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Need help finding user info


@Ryan_H wrote:

Can someone point me to the file or helper file that pulls user info? I don't mind hacking my way through my first Ruby project but just finding the right file is proving to take ages for me.

I have a plugin that takes a custom user field and then displays that value on the user card/profile....well I want it to but I can't figure out how to query that field. I have the dummy text displaying just fine but I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to get the value of that custom user field from the DB. Sorry for the noob question, this probably should not be someones first Ruby project but as a whole, I'm grateful for the thoroughness of this project and support.

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Category not accepting "anonymous email" from known users


@downey wrote:


  1. Have a "private" category that only has create/reply/see access for members of a specific group. No other permissions.
  2. Enable "anonymous email in" for that specific via a unique working alias to the incoming POP account.
  3. Have a non-staff user that is not a member of the group send an email report in to the category email address from the email address associated with their account.
  4. Send in an email from an account not associated with any known Discourse account.

Expected Behavior:

  • Both #3 and #4 result in new topics in the private category, and the group can begin discussion.

Actual Behavior:

  • The email in #4 works but email in #3 is rejected with the can_create? failed error.

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How to add image above top bar

Disable stripping emails


@Jared_Needell wrote:

I have an automated report that gets sent to a discourse category but I noticed discourse is stripping half of it either maybe because it's HTML or thinking it's a signature.

I don't see any option to disable striping signature/text out of incoming emails.

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Missing Letter profile images


@precessor wrote:

Click on any of the Letter images (right here on meta) where a person's profile pic or Gravatar would be if they has set one up. E.g.

Person's user card loads, but with a broken image icon:

"open image in new tab" to get

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Profile picture being imported - from where?


@Kevin_McKinney wrote:

I'm working on importing from an old forum (Snitz software). There wasn't a script for that forum, and I'm not a Ruby developer, so I'm hacking something together based on what I can figure out from the other import scripts.

I finally had success in my sandbox environment yesterday, but I was confused why a few of the users had profile pictures when they imported. I have no idea where they're pulling from... I'm not importing anything beyond username, name, email address, and inserted date from the user table. As I'm not a Ruby developer, I was lost trying to figure out where that might be happening, and figured I'd just ask. Is it somehow using the email address and checking with something on the internet for any profiles that use the same email address? One of the images seemed like the same profile picture that a guy uses on his LikedIn account. That's what got me thinking maybe it looks for something online.

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TinyTDS for import


@Kevin_McKinney wrote:

I'm importing from a Snitz forum, which doesn't have an existing import script. I'm not a Ruby developer, so I'm hacking things together as I go.

Snitz uses an MS SQL Server backend, and when I look up "Ruby MS SQL Server" everything seems to point to TinyTDS. I'm able to do that in Ruby 2.3.0, but when I try it in my script I run into dependency issues. It seems like the Docker container is running Ruby 2.0.0 and I'm not able to get TinyTDS to work because of dependency issues with activerecord and other gems (I think? Again, not really comfortable with Ruby or Rails, or Linux for that matter).

So I'm currently exporting things to a CSV file and then importing from there as a workaround, but I was curious if there was something I'm just missing in terms of getting an import script to connect to SQL. There's probably a way to connect using something other than TinyTDS but I'm way out of my depth already and I was afraid of breaking the entire site (again... I restored my VM several times during this process because I hosed things while trying to bend things to my will).

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If a person's username starts with a number, is their assigned pic a number or a letter?


@LivThePotterhead wrote:

The title says it all. Let's say there was a person named 55hehetrolol who joined the forum with that username. Would his assigned picture be 5 or h?

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Mixing a Category &"Featured" Topics


@Takumo wrote:

Hi All,

I'd like to present topics from discourse in a blog-style, to replace a rather unloved blog.

I've already got an "Announcements" category in which only staff can create new topics.
I'd like to also have the option for staff to select topics from any category and market them (e.g. with a tag).

I've written a small Sinatra app which then collates the 10 latest Announcements and featured posts to show in a blog format.

Is it possible to restrict setting a tag (or tagging in general) to staff? Or is there another way to feature a topic without pinning it.

