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Importing Tags into Discourse?


@AltanticGold wrote:

We'd like to be able to surface our relevant forum threads on other pages within our site, so we’d need to be able to import our own tags in bulk into Discourse to ensure that threads can be tagged using the same tagging structure as the rest of our site.

Is there a way to do this?

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Object object when replying in linked topic


@omfg wrote:

On a site hosted by Discourse I tried to reply to a comment in a linked topic.
But when I clicked on the link I got my editor pre populated with:
[object Object]

I am using Safari on current iPad Air.

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Read-only account for sales prospects please?!


@mjarvis wrote:

Our discourse forum is only for customers who buy our software. All categories are closed to the public. But we want to entice prospects (close to buying but not yet customers) by giving them a read only account. They would be able to login and browse the categories, but not post or reply, and we keep the forum private.

I'm told that's not yet possible, but it would be a really powerful sales tool for us. Prospects would be able to see the great discussions our customers have (and see how great discourse software is!)

Any ideas if that can be developed? Thank you!

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Runsv hanging on Docker container shutdown


@andybalholm wrote:

This morning we did some routine upgrades on our server (you know, the ones Ubuntu always nags you to do). The packages that were upgraded included the kernel and Docker.

Now when we stop our Docker container with Discourse in it, it hangs in runsv. One or more runsv processes inside the container hang, consuming 100% CPU. top shows the CPU usage as "system" usage, so they are hung inside the kernel somewhere. Because of this, they can't be killed even with SIGKILL; we need to reboot the server.

We're running Ubuntu 14.04.03, 64-bit, with kernel version 3.13.0-73. The Docker version is 1.9.1.

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Non admin has access to closed category


@AlexBCodecademy wrote:

So I have a closed category for our forum moderators.

A non moderator was able to comment on a thread in our category that's locked. I looked at the category permissions and confirmed he does not meet any of those, check this users badges, groups and user level - nothing!

I am super confused. I impersonated him and was able to see the closed thread with direct link, see below:

He can't see the category - that's not showing up, but I am wondering how he got here?

Thank you.

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Does a plugin exist to create a gamification/badge UI?


@Stuman wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm new to using Discourse and I am also not good at writing SQL queries. Does anyone know if there is a plugin out there that will allow for me to create badges using a UI instead of writing the query?

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Discourse server slower after update


@PureSin wrote:


At my work we have a fork of the discourse-docker repo and host it on an EC2 instance. This Wednesday I pulled in changes from the original repo (starting from commit: https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/commit/4e0c969be01d2b11bcabaefeacfbd35358490570) and update version we're running.

However after the update we noticed the server is much slower and user requests timeout during peak hours.

Server CPU usage went up and hits 100% during peak hours after the upgrade:

Also in mixpanel we see the response time for SSO is much longer this week compared to last week:
see url: http://i.imgur.com/i6wNBNn.png

Looking at the code changes its not clear what the cause is. Can someone point me towards a thread to start investigating?

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Add custom route from initializer


@deviousmachin3 wrote:

I came across a blog post by evil trout and some forum post that suggested I use the following...

Discourse.Route.buildRoutes(function() {

but I believe this method has been deprecated or removed at some point as attempting to use it currently results in an error as buildRoutes is undefined. Does anyone know what the proper way to do this is? Currently I am overriding the entire application route file and that just doesn't seem right to me.

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Implementing Google Tag Manager with Discourse


@Jenn_Briden wrote:

I can see that there are settings to specify a Universal Analytics tracking code directly through Discourse. However, I'd prefer to use Google Tag Manager (GTM) since there are other settings that we're using in our GTM tags. Has anyone integrated GTM into Discourse before? Any things to keep in mind or implementation steps?

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Downloading attachments inside in app from a web view


@BerryBlue wrote:

When you upload an attachment to a post your get a URL with an alphanumeric filename.

Is there some way to decode the original file name or is this just random? Is there any way to get the uploaded file name?

My app has a web view that shows my discourse and lets the user open the file in the app but tapping the link. However I don't see a way to get the original file name for that file.

