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Anyone else having issues trying to upgrade?

Multiple CloseTopic jobs per topic in Sidekiq


@Yuun wrote:

As seen here:

I have one topic which is set to close 7 days after the last post, which is generating a new job for each new post. I'm not sure how much of a problem this is (maybe the duplicate jobs just painlessly clear on schedule?) but it seemed a bit odd.

Currently on v1.5.0beta8+13, upgraded earlier this morning.

And because I just thought to check it, I tried using autoclose on another thread and the same issue popped up. Additionally, removing autoclose from that thread didn't clear the CloseTopic jobs in Sidekiq.

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Prevent email addresses from being counted as mentions


@damien wrote:

Hi there,

Is there any built-in way to prevent this behaviour or is a plugin ?


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Tappara.co's Sanitized Theme


@ljpp wrote:

Jatkoa ketjulle Modify Users column to contain only one avatar (latest poster):

Time to give something back to the community. At Tappara.co we finally got our home screen, the Latest view, the way we wanted. This is partially based on @sam's Minimal Theme and also borrows some from @probus's excellent work at Keskuskenttä. It was mostly put together by our community member Ozzi. So kudos to them!

Main features:

  • Users and Activity merged to Latest, combining the avatar and username of the last poster and a time stamp.
  • Columns logically re-ordered to | Topic | Category | Views | Replies | Latest |
  • Slightly squeezed vertical padding to allow more threads per screen.

See it in action on our site Tappara.co. Preview (Google Translated to English):

Note that we also have other minor visual CSS patches that I have published earlier. These code snippets below are only responsible for the topic listing.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions are appreciated.


.topic-list .activity .latest-info {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;
.topic-list .activity img.avatar {
    vertical-align: middle;
    margin-right: 5px;
    max-height: 30px;
    max-width: 30px;
    margin-top: 1px;
    margin-bottom: 1px;
.topic-list .activity {
    width: 160px;
    text-align: left;
    padding-left: 20px;
    white-space: nowrap;
.topic-list .activity .latest-info .name {
    display: block;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 0.9em;
    margin-top: 0px;
    color: #737373;
.topic-list .activity .latest-info .relative-date {
    display: block;
    font-size: 0.9em;
    color: #737373;
.topic-list th, .topic-list td {
    padding: 5px 5px;


<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='list/topic-list-item.raw'>
    {{#if controller.bulkSelectEnabled}}
    <td class='star'>
        <input type="checkbox" class="bulk-select">
    <td class='main-link clearfix' colspan="{{titleColSpan}}">
    {{raw "topic-status" topic=topic}}
    {{topic-link topic}}
    {{#if controller.showTopicPostBadges}}
        {{raw "topic-post-badges" unread=topic.unread newPosts=topic.displayNewPosts unseen=topic.unseen url=topic.lastUnreadUrl}}
    {{plugin-outlet "topic-list-tags"}}
    {{#if expandPinned}}
        {{raw "list/topic-excerpt" topic=topic}}
    {{raw "list/action-list" topic=topic postNumbers=topic.liked_post_numbers className="likes" icon="heart"}}
{{#unless controller.hideCategory}}
    {{#unless topic.isPinnedUncategorized}}
        {{raw "list/category-column" category=topic.category}}
<td class="num views {{topic.viewsHeat}}">{{number topic.views numberKey="views_long"}}</td>
{{raw "list/posts-count-column" topic=topic}}
<td class="activity"
    <a href="{{topic.lastPostUrl}}">
        {{avatar topic.lastPoster usernamePath="username" imageSize="medium"}}
            <span class='latest-info'>
                <span class='name'>
                {{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="medium"}}
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='topic-list-header.raw'>
    {{#if bulkSelectEnabled}}
    <th class='star'>
        <button class='btn bulk-select' title='{{i18n "topics.bulk.toggle"}}'><i class='fa fa-list'></i></button>
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" order='default' name='topic.title' showBulkToggle=toggleInTitle}}
    {{#unless hideCategory}}
        {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable=sortable order='category' name='category_title'}}
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable=sortable number='true' order='views' name='views'}}
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable=sortable number='true' order='posts' name='replies'}}
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable=sortable number='true' order='activity' name='admin.dashboard.latest_version'}}

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Net::ReadTimeout exception using embedded hosts


@adass wrote:


I am trying to setup Discourse on the same virtual machne as another rails app. My idea to achieve this is to have my rails app run on port 80 of apache + passenger installation plus deploy docker image of Discourse and make it avaliable on port 8080 of same IP address. To make it more difficult :slightly_smiling: I would also like to embedd one category of topics. My problem is that after setup both rails app with javascript code and discourse prefs there is no topic created on opening rails app. In discourse log I have:

Started GET "/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2F10.50.108.49%2Flogos%2F2286"
 for at 2016-01-11 21:19:36 +0000
Processing by EmbedController#comments as HTML
  Parameters: {"embed_url"=>""}
  Rendered embed/loading.html.erb within layouts/embed (1.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 3.0ms | ActiveRecord: 11.4ms)
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout

I am not sure if ReadTimeOut is really related to my issue.

