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Discourse for Maker Communities


@erlend_sh wrote:

Originally published at: http://blog.discourse.org/2016/11/discourse-for-maker-communities/

There is a thing called the “maker movement” and, well, it’s awesome. People are setting up shop in their basements, backyards or dedicated makerspaces to create things together. Makers openly exchanging their ideas and designs with one another in the pursuit of better solutions to problems that need solving. That problem can be anything from…

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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Lockfile gem is out of date in updater


@TyIsI wrote:

While running the updater, I encountered the following error:

Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.13.1) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.13.6). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running gem install bundler.

(On second thought, this might be related to the backup issues?)

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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SSO no longer working


@mylisia wrote:

Hi, today our SSO stopped working to get users logged into Discourse. It's saying that groups can no longer be found. Has something changed in the Discourse side? This is preventing anyone from using our community.

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Participants: 2

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JSON parsing error in X-MSYS-API


@philh wrote:

On two different relatively new instances email has stopped working.

Sending test email from admin shows this in admin/email/skipped

[Sender] 550 5.6.0 JSON parsing error in X-MSYS-API: continue at offset 0

Tried rebuilding but no change. Any suggestions?

Edit: running 1.7.0.beta7

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Participants: 1

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Discourse used for participatory governance/transparency/idea generation?


@citizentools wrote:

In brief: has Discourse been used for participatory government projects (aka transparency, ideation, participatory budgeting)?


I just mocked up a set of demos comparing
1. Uservoice.com
2. Useresponse.com, and
3. Discourse.org

as online portals for proposing and discussing infrastructure investment ideas for a regional US government. E.g. "resurface the XYZ river bridge", "put in green roofs on all the government office buildings", etc.

Discourse came out pretty well, thanks to
* highly configurable moderation and flagging
* ensured data export
* ability to turn off voting
* catching possibly duplicate topics (aka project ideas) before they're posted
* highly configurable categories and home screen

It seems to me that Discourse could be tuned to mimic uservoice and other ideation, as well as "discussion" tools like mySidewalk.com.

Which got me to wondering: has Discourse.org been used for participatory government projects before? I see a couple of threads on meta for possible future use, but that's it.


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Participants: 1

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Top topics has "last visit" line, is that intentional?

Unable to make SSL to work on my Discourse installation


@DarkDofah wrote:


Since Bitnami isn't very active on their forums and i need some help, i'll be posting this here.

i installed Discourse a couple days ago and i'm installing a SSL certificate. I'm using StartSSL certificate, and i already verified my domain (https://wonh.cf) but it still shows me that the domain is not veryfing and idk why its still using the dummy certificate, i checked all the paths and they were correct, so please notice me if i need to restart something (restarted apache a hundred times) and still not working...

what i should do?

Posts: 13

Participants: 6

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Cannot upgrade 1.6.4 -> 1.6.5


@zsero wrote:

It's a clean, stock, super vanilla site, no modifications. Had many upgrades, never a problem.

I cannot do 1.6.4 -> 1.6.5. Tried it twice.

$ cd /var/www/discourse && git fetch && git reset --hard HEAD@{upstream}
HEAD is now at 1d76d25 Version bump to v1.6.5
*** Please be patient, next steps might take a while ***
$ bundle install --deployment --without test --without development
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..............
Bundle complete! 99 Gemfile dependencies, 178 gems now installed.
Gems in the group development were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
$ bundle exec rake multisite:migrate
Migrating default

