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How to update the crawled content from static site when static site embedding is enabled


@li_xinyang wrote:

I embeded my disocurse inside my blog. However, it seems Discours only crawl it once at the time it need to create the topic. Can I force it to update it content in the topic?

I have tried to delete the topic and refresh the blog, but the link at the bottom of my post still direct me to the deleted topic.

For example, first time I posts a wrong image link in my post (see screenshot below)

But when I fix the image link issue in my blog, the image inside the discourse topic is still broken. :frowning:

Therefore, I would like to know is there a way to force update the content inside the topic.

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Git pull needed?


@precessor wrote:

A few places on meta and on the blog advise git pull before ./launcher rebuild app. I've never done git pull, only the latter, and my Discourse instance seems to update fine. What's the value of git pull?

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Better support for rich Facebook, Twitter and Google tracking


@shawaj wrote:

Would be great to have better support for Facebook and Google tracking - not only for analytics but for dynamic remarketing and other such features.

Especially important is the "event tracking" code - which ables us to highly track the route people take to a purchase on our site (it is a forum and shop meaning this is a key metric)

Is there any plans to add more support for this kind of stuff?


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Category/Topic export fails with error "database "discourse_development" does not exist"


@pacharanero wrote:

I am attempting to export a Category from an up-to-date Discourse Docker deployment (v1.6.0.beta1 +14) on Digital Ocean, using the command line tool kindly documented by @neil in this thread

I'm following these steps:

  • I ssh into the DO Droplet
  • cd /var/discourse
  • execute ./launcher enter app to enter the Docker container
  • su - discourse to become the Discourse user
  • cd var/www/discourse
  • bundle exec script/discourse export_category 15 (I checked beforehand via Rails console that Category id 15 is the one I need)

Unfortunately, it fails with the error
FATAL: database "discourse_development" does not exist (ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError)

The full stack trace is here

Can anyone help? Is this user error on my part or a bug?
Should I even have a development database in a production docker deploy like mine?
Is this perhaps because I'm using ./launcher enter app rather than ./launcher ssh app?

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Modal pop-up for first time visitor


@trudat wrote:

This is a feature suggestion, to have a modal pop-up that displays only for first time visitors to a Discourse site. The modal can be filled with HTML or other content types. The purpose is to say hello to first time visitors and encourage them to register.

This would most likely be implemented as a plug-in, called First time visitor.

Does something like this already exist?

Here are the settings I imagine the plug-in providing. I'd be glad to make a mock up, but I think we all know what a modal looks like.

Plug-in settings

  • Activate modal: on / off
  • Time delay before modal appears: ___ seconds
  • Modal appears on vertical scroll to: ___ % page
  • Modal content type: Markdown / HTML / Onebox / Default signup CTA
    • Enter content here
  • Display link to signup: on / off
  • Display link to a post: ____ [post id]
  • Display First time visitor on an anonymous user's first ___ visits.

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Change separator in browser title


@shawaj wrote:


We would like to change the separator in the browser title meta tag to us • as the separator rather than -

How would we do that?

Thanks in advance

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My installation isn't sending out digests


@fefrei wrote:

I'm running a Discourse installation for a lecture, and I've configured my installation to send out daily digests by default.

However, only a single user has received digests so far, and I don't know why. Here's what I checked:

  • No other digests have been logged.
  • My test user hasn't received any digests.
  • All my users started at TL1, so no posts should be excluded for being TL0.
  • The Digest preview in the admin area works as expected.
  • Most of my users have digests enabled and the frequency set to daily, per default.
  • Sidekiq is happy, and Jobs::EnqueueDigestEmails ran recently and was OK.

The single user who has received digests so far has increased the digest interval to three days. There are a few other users who have increased it to a week, but they might have visited the forum regularly enough to not trigger these digests.

I'm now wondering whether there's a bug preventing weekly digests / digests with the default interval from going through. Is there any other reason for Discourse not to send out digests?

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Failing after running "./launcher rebuild app" on Ubuntu 14.04


@pedronetto wrote:

Guys, I have a perfectly vanilla Discourse installation that's been working just fine forever, but with Mandrill's change to paid accounts I updated my app.yml file to use MailGun instead and when I ran ./launcher rebuild app there was an error (The whole log can be found here: http://pastebin.com/pvWqwc7S). From what I could understand it has to do with the postgres database, which is somehow on the way (below).

Can you help me figure this out? Right now the installation is up because I ran ./launcher start app, but this of course uses the old version (v1.5.0.beta2 +13) and not the new one (1.6.0.beta2), which is probably coming with the rebuilt app.

I'd be glad to send more information if needed! Thank you in advance.

