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"Why Not Create a topic?" in category without topic creating permissions


@SlashmanX wrote:

Just a small nitpick I guess, but the link and text in the following image seem confusing.

From that text it makes me feel like clicking "Why not create a topic" will create a topic in the current category, however as I don't have suitable permissions to, it sets the category to 'uncategorized'

This seems very unintuitive to me, maybe get rid of that link (and the 'New Topic' button) if you cannot actually create a topic in that category?

Related to https://meta.discourse.org/t/creating-a-topic-where-permission-does-not-exist-assumes-uncategorised/18801

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How can I create a topic that won't get emailed?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I need to create a reference topic in our forum that is not emailed to everyone, but that people can see.

I could create it in my forum's Lounge, etc, edit it, then move it to somewhere visible.

Are we sure that it won't get emailed to people once it's visible?

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Error moving sub category to top level


@boomzilla wrote:

On 1.4 Beta 6, I tried to move a category with a parent to be its own top level category. I get an error message in the dialog ("Sorry an error has occurred"). Chrome's dev tools say:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

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Renaming stable branch to LTS, dropping beta


@Blaisorblade wrote:

Quite a few people (including me) wonder at some point why Discourse runs a beta version as default. Jeff explains that "beta" is in fact stable enough for production use:

But if you should run beta in production, maybe it shouldn't be called beta! Maybe, instead, the "stable" branch should be renamed to explain it's more stable than usual — for instance, Jenkins uses the "LTS" label for this.

Ignoring for a second compatibility issues (branch names would need updating in YML files), do you think such names would make sense, at least in version names?

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Infinite load on Categories page


@Yuun wrote:

Well, "infinite", so far a few minutes.

If you switch from, for example, the latest page to the categories page, the categories page won't load. You can still get the categories page by refreshing, but so it goes.

This is observable on these Meta forums, as well as my forums (plugins: lazyYT, poll). Using Chrome, Win7 64bit.

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[en.action_codes.null] at the beginning of all posts in profile display


@Yuun wrote:

Not much to add to the title, visible on meta forums. Little weird thing. smile


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Some tags not showing any topics


@lisajill wrote:


We have a bunch of tags on our system. In some cases we have folks that click on those tags and see no topics.

I wasn't able to reproduce... then I had an idea. Muted categories.

It turns out this person has most categories muted as they were being overwhelmed by notifications. I'm not sure if this is the cause but it is the primary difference in our accounts. The other is that her account is a moderator and I am an admin.

It is very unintuitive to see a tag with a count number after it and then see no posts in there. Is there something we can do here? The topics should be visible; they're not in protected categories or any such thing.

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Feature request: sorting tags


@lisajill wrote:

We have had numerous complaints that the tags list makes absolutely no sense and it is very hard to find a tag in there.

We need a way to do different sorting on this, primarily alphabetical.

Please? smile

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Moving "off-topic" flagged posts should automatically clear the flags


@niaccurshi wrote:

Hi, hopefully this is the right category to post in, please feel free to move it.

We had a thread/topic on a forum that was going wildly off topic, and so a tranche of posts got flagged by the users with the "off-topic" flag.

Rather than have them sit there as off-topic, hidden, we thought we'd move them to their own thread since the discussion was valid just not relevant to the thread they were in.

This was the new thread created: https://talk.turtlerockstudios.com/t/allowing-skin-perk-picks-when-entering-in-progress-game-discussion/65431/

It'd be great if posts that are flagged off-topic that get moved to a new or existing thread have any off-topic flag status removed from them, since the act of moving the post (rather than deleting or ignoring) feels like it should signal that the post is being put in to an area where it is no longer off-topic.

As it happens it seems that we're then having issues unflagging these posts after the move, just as an extra bit of information.

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Speed advice — anything goes


@Dmitry_Krasnoperov wrote:

I would like to find way yo optimize my Discourse install.
I have DO hosting with 2GB. It is hosted in German, but main audience is located in Russia and East Europe.

The typical Navigation Timing API values looks like that:

Where is room for improvement? It looks like I don't need moar RAM.

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Old topic containing newly deleted post still appears at the top


@chrisalley wrote:

A spam user recently revived some old topics from years ago, pushing the topics to the top of the list (when ordering topics by "Latest"). Upon deleting the user, and their posts, the topics still appear at the top of the list. This seems confusing for other users who may ask "why were these old topics appearing at the top of the list that don't contain new posts?"

It is there a way to revert the topics to their correct position in the list (chronologically)? IMO it would make sense for this to happen by default, but perhaps there is a good design decision behind the current behaviour.

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Admins still see deleted posts days later

"Recently joined" widget for WordPress (Illustrated Tutorial)


@meglio wrote:

In this tutorial, we are going to display recently joined Discourse members in a WordPress widget.