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/001_categories.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/002_groups.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/003_post_action_types.rb
 - PostActionType {:id=>1, :name_key=>"bookmark", :is_flag=>false, :position=>1}
 - PostActionType {:id=>2, :name_key=>"like", :is_flag=>false, :icon=>"heart", :position=>2}
 - PostActionType {:id=>3, :name_key=>"off_topic", :is_flag=>true, :position=>3}
 - PostActionType {:id=>4, :name_key=>"inappropriate", :is_flag=>true, :position=>4}
 - PostActionType {:id=>5, :name_key=>"vote", :is_flag=>false, :position=>5}
 - PostActionType {:id=>8, :name_key=>"spam", :is_flag=>true, :position=>6}
 - PostActionType {:id=>6, :name_key=>"notify_user", :is_flag=>true, :position=>7}
 - PostActionType {:id=>7, :name_key=>"notify_moderators", :is_flag=>true, :position=>8}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/004_screened_ip_addresses.rb
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>1, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>2, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>3, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>4, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>5, :ip_address=>"fc00::/7", :action_type=>2}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/005_badge_types.rb
 - BadgeType {:id=>1, :name=>"Gold"}
 - BadgeType {:id=>2, :name=>"Silver"}
 - BadgeType {:id=>3, :name=>"Bronze"}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/006_badges.rb
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>1, :name=>"Getting Started", :default_position=>10}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>2, :name=>"Community", :default_position=>11}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>3, :name=>"Posting", :default_position=>12}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>4, :name=>"Trust Level", :default_position=>13}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>5, :name=>"Other", :default_position=>14}
 - Badge {:id=>1, :default_name=>"Basic User", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n  WHERE trust_level >= 1 AND (\n    :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n  )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>false, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>2, :default_name=>"Member", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n  WHERE trust_level >= 2 AND (\n    :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n  )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>false, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>3, :default_name=>"Regular", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n  WHERE trust_level >= 3 AND (\n    :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n  )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>true, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>4, :default_name=>"Leader", :badge_type_id=>1, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n  WHERE trust_level >= 4 AND (\n    :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n  )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>true, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>17, :default_name=>"Reader", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"  SELECT id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n  FROM users\n  WHERE id IN\n  (\n    SELECT pt.user_id\n    FROM post_timings pt\n    JOIN badge_posts b ON b.post_number = pt.post_number AND\n                          b.topic_id = pt.topic_id\n    JOIN topics t ON t.id = pt.topic_id\n    LEFT JOIN user_badges ub ON ub.badge_id = 17 AND ub.user_id = pt.user_id\n    WHERE ub.id IS NULL AND t.posts_count > 100\n    GROUP BY pt.user_id, pt.topic_id, t.posts_count\n    HAVING count(*) >= t.posts_count\n  )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>16, :default_name=>"Read Guidelines", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"  SELECT user_id, read_faq granted_at\n  FROM user_stats\n  WHERE read_faq IS NOT NULL AND (user_id IN (:user_ids) OR :backfill)\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>8, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>14, :default_name=>"First Link", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT l.user_id, l.post_id, l.created_at granted_at\n  FROM\n  (\n    SELECT MIN(l1.id) id\n    FROM topic_links l1\n    JOIN badge_posts p1 ON p1.id = l1.post_id\n    JOIN badge_posts p2 ON p2.id = l1.link_post_id\n    WHERE NOT reflection AND p1.topic_id <> p2.topic_id AND not quote AND\n      (:backfill OR ( p1.id in (:post_ids) ))\n    GROUP BY l1.user_id\n  ) ids\n  JOIN topic_links l ON l.id = ids.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>15, :default_name=>"First Quote", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT ids.user_id, q.post_id, q.created_at granted_at\n  FROM\n  (\n    SELECT p1.user_id, MIN(q1.id) id\n    FROM quoted_posts q1\n    JOIN badge_posts p1 ON p1.id = q1.post_id\n    JOIN badge_posts p2 ON p2.id = q1.quoted_post_id\n    WHERE (:backfill OR ( p1.id IN (:post_ids) ))\n    GROUP BY p1.user_id\n  ) ids\n  JOIN quoted_posts q ON q.id = ids.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>11, :default_name=>"First Like", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT pa1.user_id, pa1.created_at granted_at, pa1.post_id\n  FROM (\n    SELECT pa.user_id, min(pa.id) id\n    FROM post_actions pa\n    JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n    WHERE post_action_type_id = 2 AND\n      (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n    GROUP BY pa.user_id\n  ) x\n  JOIN post_actions pa1 on pa1.id = x.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>13, :default_name=>"First Flag", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"  SELECT pa1.user_id, pa1.created_at granted_at, pa1.post_id\n  FROM (\n    SELECT pa.user_id, min(pa.id) id\n    FROM post_actions pa\n    JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n    WHERE post_action_type_id IN (3,4,7,8) AND\n      (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n    GROUP BY pa.user_id\n  ) x\n  JOIN post_actions pa1 on pa1.id = x.id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>1, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
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 - Badge {:id=>26, :default_name=>"Campaigner", :default_icon=>"fa-user-plus", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n  FROM users u\n  WHERE u.id IN (\n    SELECT invited_by_id\n    FROM invites i\n    JOIN users u2 ON u2.id = i.user_id\n    WHERE i.deleted_at IS NULL AND u2.active AND u2.trust_level >= 1 AND not u2.blocked\n    GROUP BY invited_by_id\n    HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3\n  ) AND u.active AND NOT u.blocked AND u.id > 0 AND\n    (:backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>true, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>27, :default_name=>"Champion", :default_icon=>"fa-user-plus", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"\n  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n  FROM users u\n  WHERE u.id IN (\n    SELECT invited_by_id\n    FROM invites i\n    JOIN users u2 ON u2.id = i.user_id\n    WHERE i.deleted_at IS NULL AND u2.active AND u2.trust_level >= 2 AND not u2.blocked\n    GROUP BY invited_by_id\n    HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5\n  ) AND u.active AND NOT u.blocked AND u.id > 0 AND\n    (:backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>true, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>12, :default_name=>"First Share", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, i2.created_at granted_at\n  FROM\n  (\n    SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n    FROM incoming_links i\n    JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n    WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n    GROUP BY i.user_id\n  ) as views\n  JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
