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Onebox Click-Count is not autorefreshed


@Lutz wrote:

Only a small bug:

The Onebox Click counter is not updated automatically. You need to reload to see the clicks that you or others have done.

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Carrying from server to another server (?)

Global Replace across database


@pfaffman wrote:

On a new importer, I included a wonder feature that includes a link to the post on the original site so that it's easy to see what the post looked like on the old system to make it easier to find problems. It's great.

But I screwed up and did the full import (~2.3 million posts) leaving that link in the first post in every topic. I'd love to be able to strip from all those topics and not have to re-run the script from scratch.

\[ORIGINAL POST\]\(.*t\)

There was discussion here about doing that, but it doesn't do regexes. Maybe I just want to live on the edge and do it from the console?

Something like this, but remove the Regex.escape?

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Formatting the WP excerpt for Discourse

Github onebox does not point to individual commits in PR links


@tgxworld wrote:



Both links generate the same onebox even though the first link is pointing to a particular commit in the PR.

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Add column on the left with custom html


@norandom wrote:


would someone be kind enough to share a custom CSS / HTML that adds a column on the left? I have found some examples with header links.

I'd like a column on the left to be present everywhere, so that the navigation becomes easier for my users.

Thanks :wink:,

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Something seems to have gone wrong with my update

How Regenerate droped table post_search_data?


@veer wrote:

By mistake i delete the table post_search_data in discourse data, How this table can be regenerated ? As this table depend upon the table posts, there might be a way to regenrate it, please help.

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For installation need VDS or VPS?


@Ogulcan wrote:

Hello, I bought VDS. But I have problem.
Error : mkdir cannot create cd /var
How can I fix this problem ?
VDS is problem or another problem ?


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502 Bad Gateway, suddenly


@Vereos wrote:

Hello there.

Yesterday my Discourse forum was working fine: it's more than one year that runs successfully on a Digital Ocean machine and I never had problems.

Before going to sleep yesterday, I checked my forum and all was fine. I wake up this morning and I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. I didn't attempt to upgrade, and not even some kind of operation on the VM.

I mean... how is this even possible? I am clueless.

I tried to do a ./launcher restart app but it didn't help, so I ran a ./launcher rebuild app and I get this:

root@Forum:/var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app
Ensuring launcher is up to date
Fetching origin
remote: Counting objects: 154, done.
remote: Total 154 (delta 67), reused 67 (delta 67), pack-reused 86
Receiving objects: 100% (154/154), 19.20 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (109/109), completed with 23 local objects.
From https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker
12fa363..1f5042f master -> origin/master
* [new branch] configurable-pg-sleep -> origin/configurable-pg-sleep
* [new branch] launcher-env-vars -> origin/launcher-env-vars
* [new branch] pg_ctl -> origin/pg_ctl
* [new branch] user-args-for-last -> origin/user-args-for-last
Updating Launcher
Updating 12fa363..1f5042f
image/base/Dockerfile | 19 +++++++++----
image/base/VERSION | 2 +-
image/base/install-imagemagick | 2 +-
image/base/install-nginx | 2 ++
image/build.rb | 2 +-
image/discourse/Dockerfile | 4 +--
image/discourse_bench/Dockerfile | 4 +--
image/discourse_dev/Dockerfile | 12 ++++++--
image/discourse_dev/ensure-database | 2 ++
image/discourse_dev/postgres_dev.template.yml | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
image/discourse_fast_switch/Dockerfile | 4 +--
image/discourse_test/Dockerfile | 4 +--
launcher | 8 +++---
templates/web.letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml | 5 ++--
templates/web.template.yml | 2 +-
15 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 image/discourse_dev/postgres_dev.template.yml

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

Unable to find image 'discourse/discourse:1.3.10' locally
1.3.10: Pulling from discourse/discourse
ba66ef388b03: Pulling fs layer
82f56b9b0da9: Pulling fs layer
82f56b9b0da9: Verifying Checksum
82f56b9b0da9: Download complete
ba66ef388b03: Verifying Checksum
ba66ef388b03: Download complete
Pulling repository docker.io/discourse/discourse
Tag 1.3.10 not found in repository docker.io/discourse/discourse
Your Docker installation is not working correctly

See: https://meta.discourse.org/t/docker-error-on-bootstrap/13657/18?u=sam

It looks like this error is Docker-related but I wouldn't know how to solve it. Any help?