What will you need

  • Admin rights in your Discourse (or ask an admin for an API key)
  • Twig Anything WordPress plugin
  • 10-15 minutes of time

Table of contents

  1. Locate the information you need in Discourse
  2. Find the right Discourse API to use
    • A trick to make it really easy
  3. Learn the data returned by API
  4. Create a Twig Template in WordPress
    • More about Data URL
  5. Enter HTML template
    • Make usernames clickable
    • Display avatars
    • Display time since joined
    • Filter out blocked and suspended users
    • Limit to only show 5 users
    • Save & Publish your template
  6. Embed in a WordPress widget

Step 1. Locate the information you need in Discourse

For some reason, the only place you can get the list of your forum members ordered by creation time is the administration panel.

Open your Admin panel in Discourse, click Users, then click New. You will see the list of your forum members recently joined, the most recent ones coming first:

Step 2. Find the right Discourse API to use

Now that we can literally see the information that we want to retrieve from Discourse, we have to identify which API we want to call to get the information.

Open Developer Tools in Google Chrome:

Select the Chrome menu at the top-right of your browser window, then select Tools > Developer Tools.

Click on the Network tab and then on the XHR section:

A trick to make it really easy

Now, here is a trick. Click on the Active tab and then immediately on the New tab and notice how new requests are sent to the server - active.json and new.json respectively:

It is intuitively understood that new.json is what we need, so click on it and copy the Request URL, but without the ?_=143... part:


Step 3. Learn the data returned by API

Click on the response tab and copy all text:

Open a json viewer tool
and paste the response text into the left panel,
then click on the arrow to beautify it:

Now you can explore your API data in a nice way and figure out which information you want for your widget in WordPress.

Step 4. Create a Twig Template in WordPress

Click on the Add New under the Twig Templates menu in your WordPress administration panel:

Give your template a title and configure as on the following screenshot:

  • Source Type = URL - this means we want to fetch data from a URL
  • Data Format = JSON - this means the data fetched is in JSON format
  • Cache lifetime in seconds - keep empty for now, will explain later
  • Data errors handling - leave as is, more explanations below
  • Data URL - this is where we have to put our URL from step 2.

Data URL

Because the information we need from Discourse is found in the discourse admin panel, we can only access it by appending an API key to our URL. So, add this to the end of your URL:


Replace XXX with a discourse username and YYY with the corresponding API key.

Step 5. Enter HTML template

We can start making up the output that we want in WordPress.
We will need a bit of HTML and Twig syntax, but both are pretty easy, just keep reading.

Back to our json editor from Step 3, let's see what data we will need:

First of all, notice that the topmost element is an array. This means we can loop over it in our HTML template.

The data retrieved via API is passed to your template as data variable.
To loop over it, use the Twig's for syntax:

{% for user in data %}
  {{ user.username }} <br/>
{% endfor %}

Enter the code above into your Twig Template and click on the Preview button:

The preview screen opens and here we go!

Make usernames clickable

Public user profiles in Discourse can be accessed via a link like this:

http://your-discourse-website.com/users/XXX (replace XXX with a lowercase username)

To make the usernames in our widget clickable, let's use the <a> HTML tag:

{% for user in data %}
  <a href="http://forum.kozovod.com/users/{{user.username_lower}}">
{% endfor %}

Notice how we use another field from the API - username_lower.

Clicking on the Preview button shows our new template code in action:

Display avatars

In the JSON-editor, you will see there is a field named avatar_template:

If you append this avatar template to your Discourse URL and replace {size} with a number indicating the size of the avatar square, you will get the actual avatar image. For example:


Or a smaller version:


(the links above can break with time)

We can use this knowledge to show user avatars in our "recently joined" list:

{% for user in data %}
  <img src="http://forum.kozovod.com{{ user.avatar_template|replace({'{size}':'26'}) }}" />
  <a href="http://forum.kozovod.com/users/{{user.username_lower}}">
{% endfor %}

Here we're using the Twig's replace function.
Now if you click the Preview button, you will see something like this:

Display time since joined

To display the age since a user registered, use the created_at_age field:

{% for user in data %}
  <img src="http://forum.kozovod.com{{ user.avatar_template|replace({'{size}':'26'}) }}" />
  <a href="http://forum.kozovod.com/users/{{user.username_lower}}">
  <small style="color: gray">{{ user.created_at_age }}</small>
{% endfor %}

And voila!

Filter out blocked and suspended users

It would be logical not to show any blocked and/or suspended users in our list.
For this, we would use these two fields from our API result:

Adding an if in the loop would do the job:

{% for user in data if (not user.suspended and not user.blocked) %}
{% endif %}

Limit to only show 5 users

This one may seem a bit more complicated, but let me break it down so that it is easy to understand.

First, we will need a counter of how many posts have been displayed already, so add this in the very beginning of your HTML template:

{% set num = 1 %}

Next, we want to increment the counter every time a username is rendered, so just before the end of the loop, add this:

  {% set num = num + 1 %}
{% endfor %}

Finally, wrap your output inside the loop in {% if %}:

{% if num <= 5 %}
{% endif %}

Now altogether:

{% set num = 1 %}
{% for user in data if (not user.suspended and not user.blocked) %}
  {% if num <= 5 %}
    <img src="http://forum.kozovod.com{{ user.avatar_template|replace({'{size}':'26'}) }}" />
    <a href="http://forum.kozovod.com/users/{{user.username_lower}}">
    <small style="color: gray">{{ user.created_at_age }}</small>
  {% endif %}
  {% set num = num + 1 %}
{% endfor %}

Now only 5 most recent new forum members are shown in the preview:

Save & Publish your template

Once you are satisfied with the template output, don't forget to publish it by clicking the Publish button. Only published templates can be embedded in WordPress. This follows the same logic as with posts and pages: if a post is not published, it is not seen by the public.

