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min_age / max_age filter not working correctly

Custom CSS updates - NICE!


@ccdw wrote:

Not sure what you guys have done with core, but I love the fact that I can now update custom CSS on a live site without the live site temporary reverting to the default CSS - and in turn needing the user to refresh before the new customised CSS takes effect.


Very nice.

To understand what I mean.

Open two windows.

One with the custom CSS editor and one with the live site.

Make changes to the CSS, save it and...

Voila, the live site updates in front of your eyes. No fuss.

The Discourse way!

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Benefits of Discourse - have I missed anything?

Discourse and Quandora (or other Q&A platform like StackOverflow)


@mcwumbly wrote:

Discourse and Quandora

Questions without clear Answers

Quandora is modeled after Q&A systems like StackOverflow which heavily value facts over opinions, and questions which have a clear answer. On systems like StackOverflow, the rules for what types of questions can be asked are strict because they only want questions that have a clear answer in order to build a reliable knowledge base.

You are likely to find that most of the questions you would post on Quandora do not really fit the Q&A model. Much of what seem like candidate questions for a Q&A system in a community does is really a continual attempt to refine their collective opinions about a variety of things. Discourse is a much better fit for these kinds of discussions and exchanges of different and evolving points of view.

Discussions take place chronologically

On Quandora and other Q&A systems, the natural chronological format in which discussions actually take place is disturbed by two things: unnecessary threading of comments under ‘answers’, and the shifting order of answers as votes change their rank.

Deeply-nested threading and upvoting of comments within topics on sites like reddit suffer from the same issue.

On Discourse, every post follows another as it naturally unfolds chronologically. Reply indicators and in-line quotes help keep disjointed parts of the conversation together without disturbing the natural flow of conversation.

What about the existing content in a Q&A system like Quandora?

If you have existing content in Quandora, a basic implementation of an importer now exists to migrate this content to Discourse.

Here is the simple importer.

It's a little odd at first to think of trying to do so given the mismatch in the data models, but I was pleasantly surprised when I first tried it. It really proved in many cases how much more natural the flow of discussion was after converting it to the format of a Discourse topic.

related topics

  1. Discourse Solved (Accepted answer plugin)
  2. Is Discourse suitable for use for a question and answer type page?
  3. What is the best use cases for a company comparing to a Q&A? (Using askubuntu as the concrete case)
  4. Discourse as a questions platform

see also:

  1. Discussions: Flat or Threaded?
  2. Web Discussions: Flat by Design
  3. Slashdot terviews: Stack Overflow Co-Founder Jeff Atwood Answers Your Questions

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Last seen date updates with no other obvious activity (eg. posts read)


@mcwumbly wrote:

I've been trying to get a glimpse into engagement of users by peeking at the admin/users page every now and then. (I may post a larger topic on this sometime soon).

One thing I've noticed is that the last_seen_date for a number of users updates occasionally without any other change in activity. What should I make of this?

Do they just have a tab open somewhere on the home page somewhere?

It bumps them to the top of that list, and then I have to kind of mentally filter them out as I'm looking for trends in behavior for people who have engaged recently...

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Security updates on stable/1.4.5?


@Blaisorblade wrote:

TL;DR. On the stable branch, there's been for two weeks an unreleased security fix. I'm not gonna install it unreleased, because it's not "absolutely obviously safe" (see below for what I mean). Should I worry?

Two weeks ago, @sam added a security patch on the stable branch:

Then bugfixes came. But no release. This happens sometimes, but this time it's taking longer.

So my Discourse production instance says it's up-to-date, but I can still upgrade from the Docker Manager page (/admin/upgrade). Should I?

- there are commits on stable since days
- judging from the later bugfixes on the patch, and assuming that some tests caught the bugfix, it's possible to commit directly to stable (rather than through feature branches) commits that don't pass testing.
- since integration testing is not integrated with GitHub's status API, I don't immediately know if stable passed tests.

Summing up:
- delaying the update is probably paranoia in this case, but IIUC some paranoia is generally required for running production systems.
- while this is nitpicking, maybe the branching model for stable branches could be improved.

UPDATE: In fact, I just learned that Discourse uses Travis, and the stable branch stopped having green builds ages ago. I guess I'm sticking to paranoia and not upgrading for now.

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Make composer include two newlines after a pasted quote


@pfaffman wrote:

When one selects text and clicks "quote reply", it leaves the cursor right after the closing bracket. This is highly annoying when selecting a bunch of pieces of text to reply to (as one is encouraged to by the awesome "Hey, rather than making a million replies, you could, you know, do them all in one message" prompt).

Sticking a couple extra returns in would save a bunch of fiddly find-the-bracks-and-press-return-so-I-can-write-a-reply-ing.

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Digests: filter out or combine with next para salutations or short lines in posts


@tobiaseigen wrote:

See screenshot. In my community, members often like to use salutations like "dear friends" at the start of their posts. This looks clumsy and takes up valuable space in digests. Suggest filtering these out or simply combining a short first paragraph with the next one, which usually gets right into the topic at hand.

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Need someone to ramp-up our Indian team's Lead to Discourse

'Ask to Answer' Mechanism


@pedro.pessoa wrote:


1) An option to send a "direct invitation" to somone that likely would be able to answer it
2) An enginee to find/filter those specific people.

Use Case

I whish to implement Discourse in my University Course Website, which can be defined as a small and closed comunity (about 1000 students). I predict that people wouldn't use it in a regular basis and would only open the website when they needed an answer. In this scenario, the chances of a question being seen and answered by the right person would be low, not achieving the full potential of the application. I believe this feature would be help a lot.