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 - Badge {:id=>22, :default_name=>"Good Share", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n  FROM\n  (\n    SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n    FROM incoming_links i\n    JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n    WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n    GROUP BY i.user_id,i.post_id\n    HAVING COUNT(*) > 300\n  ) as views\n  JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
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 - Badge {:id=>5, :default_name=>"Welcome", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT p.user_id, min(post_id) post_id, min(pa.created_at) granted_at\n  FROM post_actions pa\n  JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n  WHERE post_action_type_id = 2 AND\n      (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n  GROUP BY p.user_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>9, :default_name=>"Autobiographer", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :query=>"  SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n  FROM users u\n  JOIN user_profiles up on u.id = up.user_id\n  WHERE bio_raw IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(TRIM(bio_raw)) > 10 AND\n        uploaded_avatar_id IS NOT NULL AND\n        (:backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>8, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>10, :default_name=>"Editor", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :query=>"  SELECT p.user_id, min(p.id) post_id, min(p.created_at) granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.self_edits > 0 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n  GROUP BY p.user_id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>6, :default_name=>"Nice Post", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 10 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>7, :default_name=>"Good Post", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 25 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>8, :default_name=>"Great Post", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 50 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>18, :default_name=>"Nice Topic", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 10 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>19, :default_name=>"Good Topic", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 25 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>20, :default_name=>"Great Topic", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n  SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n  FROM badge_posts p\n  WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 50 AND\n    (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
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 - Badge {:id=>28, :default_name=>"Popular Link", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"        SELECT tl.user_id, post_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n          FROM topic_links tl\n          JOIN posts p  ON p.id = post_id    AND p.deleted_at IS NULL\n          JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.archetype <> 'private_message'\n         WHERE NOT tl.internal\n           AND tl.clicks >= 50\n      GROUP BY tl.user_id, tl.post_id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>3, :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>29, :default_name=>"Hot Link", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"        SELECT tl.user_id, post_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n          FROM topic_links tl\n          JOIN posts p  ON p.id = post_id    AND p.deleted_at IS NULL\n          JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.archetype <> 'private_message'\n         WHERE NOT tl.internal\n           AND tl.clicks >= 300\n      GROUP BY tl.user_id, tl.post_id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>3, :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>30, :default_name=>"Famous Link", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"        SELECT tl.user_id, post_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n          FROM topic_links tl\n          JOIN posts p  ON p.id = post_id    AND p.deleted_at IS NULL\n          JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.archetype <> 'private_message'\n         WHERE NOT tl.internal\n           AND tl.clicks >= 1000\n      GROUP BY tl.user_id, tl.post_id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>3, :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>36, :name=>"Appreciated", :default_name=>"Appreciated", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"      SELECT p.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM posts AS p\n      WHERE p.like_count >= 1\n        AND (:backfill OR p.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY p.user_id\n      HAVING count(*) > 20\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>37, :name=>"Respected", :default_name=>"Respected", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"      SELECT p.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM posts AS p\n      WHERE p.like_count >= 2\n        AND (:backfill OR p.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY p.user_id\n      HAVING count(*) > 100\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>31, :name=>"Admired", :default_name=>"Admired", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>1, :query=>"      SELECT p.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM posts AS p\n      WHERE p.like_count >= 5\n        AND (:backfill OR p.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY p.user_id\n      HAVING count(*) > 300\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>38, :default_name=>"Thank You", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"      SELECT us.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM user_stats AS us\n      INNER JOIN posts AS p ON p.user_id = us.user_id\n      WHERE p.like_count > 0\n        AND us.likes_given >= 10\n        AND (:backfill OR us.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY us.user_id, us.likes_given\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 20\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>32, :default_name=>"Gives Back", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"      SELECT us.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM user_stats AS us\n      INNER JOIN posts AS p ON p.user_id = us.user_id\n      WHERE p.like_count > 0\n        AND us.likes_given >= 100\n        AND (:backfill OR us.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY us.user_id, us.likes_given\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 100\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>39, :default_name=>"Empathetic", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>1, :query=>"      SELECT us.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM user_stats AS us\n      INNER JOIN posts AS p ON p.user_id = us.user_id\n      WHERE p.like_count > 0\n        AND us.likes_given >= 1000\n        AND (:backfill OR us.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY us.user_id, us.likes_given\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 500\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>33, :name=>"Out of Love", :default_name=>"Out of Love", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"      SELECT gdl.