Step 6. Embed in a WordPress widget

It's show time!

Copy the slug of your template, which can be found just under the template title:

In your Widgets administration panel, drag the Twig Template widget to a widget area (you might have more than one widget areas available):

Give your widget a title and enter the slug we just copied:

Click Save. Done! Now check your home page's sidebar and smile!

What next?

  • Grab Twig Anything and install it to your WordPress
  • Read the Twig Anything announcement topic
  • Read about what happens if WordPress can't fetch data from Discourse at some point in time
  • If you are using Visual Composer, see the demo
  • Read the Twig documentation
  • Ask me any questions in this thread: another tutorial? template snippets? more features?
  • If you are using Twig Anything already, show us how!

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Installing Discourse on Win 8.1 development machine that has enabled hyperv so can't use Virtualbox


@Will_Grosett wrote:

Newbie to Discourse, very new to Docker as well so hopefully this isn't a stupid question.

I've enabled hyperv - I'm running a Windows 8.1 development machine, which stops me from being able to use Virtualbox - is there a simple way to get up and running with Discourse locally using a Docker hyperv provider?

Any pointers to other documentation would be great.



I tried switching the provider in the vagrant config but this simply says that the box it downloads is for a Virtualbox provider

>     H:\vagrant\discourse\discourse>vagrant up
>     Bringing machine 'default' up with 'hyperv' provider...
>     ==> default: Verifying Hyper-V is enabled...
>     ==> default: Box 'discourse/discourse-1.3.0' could not be found. Attempting to f
>     ind and install...
>         default: Box Provider: hyperv
>         default: Box Version: >= 0
>     ==> default: Adding box 'discourse/discourse-1.3.0' (v0) for provider: hyperv
>         default: Downloading: http://discourse-vms.s3.amazonaws.com/discourse-1.3.0.
>     box
>         default: Progress: 100% (Rate: 1771k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
>     The box you attempted to add doesn't match the provider you specified.

>     Provider expected: hyperv
>     Provider of box: virtualbox

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Does anyone know if a hyperv provider has been created?


@Will_Grosett wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse as Your First Rails App:

Does anyone know if a hyperv provider has been created?

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How to allow two-char usernames?


@wangerin wrote:

Continuing the discussion from What are the rules for usernames?:

Is there a way to allow two-char usernames?

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Discourse API: Current user


@PabloNeirotti wrote:

Hi there!

With time, I've been making my website and it's forum become more like one. In example, when an article is published, it creates a Discourse thread, and all comments post in there, show up as the comment section of the article on the website. Unification! smiley

Now I wanted to bring more of the user profile into the website, but I can't figure out if there is a way, with the Discourse API, to check the current logged in user. So I can show the Avatar, their badge, and so on.

Is there any way to do this?

Thank you for your time and for making the best forum software to date.

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Compact styling for full page search is not ideal


@erlend_sh wrote:

Is this intended to be permanent?

It's always fun to see Discourse tackling alternative topic templates, but I don't understand what the intent is here. If there ever was a context in which a column-based made sense, it's search. That way you can re-sort your search by:

  • most replies
  • most views
  • most recent activity

...with a button-click.

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Spoiler tags and embedded Markdown/BBCode issue


@RaceProUK wrote:

Don't know if this is a known thing or not, but reporting it anyway.

It appears Markdown and BBCode aren't parsed inside spoiler tags:

[spoiler]Hello **Discourse** peeps![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Hello [b]Discourse[/b] peeps![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Hello <b>Discourse</b> peeps![/spoiler]

Hello **Discourse** peeps!

Hello [b]Discourse[/b] peeps!

Hello <b>Discourse</b> peeps!

Hello **Discourse** peeps!

Hello [b]Discourse[/b] peeps!

Hello Discourse peeps!

Hello **Discourse** peeps!

Hello [b]Discourse[/b] peeps!

Hello Discourse peeps!

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Imported users not receiving verification emails due to massive Sidekiq backlog


@will_io wrote:

I just launched my forum after importing from vBulletin.

The user flow leading up to the error:

Imported user enters old username and password > successful login > verification email sent to user > USER NEVER GETS THE EMAIL

I have gone through the email troubleshooting guide located here:

Everything seems to be fine and well.

✓ app.yml looks good
✓ DigitalOcean not the issue
✓ Mandrill working fine
✓ Test Emails through Admin Interface get sent
✓ Re-built several times just to be sure SiteSettings correspond with the cache
✓ PTR record checks out fine

I think my issue is with sidekiq but I am not certain so I am going to provide some information that I have:

ps -ef | grep sidekiq
root     28274  6811  0 20:02 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto sidekiq
1000     31174 31145 98 18:56 ?        01:05:43 sidekiq 3.3.4 discourse [5 of 5 busy]

Any ideas? @sam??

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