Not sure how to troubleshoot this.

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How to delete/clear notifications?


@Ninetailz wrote:

As the title says, i want to know how do you clear notifications in discourse forum. I mean any discourse forum.

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Assets are missing

Individual group management page CSS is funky after upgrade to 1.5.0.beta8

Add onClick event to +Create Topic


@ivanrlio wrote:

As the name of the topic suggests, I was curious as to how I'd go about adding an onClick event to '+Create Topic', or even 'New Message'.


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Getting user's custom groups problems


@stevenpslade wrote:

Discourse.User.current() works thoughout Discourse.

Discourse.User.current().custom_groups only works in certain areas (works on profile, does not work while inside a topic).

Why is this and how can I access a user's custom groups throughout Discourse?

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Changing user to trust level zero


@charleswalter wrote:

Never noticed it until today, but we changed a user down to trust level 0, and a few hundred of the user's previous posts went into flagged status.

Has this ever happened to anyone before? Should this be the expected behavior?

We went ahead and approved almost all of the previous posts, many of which were a single image reply.

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Dealing with a toxic user on our Discourse forum


@Drew_Warwick wrote:

Before I mention anything about this user, let me clarify that the moderators/admins on the forum are very lenient. The forum is manual approval only (every member is handpicked from the parent site), and the staff have said that they want us to not feel shackled and to express our minds (i.e. profanity is allowed on the Discourse forum while it isn't on the parent site). Unless someone is indisputably in the black, they won't punish that person -- people who tread the grey area on a regular basis are never dealt with. With that out of the way, onto the user:

This particular person is anti-change. Every time a new feature on the parent site or Discourse is released, he hates it from the get-go, and if the feature isn't so wonderfully awesome that it's impossible not to love it, he calls for it to be reverted. Even if a feature introduces good stuff and has one or a few downsides, he acts like it's the worst thing in the world.

Discourse is a perfect example. Before our forum switched to Discourse, we were using Kunena. It was pretty outdated in terms of both functionality and appearances, so by far Discourse is astoundingly better. Someone posted a topic saying they had finally adjusted to Discourse and now saw it as a huge improvement from what we were using before, and this toxic person posts on the thread saying "Kunena was so much better. We don't have Kunena spoiler tags, can't edit the sizes of pictures, can't change text size, and can't change text color. Discourse also takes longer to load than Kunena and Discourse is terrible because it slides you around the page to advertise features." We can create Kunena-like spoilers with <details>, we can change image sizes with width and height in <img> tags, can create headers by putting three dashes under text (not really any other reason to increase text size), and boo hoo no font color -- all people did on Kunena with it was hide invisible white text and make important text red (which can be accomplished with bold / italics). Discourse does not slide you around every which way either -- it only skips down to the latest unread post. He didn't know about any of this because he shuts himself in his own anti-change box and refuses to try to figure out how to adjust, but what's even worse is that he wanted us to revert to Kunena because "[he] shouldn't have to look these things up".

He does this on close to every thread regarding a feature, and there are absolutely 0 constructive posts to balance them out. The parent site is in the process of revamping year-old pages, and on every bloody topic announcing a new overhaul he complains that the old design is better, even if the new design hasn't been displayed/created yet. He also finds ways to insult features on other threads if they're even mentioned once. Someone had posted a topic suggesting a "Add to profile" button be added to one of the pages that was due for a rework, and I posted a conceptual design of the page (that I was working on to hone my web design skills -- I don't own the site and am not part of the redesign process) that had already included this "Add to profile" functionality and asked if that was what the OP meant. The toxic person in question then comes in and starts a rant of how the page shouldn't be overhauled (even though he was well aware I'm not one of the parent company's employees and that the concept I posted wasn't official), and took his time to complain, again, about every single nook and cranny of what the parent site had changed in the past year. He literally complained about a couple pixel's worth of padding too.