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM given_daily_likes AS gdl\n      WHERE gdl.limit_reached\n        AND (:backfill OR gdl.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY gdl.user_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) >= 1\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>34, :name=>"Higher Love", :default_name=>"Higher Love", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"      SELECT gdl.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM given_daily_likes AS gdl\n      WHERE gdl.limit_reached\n        AND (:backfill OR gdl.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY gdl.user_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>35, :name=>"Crazy in Love", :default_name=>"Crazy in Love", :default_icon=>"fa-heart", :badge_type_id=>1, :query=>"      SELECT gdl.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at\n      FROM given_daily_likes AS gdl\n      WHERE gdl.limit_reached\n        AND (:backfill OR gdl.user_id IN (:user_ids))\n      GROUP BY gdl.user_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) >= 20\n", :badge_grouping_id=>2, :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>40, :default_name=>"First Mention", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"  SELECT acting_user_id AS user_id, min(target_post_id) AS post_id, min(p.created_at) AS granted_at\n  FROM user_actions\n  JOIN posts p ON p.id = target_post_id\n  JOIN topics t ON t.id = topic_id\n  JOIN categories c on c.id = category_id\n  WHERE action_type = 7\n    AND NOT read_restricted\n    AND p.deleted_at IS  NULL\n    AND t.deleted_at IS  NULL\n    AND t.visible\n    AND t.archetype <> 'private_message'\n    AND (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids))\n  GROUP BY acting_user_id\n", :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>41, :default_name=>"First Emoji", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>nil, :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>16, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>42, :default_name=>"First Onebox", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>nil, :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>16, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>43, :default_name=>"First Reply By Email", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>nil, :badge_grouping_id=>1, :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>16, :system=>true}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/009_users.rb
 - User {:id=>-1, :name=>"system", :username=>"system", :username_lower=>"system", :email=>"no_email", :password=>"481211cdf621d90c10eca2f2353340af", :active=>true, :admin=>true, :moderator=>true, :approved=>true, :trust_level=>4}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/500_lounge_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/501_meta_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/502_staff_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/999_settings.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/999_topics.rb
***  Bundling assets. This might take a while ***
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Purging temp files
rake aborted!
MiniRacer::ScriptTerminatedError: JavaScript was terminated (either by timeout or explicitly)
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/mini_racer-0.1.3/lib/mini_racer.rb:99:in `eval_unsafe'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/mini_racer-0.1.3/lib/mini_racer.rb:99:in `block in eval'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/mini_racer-0.1.3/lib/mini_racer.rb:97:in `synchronize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/mini_racer-0.1.3/lib/mini_racer.rb:97:in `eval'
/var/www/discourse/lib/es6_module_transpiler/tilt/es6_module_transpiler_template.rb:111:in `block in evaluate'
/var/www/discourse/lib/es6_module_transpiler/tilt/es6_module_transpiler_template.rb:60:in `block in protect'
/var/www/discourse/lib/es6_module_transpiler/tilt/es6_module_transpiler_template.rb:59:in `synchronize'
/var/www/discourse/lib/es6_module_transpiler/tilt/es6_module_transpiler_template.rb:59:in `protect'
/var/www/discourse/lib/es6_module_transpiler/tilt/es6_module_transpiler_template.rb:109:in `evaluate'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/tilt-2.0.2/lib/tilt/template.rb:99:in `render'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy_tilt_processor.rb:25:in `call'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:75:in `call_processor'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:57:in `block in call_processors'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in `reverse_each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in `call_processors'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:134:in `load_from_unloaded'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:60:in `block in load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:317:in `fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:44:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:20:in `block in initialize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/bundle.rb:23:in `block in call'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/utils.rb:196:in `dfs'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/bundle.rb:24:in `call'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:75:in `call_processor'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:57:in `block in call_processors'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in `reverse_each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in `call_processors'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:134:in `load_from_unloaded'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:60:in `block in load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:317:in `fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/loader.rb:44:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:20:in `block in initialize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/base.rb:66:in `find_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/base.rb:73:in `find_all_linked_assets'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:142:in `block in find'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy.rb:114:in `block (2 levels) in logical_paths'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb:228:in `block in stat_tree'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb:212:in `block in stat_directory'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb:209:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb:209:in `stat_directory'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb:227:in `stat_tree'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy.rb:105:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy.rb:105:in `block in logical_paths'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy.rb:104:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/legacy.rb:104:in `logical_paths'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:140:in `find'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:185:in `compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-rails-3.1.1/lib/sprockets/rails/task.rb:68:in `block (3 levels) in define'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-3.6.3/lib/rake/sprocketstask.rb:147:in `with_logger'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sprockets-rails-3.1.1/lib/sprockets/rails/task.rb:67:in `block (2 levels) in define'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rake-11.2.2/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Bundling assets`Preformatted text`

