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Adding new users vs inviting them


@bbendick wrote:

We are trying to use Discourse in more of an intranet setting, and one that uses group based categories and membership. The "catch-22" of needing a user to signup, then adding them to the group, is a bit of a hassle for both end users and admins. Complicating that is that we are using oAuth2 with local accounts disabled, so invitations aren't even an option.

I thought I'd throw the question out here first to see if there's any functionality I'm missing, or even more of a "conceptual" reason why it might be a bad idea. Using the API is the most commonly suggested route, and we can certainly do that. But I wonder if writing a "add user" plugin would be a better contribution to the community.

Feedback appreciated!

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Like Notifications are clearing without viewing the Post


@cpradio wrote:

Okay, I'm not sure when this started, but I've seen it happen multiple times now.

Clicking your avatar clears like notifications even if you don't view the post.

Repro steps:

  1. Have a like notification appear
  2. Click avatar
  3. Notice highlighted items
  4. Wait a second or two, highlighted like items automatically are now not highlighted (not expected)
  5. Notification Bubble is now gone (expected)


Highlighted like notifications should remain highlighted until clicked or the post is viewed (not working)
Notification bubble should disappear (working)

Edit: Updated after reproducing on my own sandbox that is up to date.

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Badge not working


@zee wrote:


I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct category.

anyway theres a badge for the forum called help desk and its not working, users get 10 accepted answers yet they dont get a badge

here's the SQL code:

SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at
FROM badge_posts p
WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND
p.id IN (
SELECT post_id FROM (
SELECT pc.post_id, row_number()
OVER (PARTITION BY p1.user_id ORDER BY pc.created_at) as rnum
FROM post_custom_fields pc
JOIN badge_posts p1 ON p1.id = pc.post_id
JOIN topics t1 ON p1.topic_id = t1.id
WHERE name = 'is_accepted_answer' AND
p1.user_id <> t1.user_id AND
:backfill OR
p1.user_id IN (
select user_id from posts where p1.id IN (:post_ids)
) X WHERE rnum = 1)

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Current aviable themes for Discourse


@Dakoom wrote:

Is there a list of the current aviable themes for Discourse (free and paid)?
Thanks in advance for any reply! :slightly_smiling:

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Constantly resizing notification bar


@carlokok wrote:

was a bit hard to record this, but currently my notification menu constantly changes from with to without scrollbar. It's quite a bit faster than in the animated gif.

On latest as of the time of writing.

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Getting Nginx 101: Network is unreachable on proxy_pass setup


@Ricardonacif wrote:


We have discourse running and our currently setup is using nginx proxy_pass to make vangoart.co/community/ access community.vangoart.co. Here's our proxy_pass configuration:

location /community/ {
  proxy_pass https://community.vangoart.co/;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

We've been getting a few 5xx error only when accessing thru the proxy, and the discourse nginx error log shows:

2016/02/11 21:24:42 [error] 50#50: *246491 connect() to [2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f117]:443 failed (101: Network is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /community/letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/n/ea666f/90.png HTTP/2.0", upstream: "https://[2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f117]:443/v2/letter/n/ea666f/90.png", host: "community.vangoart.co", referrer: "https://community.vangoart.co/community/t/aproval-is-needed/170"
2016/02/11 21:24:42 [error] 50#50: *246491 connect() to [2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443 failed (101: Network is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /community/letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/n/ea666f/90.png HTTP/2.0", upstream: "https://[2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443/v2/letter/n/ea666f/90.png", host: "community.vangoart.co", referrer: "https://community.vangoart.co/community/t/aproval-is-needed/170"
2016/02/11 21:25:17 [error] 50#50: *246651 connect() to [2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443 failed (101: Network is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/m/c57346/45.png HTTP/1.1", upstream: "https://[2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443/v2/letter/m/c57346/45.png", host: "community.vangoart.co"
2016/02/11 21:26:08 [error] 50#50: *246727 connect() to [2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443 failed (101: Network is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/n/ea666f/20.png HTTP/1.0", upstream: "https://[2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:f017]:443/v2/letter/n/ea666f/20.png", host: "community.vangoart.co", referrer: "https://www.vangoart.co/community/t/aproval-is-needed/170/2"

I believe its related to IPV6, but I'm not sure about the solution. Has anyone ever faced that?


