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Notifications not showing


@barryparr wrote:

I have indicator saying I have a notification, but the menu is blank when I click on it. This was a problem today. But I upgraded to the new version with no improvement.

also when I try to view notifications from inside my profile, I get this:

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How do I stop human spammers?


@Mohammad wrote:

I am unfortunately tired of deleting Spammers on my discourse forum. Above 200 user logins have been registered within the past few hours and have been posting spam on the forum. I have now allowed only Trust Level 1 users to create topics.

From what I observed it looks like a Spam bot or some sort of software that creates user profiles and penetrates through Discourse Security. I am really worried about fighting so much spam on my forum. I have never experienced this before. It is happening since 3 days.

The "Needs approval" system is ignoring most of the spam and is really not helpful in this case.

Would really need some serious help on this.

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After Configure app.yml I got this error


@Siraj_M wrote:

NOW everything is going on right but at the end when we ./launcher bootstrap appduring launching it gives this error, on this forum I search about this error here but clearly understand about it. Please help me on that last place.

(<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 66 column 28 -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8
YAML syntax error. Please check your /var/discourse/containers/*.yml config files.

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User-selectable Home screen


@Tom_Newsom wrote:

We have our Home screen set to Categories, so that newbies and occasional visitors are aware of the structure and content on offer (it's important for drawing in new members to our organisation). However, "core" users are already used to how things are laid out and would rather see the Latest stream.

The interface would be a simple dropdown in User Preferences, containing the items from the Top Menu (as set in admin).

This could further be controlled by an "Allow users to set home screen" tickbox underneath the Top Menu options in admin.

(Yes, I know "bookmarks" is an answer, but this isn't great for mobile or logging in from a new device, and it's always easy to hit the site logo.)

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Bu yazılım bedavamıdır?


@HAkan_Ay wrote:


a sayın yetkili merak ediyorum bu yazılım bedavamıdır? indirmek istiyorum fakat indiremedim.

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Invitation for new participants?


@JeffreyKeefer wrote:

We have our new site up http://forum.networkedlearning.net/ and ready for our discussion series that begins in October, and as a result are giving the Category page as the landing page in the interim http://forum.networkedlearning.net/categories.

This system is new for our diverse community, and we are wondering if anybody uses an initial sign-up or similar topic to invite people to create a basic account so they will then receive notifications when the actual discussion begins? Any suggestions?

While I would love for our community to continue its discussions, we are maintaining our previous traditions of intense weeks of discussion (something we can reconsider once we get through our first chat). Thank you!

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Not receiving Discourse emails after successful installation


@Siraj_M wrote:

Couple of hours ago, we installed discourse and now it is running. After complete installation, we sign up as a admin and got an activation email successfully. But now when we try to invite someone or add someone person then not getting emails. I'm confuse, we are using Mailgun SMTP settings running on discourse. But our domain is not verify on Mailgun, is it a reason of this problem happening?
At this time we can not use mandrill because it's costly and we are initial business beginners. Because help me to resolve this problem.

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Missing canonical URL on direct post links


@sam wrote:

Continuing the discussion from:

We are missing canonical URLs on specific post links eg


This has regressed and is hurting google juice.

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Setting to disable avatar education message


@Falco wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Optimizing letter avatar rendering:

We need a Site Setting to disable education message for change avatar when we already have it customized through the new default avatar system.

It looks the check is made here:

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Is there a "log_in" SSO API endpoint?


@dradtke wrote:

According to this post, logging out from an SSO session is as easy as sending a POST request to /admin/users/{USER_ID}/log_out, which I managed to get working fairly easily. My question is, is there an equivalent for logging a user in? I tried /session/sso, but ended up getting a 401 error.

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updatePage not defined on sidekiq scheduler page


@cviebrock wrote:

If I load /sidekiq/scheduler?poll=true on my installation (version v1.4.0.beta12), Chrome dev tools complains:

scheduler?poll=true:1089 Uncaught ReferenceError: updatePage is not defined

And the page doesn't poll for updates. Just a typo, maybe? I took a look at the /sidekiq/javascripts/application.js file, but it's minified and obfuscated, so that function doesn't exist there.


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First post shows itself as "1 Reply"

Where is the second answer?

Manually restoring a Discourse backup for development


@riking wrote:

You've got yourself a Discourse backup file and want to load it into your development database, without using the web UI, or potentially with a different database name. Cool!

This will assume you already have a Postgres database server running, and you've already run the createdb command if appropriate.

Restoring the backup manually is easy, you just need a couple extra SQL statements on the end to switch the schema over.

$ tar zxvf backup-file.tar.gz
# you now have the dump.sql and meta.json files
$ DATABASE=discourse_development
$ psql $DATABASE < dump.sql
$ psql $DATABASE <<END
ALTER SCHEMA restore RENAME TO public;
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Guide based off this post.

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Admin wrench overlaps notifications menu


@AdamCapriola wrote:

Not sure why the z-index of the notifications menu isn't giving it priority (it's 1100; the wrench is 1000). Changing the z-index of .show-topic-admin to 999 seems to fix it but I don't know if that's all there is to this...


(I'm on v1.4.0.beta12 +131 and testing on Chrome + Safari on OSX.)

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Why some images aren't automatically downloaded?

Wordpress and discourse on the same server


@kfk wrote:

Any guide on installing wordpress and discourse on the same server? I know you probably need a reverse proxy, but I don't have experience with this, plus I am wondering how the suggested set up is.

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"Currently upgrading" even after a rebuild


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I've just given a discourse I manage the three command solute:

  • cd /var/discourse
  • git pull
  • ./launcher rebuild app

The rebuild appears to go well, I can log in, etc. however- the admin panel still says "upgrading" and will not accept a click to upgrade routine.

What can be done to reset this?

(FWIW This is the same instance that ran out of room during a previous one-click upgrade via the Admin panel.)

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"Paste as plain text" Not working (Might be a Chrome issue)


@Jeffrey_L_Frusha wrote:

Checked in test messages here, as well as at seasteading.org, in both Firefox and Chrome. I don't know if this is a Discourse bug, or a Chrome bug (since that's where I get the option).

In Chrome, I get the option, when I right-click to paste a link, to "Paste as plain text" but it won't do it. I have to manually remove the 'https//' to post a video url, without it going to the video player.

In Firefox, I don't even get the option in the pull up menu. As a 'user', I am only reporting something I've found. It may not even be a Discourse issue.

Posting this message is via Chrome.

Example: (right-click, selected "Paste as plain text"

"Paste as plain text"...

//youtu.be/p_UXnyP-8lA (manually retracted)

Simply pasted link

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How to enable whispers to be created by basic users?


@Knagis wrote:

We are running the latest-release+131 but the test users (trust level = basic user though I did try raising that to level3) do not see the gear icon in composer that enable toggling the "whisper" mode.

My account is moderator&admin and the gear icon is there.

I enabled and disabled the "enable whispers" setting but that did not have any effect.

Is there some additional conditions that need to happen for the whisper to be enabled?

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