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Help in new server install - small forum group


@radadam wrote:

Good evening,

I have a small group of friends who continue to use proboards, but I have looked for better options for mobile forum use. Discourse has been really impressive with the photo upload from photo library on iphone and drag/drop from windows.

I am looking for help in setting up the forums by purchasing the one time purchase and hosting on AWS. I have run servers before but with admin portals or lists of commands to run, so I'm competent, but need initial hand holding on the process.

Thanks for the assistance.


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30 min. install, green lights on everything, but emails fail


@WhatNo wrote:

I read everyone's install guide(s) (THANK YOU ALL), got green lights on all the DNS and email config,
the registration email is arriving at SparkPost ... but every one that SparkPost receives is bounced with a 550 error and very strange: 550 5.6.0 JSON parsing error in X-MSYS-API: continue at offset 0

My DNS and POP email is managed by networksolutions for all our domains, I don't know if it's upset by receiving mail from SparkPost that it never sent ... and I'm assuming there's no way that discourse is truly generating a parsing error in X-MSYS-API...

I'm stumped and dead in the water. I've reached out to SparkPost to see if they've got an idea, since I assume they can see much more than I can.

I also have no idea what I'm doing... I know all the pieces, but I've never spun up a cloud server until now.

Any ideas ?

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Site is Down after upgrade


@LastDance wrote:

My site gives me back a http 500 error after I attempted to upgrade from 17beta6 to 17beta7, and while docker still comes up, Im guessing that means it broke somehow and i need to restore from a backup. (So naturally i did the dumbest thing thing and didnt back up this time).

Before i do though, im going to ask the hopeless but also hopeful question: Is there a way to restore my discourse instance without having to restore from backup?

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Upgrade email shows incorrect current version


@JamesNorth wrote:

Hi Guys,

I'm currently running:

Version v1.7.0.beta6 +89

I just received an email regarding an upgrade to 1.7 beta7, but it thinks I'm running beta3.

Hooray, a new version of Discourse is available!

Your version: 1.7.0.beta3
New version: 1.7.0.beta7

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Participants: 2

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[HELP] Cannot login, error shows "BAD CSRF"


@lifehome wrote:

Hello all,

I have installed Discourse on my server, and it has ran a long good time, without any troubles.
However after the latest update, I have found that all of the user accounts are failed to login, including admin ones.