The staff won't do anything about him. We could flag him as a community and get him booted from the site, but everyone's probably thinking "oh someone else will flag his posts" or are afraid to flag his posts since he's not breaking any rule other than "be respectful". If I try to go around asking people "Hey let's start flagging this guy's bad posts to get rid of him", I'll seem like a minimod/tyrant/etc trying to control who's able to access the site, and if I put it nicely, I'll likely end up with the "oh someone else will help out flagging his posts" problem again. Even if we do start managing to get his posts hidden, he can just edit them and regain the trust points he lost. He may be anti-change, but he's not outright stupid -- I imagine he would be careful with his words in that one post so it wouldn't get flagged again, but would go right back to his normal behavior with other posts. This is his way of thinking and his way of life, so it's not something we can condition him out of. I guess we could condition him out of it, but it's not worth it given the effort and time it would take for someone so rooted into that anti-change position. The best option for our community is just for him to not be a part of it.

How should the community stop or get rid of him since the staff won't do anything about it? Do any of you have any similar experiences where a forum's community managed to band together and get rid of a guy like this? How did the community manage to do it? This person is a serious bane to the forums, so something needs to be done about him.

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How to get uploaded image url using the Discourse API?


@sleep wrote:

If I use this api:

curl -X POST -F username="john" -F type="image" -F file="@image.png" -F synchronous="true" "http://localhost:3000/uploads?api_key=SOMETHING&api_username=SOMEONE"

I just can get a response with "{"success":"OK"}". But I want to get the image url .

I see the topic to solve how to get image url:

new api:

curl -X POST -F type=composer -F client_id=1234b591bb4848dd899b6e6ee0feaff9 -F 'files[]=@12HourDate.kmmacros' 'http://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/uploads.json?api_key=APIKEY&synchronous=1'

I can't understand how to get the client_id? If I add the param "synchronous=1" in url. No return value!

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Edit the default Welcome PM

Use of discourse for "crowd-sourced project evaluation"


@Steve_Powell wrote:

I used discourse (via discoursehosting) for a rather unusual purpose - hosting a distributed evaluation of a global UN project. It worked pretty well, both from a technical and professional point of view. I wrote a review: here. Anyone else tried anything similar?

What is crowd sourced evaluation?

An evaluation report in its draft version gets sent around a bunch of stakeholders who make comments perhaps using a tracked changes feature, and the evaluator has to respond to those comments, sometimes in a procedure which gets repeated two more rounds. Over half the inputs and comments might be defensive or off-topic, but there are always at least a few which bring you vital new information and interpretation which I hadn't picked up during the evaluation process.

I always thought:

How come I have to do all the work of writing an almost complete report & then wait for this highly valuable expert input which comes almost too late? Couldn't I put these experts to work to write the thing for me in the first place?

So my idea for a crowd sourced evaluation is, essentially, to create an online version of the report, initially consisting of just the evaluation questions as sections and subsections, together with some initial evidence and ideas for answering them; then I send invitations to contribute relevant evidence, opinion and interpretation to help answer any of the questions. The invitation goes out by email to a much broader range of stakeholders than is usually possible, perhaps in waves, for example beginning and ending with invitations to the most important stakeholders.

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Configuring Google OAuth2 login by account Google

Press back to hide post window in android


@zh99998 wrote:

in android, when users editing a post and click back, they may want to hide the edit window. not go back to last page and keep the edit button. Could we do something to handle back event and contract the window rather than go back?

since google chrome don't have back button in UI. it's ok to handle all history back event in android.

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"Like" button not shown and Private Messages disabled


@twicedd wrote:


Is there any normal reason why the Like button is never shown at https://forum.yunohost.org ? Also, we cannot send private messages. This is really handicaping :pensive:

It's admins would like to have it (both likes and PM), searched a lot in all Discourse admin, without success.

Note: even Admins cannot see Like nor send PM.

Might this helps: there was absoluetely no badges activated for a long time, YunoHost admins probably rebuilt discourse image and now no more have zeros at https://forum.yunohost.org/badges (previously ALL fields were zero-valued).

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Time Delay Required Between Posting


@Tia wrote:

One of our users has posted 3 or 4 (legitimate) posts in a row and got suspended for 24 hours.
I haven't found such parameter in the settings (rate limits yes, but nothing about the 24 hours suspension). It's a basic user that just joined the community and was never flagged or banned. What am I missing here?

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