Postgres error:

2016-04-21 17:56:42 UTC [79-1] postgres@postgres ERROR:  database "discourse" already exists
2016-04-21 17:56:42 UTC [79-2] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE discourse;

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  database "discourse" already exists
I, [2016-04-21T17:56:42.655805 #38]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-04-21T17:56:42.656457 #38]  INFO -- : > su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "create user discourse;"' || true
2016-04-21 17:56:42 UTC [90-1] postgres@discourse ERROR:  role "discourse" already exists
2016-04-21 17:56:42 UTC [90-2] postgres@discourse STATEMENT:  create user discourse;
ERROR:  role "discourse" already exists

The final Fail message:


RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' failed with return #
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

Docker information:

ubuntu@host:/var/discourse$ docker --version
Docker version 1.8.1, build d12ea79

ubuntu@host:/var/discourse$ docker info
Containers: 1
Images: 14
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 16
Dirperm1 Supported: false
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Kernel Version: 3.13.0-85-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 3.859 GiB
Name: ip-172-31-47-61
WARNING: No swap limit support

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Testing a Discourse API client on Travis-CI


@sckott wrote:

What's the best or fastest way to get Discourse installed on Travis for testing a client for the Discourse API ?

It appears as though the discourse_api gem uses webmock so I think does not use a real Discourse installation.

It would be nice to install Discourse on Travis and test against it for my test suite. Any example travis files for that?

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Editing 'About' page


@tomwrench wrote:

Is it currently possible to customise the 'about' page? In particular I'd like to edit the text highlighted below.

I can't find anyway to edit it via the 'admin -> customise -> text' tool.

It would also be useful to be able to customise other elements of the page. For example, hiding the stats / admin / moderator sections if need be.


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Discourse logo image broken on upgrade page

User Profile Image Edit Control Missing from Preferences


@ivanrlio wrote:

Our Discourse version is currently v1.6.0.beta1. We just noticed that the pencil control next to the user avatar is missing such that both new and existing users are unable change their image. T

Has anyone encountered this and would be able to provide advice as to how to resolve this?

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"Reply-to" link in emails is showing https with a non-SSL port


@jared531 wrote:

Hi - I set Discourse to use https but in my email notifications it's giving "respond" links with the http port (80):

Reply to: https://community.clarifai.com:80/.......

Where can I change that so that it puts 443 instead of the 80 http port?

Running this on Apache


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Add Users to Group via PSQL

Upgrade Error from v1.6.0.beta1 to 1.6.0.beta2?


@Ninetailz wrote:


I tried to upgrade today from beta1 to beta2. In that process somehow it got stuck and it showed as upgrading... I reseted the upgrade now it shows i am at the latest version when i am not?

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Ability to discuss on top of a flag?


@trandatnh wrote:

I have been using Discourse for almost 2 years, it works great to me so far. Many thanks to the development team :heart:

Recently we have more and more replies that are low quality or bad/hateful/inappropriate. I have encouraged the members to flag whenever they think a post/reply isn't fit to our forum.

However, it turned out that many members flagged it wrongly, for example a topic should be flagged as inappropriate but they flagged it as spam.

Should we have the ability to reply on top of the flag and then discuss with the reporter to understand the reason why he or she flagged the topic in the first place?

And even better if we have the ability to correct the original flag type. For example change the flag from spam to inappropriate. However, this feature should be on another topic.

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Tagging in bio does not give notification


@EJGamerCake wrote:

Sorry I don't know what category to put this in.

When tagged in someone's bio/description on their profile, the user tagged does not get notified.

I can understand why this would be annoying, but some people like it. There could be an option to receive notifications from this, but it could be automatically off at first.

Sorry if this is just a dumb idea :confused:

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Migrating Large Forum


@Overmind wrote:

I have a forum with 30k users, 3m posts, and 100k+ threads currently running Xenforo looking to migrate to Discourse. Have a few pre-migration questions, I had this typed in a draft but when I came back it seems to have killed off the draft so it may not be as detailed this time. D:

  1. Are there any known issues with Xenforo -> Discourse, any common aspects that will not be carried over during the migration?

  2. If I could spin up any size AWS EC2 instance (which one would you recommend if price doesn't matter for one server for a day or two to handle the migration?) would you need to change any settings to let the import use the full resources? For example, Xenforo has rate limits built into the import tool that you have to manually change to increase the speed of the import. If so, how would I go about doing that to make the import go as fast as possible to limit downtime?

  3. Is the default install of Discourse good or do we need to customize anything due to the size of the board? Xenforo for example requires it's Enhanced Search (through elasticsearch) once you get over a million posts or so, or else it has severe performance issues. Also, it's fine just importing it on one server, then copying the DB and putting it on the production environment correct?

  4. Anyway to enable multi-factor authentication (at least through FB/Twitter/Github)? Any other security recommendations (i.e.: htaccess for admin panel)?

  5. Anything else we should know for this migration?

Unimportant questions:

  1. Is there a way to let users use different themes? There was a makeshift workaround for this at one point, unsure if it still works or if it's been replaced, I haven't actively followed Discourse in the last year. Some like a light theme while others require a dark theme.

  2. What's the best way for integrating a blog on the home page made up of topics on the forum? So for example, popular topics could be shown as blog entries (similar to how Discourse's blog posts look) then the comments pull from a thread on the forum where it was posted, with some way for admins to moderate what makes it to the front page. Even if we have to manually activate each one it's fine, just want to have the option to do so.

  3. Any other recommended plugins?

Looking forward to migrating to Discourse, thank you. :slight_smile:

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Unable to upgrade even though running on older version


@envieme wrote:

It thinks am running on the newest version. What happened was yesterday while I was running the upgrade, it failed saying out of ram. Then I create swap and came back to try again but see this.

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