After awhile I was suspecting it is a plugin issue, therefore I removed all the plugins then ran ./launcher rebuild app to have it run pure vanilla version, but no cigar to that. For the current situation, it seems like our site is read only and cannot do any action other than reading threads.

Upon any login form submission, it shows this and we have no idea what this means.

Site is located at https://discuss.stickyricelove.com and we are a Non-Profit educating and promoting SexEd in Hong Kong, for teenagers and resolving their wonder and doubts.

Very looking forward to an answer soooooooooooooooooooooon.:weary::sob:
Thank you.

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How about an easier way to determine version of Discourse by end user

Sidekiq processed 5 millions tasks then died? Have trouble running more than one day


@Wespel wrote:


I'm having trouble with Sidekiq since november 1st.
I'm on discourse 1.7b6 for a week now and everything was going great, but suddenly, it went nuts.

I didn't have any notification between novermber 1st midnight and when I rebuilt the app on the 2nd. It then processed all notifications and mails and went inactive again.

What alarmed me is the incredible number of task processed by sidekiq since november 1st :

Yup, 1 million on november 1st, 4 millions on november 2nd. As you can see in the top left corner, 5 millions total, so most of the volume was processed over these two days.

What is strange is that it doesn't appear in the failed/passed statistics :

(you can see the sidekiq tried to get back with overdued work)

I had to rebuild twice this morning (nov 3rd) to get the notifications to work again ( tested with a pm - green notification). It seems to work for now, even if all scheduled tasks are overdued. But I think it's only dued to winter daytime Saving being effective in France since sunday.

I can't tell if this is a specific problem due to daylight saving times or a bug, or my instance going nuts on halloween sugar... I thought I should document this issue, even if I can't really categorize it. If you happen to know what could be behind it, I'd be very pleased to know what it is and how to avoid it in the future.

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Full redesign of my forum


@gor wrote:

Hi, last month i started a full redesign of the forum, everything was going fine, changed lots of js code, until i installed the latest update which resulted in messed up forum. So, my question is: whats the correct way to redesign the forum without conflicting with the new updates? I saw that your system does not allow multiple templates like any other forum engine. Any chance you plan to integrate such feature in future?

Thank you.

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Locale change for Facebook login


@Jyothi_Chaluvaiah wrote:

Is there a way to change the locale of the Facebook js sdk used in the head tag.

I want to load Facebook login popup in Japanese.
I guess we can do it by loading the Facebook js sdk with a locale ja_JP rather than en_US but i could not find a way to edit the link in the header.

Anybody pls suggest how to achieve it.

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Run discourse from sub-directory


@junaid_pk14 wrote:


I have checked the howto https://meta.discourse.org/t/subfolder-support-with-docker/30507 but our existing setup is different and we are using apache everywhere and can't change this. I have deployed the application on sub-directory folder and its configured successfully but when i try to access site www.home.com/discourse, it shows 'Not Found'. I have also configured the 'relative_url_root' in discourse_defaults.rb but it didn't work. I am using apache and i used the following guideline from passenger to configure app to sub-directory url 'https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/deploy/apache/deploy/ruby/#deploying-an-app-to-a-sub-uri-or-subdirectory'.

@neil can you help me in this connection.


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OpenGraph metadata for a private Discourse


@alehandrof wrote:

Our Discourse site is private (requires login to access) and has SSO enabled, so non-logged in users visiting it are redirected to our main site's login page.

Unfortunately this means that links to our site look like this when shared on our private group in Facebook:

I'd like to be able to add an icon and change the title and description to be something friendlier like:

[ICON] AMICAL Connect - the consortium's forum
Login to access this post.

Is this possible?

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Site unreachable after failed attempt to upgrade


@lostintime wrote:

Hi guys,

I justr tried the automatic upgrade from 17beta6 to 17beta7. The upgrade didn't succeed and the last messages I had on the console screen were:

Bundle complete! 99 Gemfile dependencies, 177 gems now installed.
Gems in the group development were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
bundle exec rake multisite:migrate

As expected, Ningx gives me an error message when I try to access the site:

504 gateway timeout

I ssh-ed into the server but I really don't know what to do next. The docker daemon does not seem to be running:

alex@community:/var/discourse$ ./launcher logs app
Cannot connect to the docker daemon - verify it is running and you have access

Could someone please advise how to get the site back up and running?


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