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Can't revoke Admin privileges


@jhosein wrote:

I am unable to revoke Admin privileges from my test account.

On my main account, I can press "revoke" Admin, and all seems to go well.

However, when ever I log back into that account, Admin privileges are restored.

Am I doing something wrong?

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There should be a badge for citations


@Talin wrote:

One of our target audiences is scientists (cancer researchers) and as you probably know scientists are all about citations - how many times did my paper get referenced by other published papers?

I looked at the list of possible badges, and I didn't see a badge for how many times someone has been quoted or reshared. There's a badge for quoting someone, but not for being quoted.

It seems to me that the number of times you are quoted would be a significant metric of community involvement, and possibly of post quality (although admittedly you can get quoted frequently for being controversial).

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Reaction Emoticons


@ivanrlio wrote:

I was wondering if anyone here is using something similar to the Vicomi Reaction Feelbacks (https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/voting-platform-feelbacks/) on their Discourse. We'd love to add a more interactive and qualitative way for users to express their opinions on posts or topics that the 'Like' doesn't provide.

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Renaming a topic breaks Gmail threading


@sam wrote:

If you rename a topic you break gmail threading, leaving a discontinuous conversation view in gmail:

We try to keep continuity by including the In-Reply-To and Refrences headers (which are matching in both emails):

In-Reply-To: <topic/39445@meta.discourse.org>
References: <topic/39445@meta.discourse.org>

But... Gmail is just being silly:


Currently, this is not possible with Gmail. It uses the subject line as the unique identifier of a conversation and nothing else. A lot of people have been requesting this feature for several years however.

This is not going to change any time soon, the issue has existed since 2010

I think this is one of those rare cases where it is worth adding a setting just for GMail.

[x] retain original topic title in email notifications

Given how predominate GMail is I would go as far as to say it should be default on, even if not it should be a user option.


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Can't view a deleted PM topic where I was added as a participant


@meglio wrote:

  1. A and B create a PM topic.
  2. They invite me, C.
  3. A deleted the PM topic.
  4. I can't find and read it anymore.

Is it intended?

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The new version may be a bit problem

Problems with HTTPS logins


@Floppy wrote:

I've got discourse up and running fine, with social login via Twitter and Facebook. I'm now trying to get it onto HTTPS as the last step, but while the site works fine logged out, when I log in over HTTPS I just get a blank page, and a Javascript error. This happens whether using social login or standalone account.

GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/locales/en-7add7bfd9159c4107015c2a3ac1dcc8f.js [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 0ms]
GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/ember_jquery-3135835788b7c88a6baee2c4a176ffa8.js [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 0ms]
GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/vendor-b446ddf94c0fbadd8f0c95717a0ead0e.js [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 0ms]
GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/application-653c96dda065238cf6515f6d0c4208b5.js [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 0ms]
GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/admin-3d501754d85a222128e7752fcd35b936.js [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 121ms]
POST XHR https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/logs/report_js_error [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 95ms]
TypeError: Discourse.SiteSettings is undefined         application-653c96dda065238cf6515f6d0c4208b5.js:4:8103
syntax error     report_js_error:1:1
GET https://discourse.somethingnew.org.uk/assets/browser-update-1b088c371e098d02d2b87570660d5d68.js

I' a bit stumped as to why that 's happening. Any ideas, anyone?

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Can the quote reply button work more like github's quotes?


@Nikolas_Everett wrote:

I guess this is three distinct feature requests:

  • Any time you pop up the quote reply button let me push the r key activate it.
  • Put the quote at the bottom of my reply rather than where my cursor is. I'll often leave the cursor in some random spot, maybe in the middle of another quote, while I scroll up to find more of the message to reply to. It'd be nicer to always have the new quote generated at the bottom. I can move it around if I don't like it.
  • If I triple click on the last paragraph of a conversation I don't get the quote reply button (OSX, but probably also Linux). I have to very carefully just highlight the last paragraph to get the button. It feels like I should be able to do either.

I'm sorry if these are dupes.

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Plugin: Manually curated topic summaries


@erlend_sh wrote:

Related topics:

Example use case:

Problem statement

Some topics, like a call-for-bug-reports or a new Howto, will receive a lot of replies that go stale shortly thereafter because the appropriate fixes/edits were applied as a response. When closing or marking as solved doesn't make sense, the best solution to date is to delete these replies.