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Connecting telegram bot to discourse


@Alavi1412 wrote:

I have written a telegram bot : @padporsbot
In our country telegram messenger is using the most. We have a discourse website.So we created a bot with following features:

  • You can sign up in website without even opening website

  • even if you aren't our website user, your content will send to website and you will receive your likes for your content as score

  • after signing up in website. all of your content created before signing up will be yours. you won't lose any previous content.

following features will be added to bot in updates:

  • creating team in bot and play as a team against other teams for getting scores(likes)

  • with webhook. It will notify you if one of your content replied by another user and you can come to website and answer his reply.

this bot is focusing on reducing air pollution.

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Selecting Leave Group button on Groups page requires refresh


@scombs wrote:

Selecting the Leave Group button on Groups page doesn't toggle to immediately show the Join Group button.

A screen refresh is required by the user to see the change.

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Question about "/sidekiq/scheduler"


@Lutz wrote:

I want to trigger the daily job for Badge-Grants. First idea was to use /sidekiq/scheduler and trigger Jobs::BadgeGrant. But "/sidekiq/scheduler/Jobs::BadgeGrant/trigger" gives "Forbidden" as Result (running as Administrator).

How can I trigger the job manually from the console? I think it should be something like ./launcher enter app - but no idea whats next.

Thanks for helping!

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National Flags - Display user nationality in Discourse


@Ebs wrote:

Inspired by the phpBB Plugin, I've put together a similar plugin for Discourse.

After installing and enabling in Admin/Plugins, users will have a new custom setting called 'National Flag'. After selecting a country code from the dropdown, the flag image will be displayed alongside their name in topics and also displayed on their user profile.

In its current state, it's fairy 'hacky' and there's plenty of room for improvement. I'd appreciate some help with the code if anyone is willing to offer their assistance!

Thoughts and ideas are welcome, I plan to update and improve this in the future!

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How to actually make a discord forum?


@Bubbaman5 wrote:

Hello Everybody,

My name is Mark Bielakiewicz, I'm an avid user of all platforms offered by discord (The forums, the communication platform), part of several forums/several discord servers, including owning several of my own discord servers. I am reaching out to this forum, because there really isnt a step by step guide on how to make a forums. What i want to accomplish is quite simple, really. I'm a student in a tech program, and I want to make a forums for teachers to ask question, in which they can get a response for and dont have to worry about losing a post due to timeouts.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you,


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Oneboxing of PDFs and other attachments


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Custom visualization for specific attachment types:

Putting this out there as a feature request. I'd love to see the ability to onebox PDFs and other attachments along the lines of google docs oneboxing. Or perhaps even simply a file attachment appearance like you'd get using the file upload, ideally also with the file type and size provided.

Right now putting a PDF URL on its own line presents as a raw URL. Very 1990s. As my millenial colleague told me recently, "who needs to know what http is in this day and age?"

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Better error pages?


@eviltrout wrote:

I think it's time for some more complaint driven development!

Complaint: A disproportionate amount of posts here on meta are people whose discourse installs are broken.

Tired old Solution: We generally ask them to disable plugins and do a container rebuild. This tends to solve the problem 90%+ of the time.

Can we do better? I think so!

Proposal: Better error pages! We can detect if the user is an admin, and if so offer them the same suggestions we do here on meta. Try disabling your plugins. Try rebuilding your container. This seems like a no brainer for me if there are certain kinds of javascript errors (for example, can't find module).

I would take it even further and put the advice on all error pages we display, but if you're not an admin user, hide it behind a "Are you the administrator of this Discourse? Troubleshooting Tips" link.


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Any way to automatically hide topics?


@macknelson wrote:

I'm looking to have a single category in which users can submit topics that are then automatically hidden to everyone besides themselves and staff. Any ideas on how I can make this possible? Thanks :slight_smile:

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How am I getting error related to wordpress?


@Jeremiah_Schultz wrote:

This is a brand new server never installed wordpress on it. So hows this happening? =O

for instance this: 2016/12/28/photos-of-neocaridina-shrimp-red-rilli-and-cherry/img_3991-edited")

its from a wordpress install I had on godaddy (its deleted) and this server is on AWS
And I also can't seem to get email to work with sendgrid =-/

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/IMG_4221.jpg")
Completed 404 Not Found in 18ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 8.3ms)
Started GET "/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/IMG_3998.jpg" for at 2017-01-18 15:32:43 +0000
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/IMG_3998.jpg")
Completed 404 Not Found in 18ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 8.3ms)
Started GET "/2016/12/28/photos-of-neocaridina-shrimp-red-rilli-and-cherry/img_3991-edited/" for at 2017-01-18 15:32:44 +0000
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/2016/12/28/photos-of-neocaridina-shrimp-red-rilli-and-cherry/img_3991-edited")
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/actionpack- `call'

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Building Discourse Mobile

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