Here's the code (using the discourse_api gem to help illustrate the idea

    announcements = API.category_latest_topics(category_slug: 'announcements').take 10
    features      = API.show_tag('food')["topic_list"]["topics"].take 10
    topics = (announcements + features).flatten
    topics.each { |t| t["created_at"] = Time.parse(t["created_at"]) }
    featured_topics = topics.sort { |a,b| a["created_at"] <=> b["created_at"] }.reverse.take 10

As a side note is there a way to just limit these API calls to returning the 10 most recent and paginating?

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GitHub onebox does not skip leading tabs


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

An incorrect rendering (the code uses tabs):

A correct rendering (the code uses spaces):

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Can't forward an email to a group & preserve the content


@downey wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Category not accepting "anonymous email" from known users:

On a similar note, I tried to forward an email from the user having problems to a different email alias that was mapped to the Group X membership.


  1. Create a group to which anyone can @mention or send messages.
  2. Assign a valid POP alias to that group.
  3. As an admin, forward an email to that group alias with some introductory text & CC the original author.

Expected Results:

  • The original author, whose email address matches a valid Discourse user, is added to the direct message.
  • The original email content is preserved and appears in the lead post within the Group Message.

Actual Results:

  • The original author, whose email address matches a valid Discourse user, is added to the direct message. (Yay!)
  • The original email content is not preserved and does not appear in the lead post within the Group Message. Only the introductory text is posted.

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Top Links on user profile have no rel="nofollow"

Amazon.fr onebox broken


@Steven wrote:

Hi everyone !

Since a couple of days the amazon onebox does not work. But it seems to concern only amazon.fr, and not amazon.com.

Everything worked fine until 2-3 days. I tried whitelisting amazon.fr but it changed nothing.

Here's an example :


I have the Discourse affiliate plugin, but again, works fine with .com, not with .fr. No difference when I deactivate

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Dark theme - unable to see dates in new date selector control

Admin Report - User-to-User Messages - date range not respected

Missing Mark all as Read for Notifications


@Mittineague wrote:

Considering the Profile "landing" page is slated to become the Summary soon and this is somewhat edge case, probably not worth worrying about it much.

Typically, unless a Notifications link is specifically clicked I land on Profile Activity.

If I go to Profile (Activity) and click Notifications, there is a "Mark all as Read" button.

But if I go to User Card -> Avatar -> Profile (Activity) and click Notifications, the button is not there until I do a page reload.

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Getting to /tags?


@peternlewis wrote:

How do you navigate to the /tags page?

It seems it used to go there when you clicked the "all tags" button, but now that just displays all the tags. I see now it asks as kind of a filter, so you need to be able to select the all tags setting.

But might I suggest a subtle UI change - if you select "all tags" while it is already configured to "all tags" that it opens the /tags page?

Otherwise is there some way for the user to actually get to this page?

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403 Error Embedding Comments


@depeters wrote:

I am able to embed comments in my application. However, the first time a new page comes up that has to generate a new topic, I get a 403 error. I have tried everything. I enabled CORS, I fixed the same origin x frame issue with a plugin and I made sure my allowed host is correct. What am I doing wrong?

VM1775 comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftrade.abecorn.com%2F%23%2Ftradeentry%2F5713977……:75 GET http://discourse.abecorn.com/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftrade.abecorn.com%2F%23%2Ftradeentry%2F57139778e4b0f1b830fa27e7 403 (Forbidden)(anonymous function) @ VM1775 comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftrade.abecorn.com%2F%23%2Ftradeentry%2F5713977……:75
comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftrade.abecorn.com%2F%23%2Ftradeentry%2F5713977…:217 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined(anonymous function) @ comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftrade.abecorn.com%2F%23%2Ftradeentry%2F5713977…:217
application-9ca7d98….js:16690 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'highlightedlanguages' of undefined

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Editing posts via mobile = poor UX


@ron_jeremy wrote:

I'm not sure if I have the forum misconfigured somewhere, but I find trying to edit a post on a mobile device a rather poor experience. The space allocated to the editor window is tiny and trying to maneuver around the post is extremely awkward. Is there any way to make the editor section (in the red box) bigger or fullscreen? I have the site mobile version setting enabled in the admin settings.

Here's a screenshot from my phone.

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