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Shortcuts for Dismiss All Notifications Not Working for me


@JMichaelTX wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "New/updated" bar and "Dismiss New" button unreachable by keyboard:

The above shortcuts don't work for me in this forum, or in https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/

But maybe I'm not using them correctly.
Is there a specific page where these work?

I have tried typing
x and then r

On these pages:

  • Topic page, with and without the "User Menu" being displayed
  • Topic list page

These shortcuts do show up in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" screen in both forums.

What am I doing wrong?

I want to achieve the same function as the "Dismiss All" button on the "Notifications" page.


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Email notification footer with links for Reply Privately, Sender Profile, and User Profile


@scombs wrote:

To help transition listserv and email users to the online forum, I added the following footer to the reply-by-email notification. I thought I would share.

The email footer

View Thread or reply to this email. Your response will be posted to the site and emailed to the group.

  • Reply to sender privately about this topic.
  • Visit sender's profile for more info.
  • Update your profile and set your email preferences.
  • View Email Tips for help on posting by email.

How to implement

  • Admin -> Customize -> Text Content
  • Edit user_notifications.reply_by_email
  • Sample code below uses Discourse shortcodes so should work for everyone.
  • Modify the text portions as needed.

Sample code

> [View Thread](%{base_url}%{url}) or reply to this email. Your response will be posted to the site and emailed to the group.

>*  [Reply to sender privately](%{base_url}/new-message?username=%{username}&title=Your%20post%20on%20%{site_title}&body=Regarding%20your%20topic%20at%20%{base_url}%{url}) about this topic.
>* [Visit sender's profile](%{base_url}/users/%{username}) for more info.
>* [Update your profile](%{base_url}/my/preferences) and set your email preferences.
>* View [Email Tips](https://example.com) for help on posting by email.


  • Uses Discourse shortcodes for site title, site URL, topics, usernames, profile page, and compose message.
  • Uses quote markdown for styling
  • Reply privately to sender link will generate a login prompt for non-logged in users. Message composer loads after login.
  • Current limitation (I couldn't figure it out): Cannot pull specific topic so email subject line is "Your post at {site_title}" Possibly a good thing since it distinguishes it from other topics.
  • Link to topic is included in body of private reply. Might need to tweak for one-boxing.
  • I changed the wording from "View Topic" to "View Thread" (not exactly accurate if there is only one topic and no replies but trying to shift users to the online forum).
  • You can add your own link to a "View Email Tips" post.

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Red notification always links to flag queue


@jomaxro wrote:

Summary: Posts needing approval uses the same red notification as flags. Clicking on the red notification icon always leads to flag queue even when there are no pending flags.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable post approval in some way.
  2. Have a post in queue with no pending flags
  3. Click on red notification icon (not on hamburger menu).

Expected Results:

Approval queue page opens

Actual Results:

Flag queue opens


Not really sure how this should work if both posts and flags are pending - perhaps just prioritize flags, and once no flags remain redirect link to approval queue

Version Number:

Discourse 1.7.0.beta4 (discourse.stonehearth.net)

System Information:

Windows 10 Education, Chrome Stable 53

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Badge: First Mention given when mentioning yourself


@eksperimental wrote:

It's not that I have mentioned myself in a conversation, i just posted a link to previous comment of mine (within the same thread).

apparently the first lines of the post along with my name were included in the message, therefore the mention to myself.
I don't think mentioning to yourself should count as a mention.

and i'm not too sure about when a post gets embedded if that should be counted as being mentioned, either.

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Let’s Encrypt problem


@yonghui wrote:

installed Discourse,
Check the cert files get written OK?

ls -l shared/standalone/ssl

rw-r--r-- 1 root root 424 Sep 19 10:43 dhparams.pem

that's all,
what's wrong?

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Update state of topics when opening in new tab


@barryvan wrote:

I'm one of those people who queues up a whole lot of tabs for reading, and then reads them. When I do this in Discourse, the various attributes of posts aren't updated when I open the new tab -- the visited state, the new state, the number of unread messages, and so on. This is both on the page where the topics were listed, and at the bottom of each post.

I understand that this is technically a hard thing to do, because up until recently, each tab loading would mean the server would have to send a message back to each other tab requesting an update. And this could result in uncomfortable "jumps" as the "suggested topics" gets reloaded or refreshed.

I wonder, though, whether the new BroadcastChannel API (available from Chrome 54, Firefox 38, and Opera 41), coupled with a change to the way this would work, would help. What I'm envisaging is that the changes become purely client-side cosmetic changes. In other words, when I open a topic in a new tab, all the other tabs update its status -- but don't force a reload of things like the "Suggested topics" area. Yes, this could (and will) result in some open topics' "suggested topics" containing only now-read items -- but, speaking from personal experience, this area generally wouldn't be much used by people who are very tab-happy.

The advantages of this approach are that there's no increase in server load (I understand that retrieving suggested topics can be one of the slowest queries to run), there's no uncomfortable "bump" or "jerkiness" as content is swapped out with differently-sized content, tab-happy users get more consistent visibility of state, and it's (maybe?) relatively simple to implement.

I'm not sure, though, how many tab-happy people like me there are out there who use Discourse in the same way I do -- is this a problem that other people have run into? I did do some searching but couldn't find very much explicitly on this topic, but I do recall some tangential comments about this in other topics.