The act of deleting genuinely helpful replies really bothers me. A human "thank you" covers it pretty well, but if Discourse could do a better job as a record-keeper I think it should, and the core functionality for this appears to be in place already.

How manual summaries would work

  1. Click moderator wrench
  2. Click select posts and select the ones you want to show in the summary
  3. Click "Create Summary" (mockup below)

This forces a summarised view of this topic by default. You get pretty much the exact same effect as you get from deleting posts, except the "public record" of helpful replies is maintained.

To view all replies, you simply click the "Show all posts" button.

Settings parameters

  • Feature is only accessible to TL2 and above.
  • Enabled per-category

p.s. This is a fairly legit core feature, but I think it makes just as much sense as a plugin since it adds more admin panel options & moderator UX that most admins/mods shouldn't have to concern themselves with.

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PluginStore might not always be preferred


@piratdavid wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Adding model and table with plugin:

Is the idea that when someone uninstalls the plugin the plugins saved data should also be deleted? If that is the idea this is not the wanted behaviour of my particular plugin. With that said, is there any other benefits of using PluginStore that I should take in consideration? I might add that the data that is going to be saved is migrated from another forum which has functionality that Discourse lacks and therefore I am building a plugin for it. This means that it is very important that the data is persisted permanently.


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Help with client side event


@ccdw wrote:

The following code added to </head> in the admin panel allows me to manipulate topics (post views) after they have finished rendering.


    var postView = require('discourse/views/post').default;


          didInsertElement : function(){
            Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.afterRenderEvent);

          afterRenderEvent : function(){
            // implement this hook in your own subclasses and run your jQuery logic there

             console.log(" >> post view rendered");



I'd like to do the same with the category view on the categories page -

I've tried to find the correct view name using Ember Inspector, but the only view I can hook into on the categories page is application. Not sure if my terminology is correct there, so let's say I don't know what the following string should be if it were modified to allow me to capture the afterRenderEvent for categories (as in the above example for posts/topics).

var postView = require('discourse/views/post').default;

I suspect all the child category views would need to render to the DOM first so maybe the problem is a little more complex than I am assuming.

Why do I need to do this?

The following categories on my material design skin need to be packed together to get the effect you see below. I can't reliably find when they've finished rendering so that I can call the packing routine. A page refresh (doc ready) works fine, but not when categories are loaded using Ember magic (eg clicking on the category link whilst viewing new topics.)

Any help or pointers would be very much appreciated.

Code and CSS will be shared with meta once I have cracked these final few issues.

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Discourse Tagging breaks 1.4.5


@Kovah wrote:

I just migrated my site to a new server and after importing the backup and re-enabling the plugins the site is unavailable (blank page) and shows the following errors in the console:

Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/components/d-editor` imported from `discourse/plugins/discourse-tagging/discourse/initializers/apply-tag-autocomplete`
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

After disabling the tagging plugin the site is available again.
That's why I think that tagging breaks the app.

My version is v1.4.5 +3 on base of this tree.

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Post not marked as read


@joebuhlig wrote:

This is here on meta. I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I'm just doing something wrong, but I have a post that won't mark as read despite opening it and going through each response. I can read them all, go back to the home page, refresh, and clear cache, but it remains unread.

It just showed up a couple days ago, but it was previously marked as read. There are two triggers that seem to have happened near this time:

  1. This topic was mentioned in a private message at about the same time.
  2. The new post rendering engine started being tested at that time.

Am I missing something on how this works?

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SSO ...or not? (For a trio of programming sites)


@AstonJ wrote:

I am setting up another two Discourse forums, so there will be 3 in total. All of them are programming related forums and there will be a prominent link to each in the header. I'm wondering whether to use one forum as the SSO provider or just keeping them three separate independent installs - what do you think?

The languages are Ruby, Elixir and Elm - so there's certainly a lot of cross-over in terms of interest.

The downside is, if for any reason I no longer have time to admin one of the sites and would like to hand it over to someone else in the community, that wouldn't be possible (or would it?).

Does anyone know if using one Discourse install as the SSO provider means that profile info if updated on one propagates to the other two forums - or will members have to fill in 3 separate profiles? (Would be better if their profile is maintained on just one forum - rather than having to repeat).

Interested in your opinions, both as Discourse admins and potential users.

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