/active_record/migration.rb:952:in `migrate'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.10/lib/active_record/migration.rb:814:in `up'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.10/lib/active_record/migration.rb:798:in `migrate'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.10/lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake:34:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib/rake/task.rb:240:in `call'

Very strange, as I haven't upgraded or changed the discourse version since the install earlier on today.

Version: v1.4.0.beta4 +66

Any got any ideas?

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Static pages plugin


@hauleth wrote:


Location: https://github.com/hauleth/low_voltage

Authors: @hauleth

Simple plugin to add "static" pages to Discourse instance. For now usage is kind of complicated at it needs to fetch static pages from app/views/pages. Ideas for future implements:

  • Create DB model to hold pages
  • Adding admin page that will allow editing that pages
  • Custom styles for static pages

Any help appreciated.

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Problem logging in using SSO plugin


@fseno wrote:

When I try to login from my wp site, i get this error: Too many redirects occurred trying to open.
discourse site is here: http://forum.mercenarytrader.com

could it be that the secret key has changed? Tried to rebuild app from terminal but still can't access the site.

Is there a way to disable SSO on discourse from terminal?

Sorry I'm new to all this. Thanks

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Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive - despite having changed all the settings I can find


@Stelmsind wrote:


On short posts I'm still getting:

Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive

But I have set all of the following configuration:

min post length: 1
min first post length: 1
body min entropy: 1
min topic title length: 1
title min entropy: 1

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Showing title edit and category changes as replies


@codinghorror wrote:

As part of the "muting" of staff messages @eviltrout will be working on maybe late this week or possibly next week...

This will extend to many other topic state changes: pin, archive, banner, unlist, and so forth. Any message you used to see in yellow will be in this newer, muted style.

I was thinking, along the way we might want to add an option to show category changes and title edits in the same way, inline in the topic.

Kind of like how GitHub does it:

This is, strictly speaking, duplicating the edit history that already exists in the first post of the topic. It would just make category changes and title edits much more visible and public.

Is this useful as a default? Could get a bit noisy if the OP decides to edit their title five times, on the other hand, seeing topics get recategorized makes it clearer when and why "gardening" is going on, etc.

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"Latest" in top menu shows " [nb_NO.filters.latest.title]

Image expansion button doesn't work for spoilered images, preview images not resized

Cannot invite a group to a message


@fefrei wrote:

If you use the Invite Others... button in a message...

...I cannot invite a group to the message, even though I have the necessary permissions.

I currently have the same issue for topic invites, although I am sure they have been working at least sometimes.

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Convert Unicode standard emojis to selected emoji set


@AdamCapriola wrote:

I've recently gotten accustomed to inserting emojis via keyboard and I noticed that the emojis will remain the inserted set rather than be converted to the set selected in the Discourse settings.

:frog: frog


U+1F438 🐸

I'm used to Twitter converting the emoji to their set on the web version. (On the app it keeps them uniformly Apple emoji.) I'm in favor of consistency, so I'd like to see them all match whatever set is chosen in your settings.

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Images sometimes don't keep their sizes

Borders have a unsweet spot of window size

How to backup Docker discourse from command-line before rebuilding broken Discourse?


@trudat wrote:

I set up a Discourse site, and a couple days later it suddenly stopped working - tries to load for a couple minutes then "This web page is not available - ERR_CONNECTION_RESET". It might be a RAM issue.
I am ready to use the launcher scripts to rebuild the container. But if possible I would like to backup the content that was added to the site so far.
Is there a preferred way to backup the DB and/or uploaded files manually from the command line?
I've been unable to track down the pgsql credentials in order to do a pgdump.

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Trouble with activation links with web port other than 80, again


@Blaisorblade wrote:

I just installed discourse through Docker, running on port 8008 (because port 80 is unavailable, and I'm not going to setup reverse proxying for now). Yet, activation links don't include port 8008 so they don't work unless corrected by hand. How do I inform Discourse of the port it's running behind?

An earlier discussion, Trouble with activation links with web port other than 80, suggested:

but this setting appears to have been removed.

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Latest post view reports new posts for filtered categories


@steve_pd wrote:

Relatively straightforward one, we filter out one category from our latest view due to the sheer volume of posts which are filed under it.

AFAIK the method we use to filter, Latest,-News, is the correct/supported way to do it.

When new articles are posted to that filtered category however, Discourse continues to indicate that there are new posts at the top with the '1 new or updated topic, click to show' message. This obviously confuses users, as clicking on the notification row doesn't reveal new/updated posts.

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Post age times aren't visually consistent


@steve_pd wrote:

I can understand why it might be happening, but it's a little confusing to see post ages rounded up to 24h rather than 1d, particularly when those 24h posts are preceded by posts 1d old.

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