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Translating the comment section


@daneriksson wrote:

So, I've finally decided to get rid of Disqus and use Discourse also to display comments on my blog.

I've been searching this part of the forum, but I can't really find out how to translate the text that's displayed under my blog posts. For example "Notable replies" and "Continue the discussion at..."

Is there anyone who can explain to me in a pedagogic way? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

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Discourse 1.7.0.beta4 Internet Explorer compatibility?


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I've had reports from two members of my forum that Internet Explorer users are seeing a blank page when visiting. The most recent report was an IE11 user. They've had success in other browsers

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Top Menu also in Category view

Backup scheduling


@kuyashi wrote:

A couple of questions regarding backup schedule:

  1. Is there any way to increase the backup frequency above the current max of once per day ?
  2. Is it possible to set our own time at which the system takes the backup ?

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How to hook up JWT Single Sign On to Discourse


@mdiscourse wrote:

We are investigating using Discourse as a forum section for our website. Our existing app is a Play 2.5 application with it's own login setup and a JWT authenticator. Our goal is to implement some form of single-sign-on setup where users will be redirected (from Discourse) to our Play app to authenticate, the JWT token is created and sent back (via redirect) to Discourse for use in validating subsequent actions.

I found both https://github.com/discourse/discourse-omniauth-jwt and https://github.com/discourse/discourse-jwt but am unsure if they will support what we are looking for or how to integrate them (I am very new to Discourse). Is there a similar alternative (with JWT) that I am unaware of?

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Admin >"Change Ownership" dialog whack-a-mole (mobile browser)


@ChrisBeach wrote:

On a topic with many replies, when I try to change the owner of a post, I encounter an annoying problem on my mobile browser (iOS10 Safari).

The dialog for looking up the new owner keeps vanishing offscreen. I see it momentarily if I tap the iOS menu bar to shortcut to the top of the page. But then as earlier posts automatically load, the dialog quickly vanishes again. Interestingly, I'm able to keep the dialog onscreen if I minimise the keyboard.

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Non-member email posters have to be manually activated for mailing list mode to work


@paulolieuthier wrote:

Hello, friends. Even though it's too damn heavy (of course that's relative), Discourse is the best bet for community discussion software, especially with mailing list mode. I've been trying to set it up for an open source project, and it's almost usable.

I've hit a wall, though. As a mailing list, I don't expect users to sign up to be able to post a message by email and get replies. However, that's what my tests show. I'm able to send a post by email from a non-member user and get the post delivered to the members. Replies to the post only gets to the sender if I manually activate him. Please, tell me I'm missing something ridiculously obvious.

Thanks for your time and for this project!

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A way to post in staff directory with nonstaff members accessing it


@Pad_Pors wrote:

just like the posts that are used as FAQ or community guide, they are topics in the staff directory which can be accessed directly for others.

can I have other topics like this as well? I want to have both FAQ and Guide, but both of them are pointing to the same topic (topic 5) in the staff directory so I can only have one of them.

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Looking for advice about sso approach


@deltaskelta wrote:

I habe a django site that needs a forum and i have decided to use discourse fpr that purpose. I will meed integrated auth which gives me two options...

1 use discourse as the sso provider
2 use django as the sso provider

My django site will have a limited amount pf user data and i imagine discourse would have more data in the long run. Discourse already has a social auth system while i wpuld have to roll one with django (trivial with django allauth but i would still have to style it and integrate it with discourse)

This leads me to believe that using discourse as the aao provider would be the better option but i am not sure. What would you recommend?

If i do choose to use discpurse as the sso provider how would i keep a user logged in? Would i have to create a cookie with django? Does this have to be different than the cookie stored by discourse? The tutorial here doesnt say much about that, but it is probably common knowledge to most, but not me. How does this work?

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"Trigger" text field not showing up when creating custom badge


@evanthemann7 wrote:

I am trying to create new automatic badges for my community. I am an admin and last week I was able to type SQL into a box called "Trigger (SQL Badge Query)" but now that box does not show up.

I found a similar thread, but refreshing does not fix it for me. That thread was called "Not displayed Trigger Options in Admin Panel for badges". I tried to link here but it wouldn't let me since I'm a new user.


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Turn off 'Show Full Post' in WP Discourse Plugin


@jamesmarkcook wrote:

I've recently noticed that a 'Read full post' button has appeared in Discourse topics linked to Wordpress articles.

Is it possible to have this as an option that can be turned off?

2 reasons for this request:

  1. I use Visual Composer in Wordpress to build some posts so they don't always appear correctly in Discourse
  2. I'd prefer people to have to click the link and visit my Wordpress site rather than staying on the forum


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URLs from old site easily redirected when imported to Discourse


@pfaffman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Slugs that start with numbers parsed as IDs:

Then I'll feel better as a total novice not being able to figure it out. :slight_smile:


A total edge case since it matters (best I can tell) for keeping old URLs working on imported data.

I suppose I should re-post in #praise (and now I have to since topic got closed), but dang, being able to redirect /oldforum/the-slug-they-used to http://discoursehost/t/the-slug-they-used and have it just work is freaking magic.

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