Analogous Feature

Quora has this feature, and they provide interesing filtering capability, by "User Engagement" (statistics) and "Bio Profile" (user-defined keywords). That's Quora's UX:

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Private Message Page Performance


@Falco wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Improve performance of Topic load - ORDER BY RANDOM:

The added index is great, but it excludes PMs :sadpanda:.

Since we have suggested topics on the PM page (since when?) the performance vary a lot (sub second to 30 secods) on this query (on a dedicated PostgreSQL 9.4 Server with 12GB RAM).

So what do you think @sam should we create another one for PMs? (That way we don't bloat the original one, and doesn't add penalties for small communities with less than 100k users/ 100k PMs)

EDIT: Here's a sample:

Executing action: show
T+141.4 ms
12337.6 ms
lib/suggested_topics_builder.rb:29:in `add_results'
lib/topic_query.rb:85:in `list_suggested_for'
lib/topic_view.rb:298:in `suggested_topics'
app/serializers/topic_view_serializer.rb:90:in `details'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:236:in `render_json_dump'
app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:580:in `block (2 levels) in perform_show_response'
app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:572:in `perform_show_response'
app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:89:in `show'
lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:129:in `call'
config/initializers/100-quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
config/initializers/100-silence_logger.rb:26:in `call'
lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:73:in `call'
config/initializers/000-rails-master-polyfills.rb:23:in `call'
lib/scheduler/defer.rb:85:in `process_client'
SELECT  "topics".* FROM "topics" LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 1 WHERE ("topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND (topics.archetype = 'private_message') AND (topics.id IN (
                                  SELECT topic_id
                                    FROM topic_allowed_users
                                    WHERE user_id = 1
                 )) AND (topics.created_at >= '2006-02-19 20:06:16.135577') AND (tu.last_read_post_number IS NULL) AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level, 2) >= 2) AND (topics.id NOT IN (30983)) AND "topics"."visible" = $1  ORDER BY topics.bumped_at DESC LIMIT 5

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Reload currentUser object


@joebuhlig wrote:

I'm in the midst of working on a plugin that has me changing the values in a custom_field that are used to calculate a few user methods. I'm then passing those methods to the current user serializer.

In the process I have an ajax call that updates one of these user custom_fields. But that doesn't update the currentUser object on the front-end. I'm still a bit new to Ember but is there a way to reload that currentUser object?

This may be a bit difficult to follow. Here's the source code I'm currently working with:


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API call to get list of members with a given badge


@pfaffman wrote:

Slowing hacking away at a means to automate getting student info from Discourse into my grade book . . .

I'm trying to get a list of members with a given badge. I've tried things like


But that gives only information about the badge itself.

Another useful pull would be all of the badges earned by members of a given group.

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View first post as opposed to last


@JonahAragon wrote:

Is there a way so when you click on a topic to view it the default view will be on the OP, not the last response? This is probably a feature of Discourse but it's annoying to have to scroll to the top of threads, especially stickies or posts with lots of information.

At the very least this should be an option to change somewhere, I was surprised nobody has asked this before :slightly_smiling:

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Only link clicks from other users are counted?


@pmichna wrote:

There is no counter of clicks next to each link in posts in my forum. Should I somehow turn this on?

UPDATE: Ok, it seems that only clicks of another users are counted, that's why I see none of them.

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Non-users can't post by email even with Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts checked


@wityr wrote:

I have a category with post by email enabled and with the Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts box checked, yet when non users try to post by emailing the appropriate address they get an error email in repose, and their message is not posted.

We're sorry, but your email message to ["info@ourdomain.ca"] (titled test message) didn't work.

Your account does not have the privileges to post new topics in that
category. If you believe this is in error, contact a staff member.

Warnings in the logs contain:

Email can not be processed: can_create? failed
full email headers blah blah blah
from a non user

This worked fine until about two weeks ago. I don't know when exactly when it stopped working because we don't get many non-user posts by email, but after two weeks of nothing I decided to test things and discovered the problem.

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Group mentions that begin with the same characters may be incorrect


@rriemann wrote:

Hey everyone,

I have teams like: @ORGANISATION and @ORGANISATION-Board. I have the impressions that both groups will be mentioned if the second one in part of the text. I just mentioned a very small group in my production forum and many users got a group_mention notification and I cannot imagine another reason for that.

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Error while rebuilding app


@flameens wrote:

Hi there,

Today I started getting a 502 bad gateway error on my Discourse website for no particular reason (hadn't updated or changed any settings). I tried rebuilding the app and I got a disk space error, so I cleaned up some old Docker installations following the instructions on this thread. Now I'm not getting disk space errors anymore, but when I try to rebuild I get the following:

RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-details.git failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 322 exit 128>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home/plugins", "cmd"=>["mkdir -p plugins", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-solved.git", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/wp-discourse.git", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-tagging.git", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert.git", "git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-details.git"]}

Any ideas? I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 with 1GB ram, 1GB swap and 30GB disk space.

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Discourse Multisite configuration guide

Exclude / Suppress (Automatically) Closed Topics from the Homepage?


@mr8 wrote:

We have a couple of topics that we create through the API that automatically get closed after a week due to the time sensitivity of the content. Although this works great for us, we've noticed that those closed topics still sort of clutter our homepage (which is set to Latest) when scrolling down a couple of pages.

I supposed we could have another script move those topics via the API to an archival category that is suppressed from the homepage, but it would be great if there were an admin setting to suppress or exclude automatically closed topics (or even just regular closed topics) from the Homepage.

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