The other problem I have is when you return to the forums in the app after doing this the activity spinner won't go away.

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Agreeing/Deferring/Disagreeing with Flags


@Swang007 wrote:

Hey there! Recently we've changed our site settings, reducing the number of flags it takes, increasing read posts, increased time spent reading, etc. to reach TL3. The goal was to make it more difficult to be promoted to Regular, and hopefully reduce the level of immaturity & annoyance of users in our Lounge category.

With this, the importance of flagging becomes a lot more relevant. Just one flag too many (within the last 100 days) will bump someone to TL2. My question is, do all flagged posts count against someone's record to become a Regular, or only flags that moderators agree with?

Recently we had new member that was flagging posts unnecessarily like crazy, and we don't want that to count against people that are trying to reach TL3 and access the Lounge.

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Discourse installation on Azure not reachable


@Abhay_Ghatpande wrote:

I created a new Ubuntu 14.04 VM on Microsoft Azure and installed Discourse using the guide here: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md

The entire installation went perfectly, but the instance is not reachable publicly. I have the A record configured to the public IP given by Azure. I also tried using the IP address directly.

I suspect this has something to do with the Docker IP and the Eth0 IP address, but not sure how to solve it.

# ifconfig
docker0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:4c:29:e0:92
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::42:4cff:fe29:e092/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:6144 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:21683 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:414603 (414.6 KB)  TX bytes:30771613 (30.7 MB)

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0d:3a:00:15:21
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::20d:3aff:fe00:1521/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1079091 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:634212 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1254465906 (1.2 GB)  TX bytes:318586926 (318.5 MB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:7245 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7245 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:986455 (986.4 KB)  TX bytes:986455 (986.4 KB)

vethcb56e42 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 6a:43:07:bb:63:3f
          inet6 addr: fe80::6843:7ff:febb:633f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:2717 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2896 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:225111 (225.1 KB)  TX bytes:3277314 (3.2 MB)

So essentially I have 3 IPs: the public IP, the eth0 IP on the VPN, and then the docker instance IP. I'm guessing I need to somehow route the public IP:80 port to the docker IP?

Please help. Thank you.

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Delete the Staff Category?


@ryan.a wrote:

I can't figure out for the life of me how to delete the "Staff" category.

Have tried deleting all of the topics however 4 of them remain in the list. When I go to the Edit screen, it says cannot delete as it has 3 topics.

Can someone guide me in the right direction?


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Discourse website work with ip but not with domain

Oneboxing google drive videos does not work


@tobiaseigen wrote:

We make active use of google drive in my organization, and would like to encourage sharing of screencasts and webinar recordings using google drive via discourse. I just attempted this and it does not onebox properly.

Am I doing this wrong, or can oneboxing of google drive videos be considered as a new feature? It seems to me that this should be possible via these steps:

  • upload video to drive, wait for it to process
  • share video with public ("anyone on the internet can find and view")
  • get embed code
  • paste URL from embed code on its own line in discourse post

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How can I force the cache to be rebuilt after I enable new customizations?


@Vocino wrote:

It seems like adding and enabling new customizations in the admin is delayed until I do a full rebuild to upgrade Discourse. At first I thought it was just local cache but that doesn't seem to be it.

Is there any way to force an update of the customizations?

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Make TL3 100 days a changeable Setting?


@Mittineague wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Agreeing/Deferring/Disagreeing with Flags:

I'm just thinking out loud here, but I'm wondering if it could be done fairly easily if the hard coded "100 days" that the Trust Level 3 requirement settings use might be better as a kind of "time period" setting.

I have a feeling that the status quo works fine as is for most cases, but I can't help thinking it might be better if it could be tweaked to shorter or longer "prove yourself" time frames.

True, a member's TL can be locked, but just the same.

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Tags now part of core?


@tkiblin wrote:


Are tags now part of the latest beta release or are they only supported via a plugin? I see tags now on here recently, but didn't notice them before, just curious if they are now part of core.

Happy Holidays!

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Upgrading Discourse on Scaleway VPS

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