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Search keyboard shortcuts hijacked?


@ntadej wrote:

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature (it looks new to me anyhow, move accordingly if wrong):

I usually search for content inside posts (e.g. today I wanted to search something about development on macOS inside the first long post). Now it seems that Ctrl+F/CMD+F are mapped to opening the search input set to search current thread. There are some issues/possible improvements:

  • this didn't work in all threads
  • pressing enter 2 times on same query just hides the results, to get them back, query needs to be changed
  • possible fixes for long posts:
    • search results should be highlighted
    • add ability to fallback to browser search
    • cycle through found words

I hope search didn't fail me and no thread about this exists yet :slight_smile:

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Unread topics in query-link-lists tracking/watching


@terz wrote:

We use latest-lists together with the query links ?state=watching, and ?state=tracking. (We added them with javascript as links in the navigation bar). Those lists however don't include the topics that haven't been klicked at least once, so people overlook new topics and new answers on old unread topics in the categories which are important to them.

However, people do get a notification on the unread topics, when they watch them. They don't get a counter when they track them, but that doesn't matter, cause it would be identical with the number of answers. But they also don't see them in "unread".

If this is easy to fix, it would be awesome. The querylinks would be really helpful, if it wouldn't be so misleading regarding unread topics.

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Is the build server currently working?


@Lutz wrote:

I think the build server is not working. Nothing goes from master to tests-passed.

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Downloading a backup gives 502 Bad Gateway


@diogocsc wrote:

After manually running a backup successfully in discourse admin settings, when hitting download for my backup I got 502 Bad Gateway /n nginx/1.11.5 .

Any ideas on how to address this ?

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Discourse Logo Request


@Blackglade wrote:

Hi! I was wondering if you guys would happen to have an SVG copy of your logo? I have a small page on my main site of technologies we use and would like to credit discourse

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Installed SSL and admin pages look funny

Development server consistently dying - 'V8 Isolate was forked'


@gdpelican wrote:

I've been having some fairly consistent trouble with the Discourse development server throwing the following error message, which appears to kill the server pid.

WARNING: V8 isolate was forked, it can not be disposed and memory will not be reclaimed till the Ruby process exits.

It's not so big a deal to need to restart the server now and again, but it seems to happen fairly regularly on my machine during development. Any steps to avoid this, or a way to turn it off in development mode?

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Uploaded image gets broken after rebuilding docker


@irshad_discource wrote:

I have discourse set up in my server using docker_image. But whenever I change anything in my docker image and deploy again. Uploads in previous build gets broken.
Why is this happening ?
Is uploads get stored in docker container, So if we delete the container and run again from an image is upload gone ? Instead is this not being saved in database ?
How to move this to somewhere else other than S3 for example glusterfs ?

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Adding Clickable User Fields / Field Types?


@RobMeade wrote:


I just wondered if anyone else had either done this, or may know how it could be achieved?

We would like to be able to add a clickable field to the user profile but at present the only options are really for text, and even if a URL is entered it isn't rendered as a hyperlink, thus, you can't click it.

I'm not sure if the profile functionality can be enhanced through the use of a plugin or whether this is something that could perhaps be added to the main code base?

A topic is running on what we are hoping to achieve here.

In an ideal scenario I suppose there would be a URL Field field type available in the drop down menu, which, at the very least would just turn the provided text into a hyperlink. The icing covered, cherry on the top, version of this sticky bun feature would be to perhaps allow both text and a url to be entered so that it could be more readable on the profile page, thus;

My Readable Link

instead of


for example..

Any thoughts?

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Discourse and Apache using same ports


@bloodshot_pico wrote:

Hello, I am currently having a problem where Discourse and Apache are using the port?

And basically the website is broken...

Any help with this?
Thanks for reading.


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Can't click on notification links


@David_Taylor wrote:

At the moment, when I click my avatar in the top right of meta, none of the notification links are working... I click them, and absolutely nothing happens.

In JS console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'searchContextEnabled' of undefined
    at t.linkClickedEvent (_application-ab1012b….js:44622)
    at _application-ab1012b….js:49145
    at t.value (_application-ab1012b….js:49127)
    at t.value (_application-ab1012b….js:49142)
    at t.click (_application-ab1012b….js:45204)
    at _application-ab1012b….js:44913
    at _application-ab1012b….js:44849
    at t.value (_application-ab1012b….js:49127)
    at s (_application-ab1012b….js:44848)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (_application-ab1012b….js:44912)

Happens in Safari and Chrome on macOS. @tgxworld is this related to your search-related commits recently?

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Where to host static site alongside Discourse Installation?


@macknelson wrote:

Hey guys, I've got a Discourse install running through DigitalOcean at http://forums.existencerp.com/.

I want to eventually integrate Discourse into a mostly otherwise static site on the same DigitalOcean Droplet. This static site would point towards existencerp.com.

Any ideas on how to best go about this? Thanks :slight_smile:

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I need a plugin that enables changing user registration dates


@steelmaiden wrote:

I need a plugin that will make it possible for admins to change the user registration date of every registered member directly from the admin area.

I need this because i migrated my community from vBulletin to Discourse but i was not able to migrate the registration dates so i want to do this manually now for each user that makes a request.

I believe this is an easy job for a experienced programmer so i can offer $50 to $100 for this task.

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[PAID] recover my discourse installation


@vulkanino wrote:

I need my discourse installation to be recovered. It is not working right now, it looks like Docker doesn't want to run anymore. I think I need a Linux expert.

When do you need it done?


What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

Not sure, depends on time needed to fix the installation.
Please contact me in PM.

Thank you.

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Improvement: Avatars should not be used as post thumbnails


@ljpp wrote:

Not sure if I formulated the title quite correctly - sorry, not my native language.

I dislike the fact that user avatars are used as post thumbnails:

  • Avatars are often quite "creative"
  • Hardly ever related to the topic content


Here is a tweet (in Finnish). It's a part of discussion regarding the usage statistics of major Finnish forums/online communities.

That is freaking Ozzy Osbourne!

It's there as there is a link in that tweet to this post and it's the user's avatar:

Now if you open that link, you'll notice that in that post there would also be a discussion related image available.

Now that would make sense as the discussion on Twitter and the forum is about usage statistics.


Post content images could/should be used for thumbnailing, instead of the avatars. What do you think? Technically feasible?

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Tag 1.3.10 not found on reload


@Justin_Funk wrote:

I'm having this issue this morning:

root@forum:/var/discourse# ./launcher logs app

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

Unable to find image 'discourse/discourse:1.3.10' locally
1.3.10: Pulling from discourse/discourse
e13f8a56e7bc: Pulling fs layer
5a8418a8b57b: Pulling fs layer
5a8418a8b57b: Verifying Checksum
5a8418a8b57b: Download complete
e13f8a56e7bc: Verifying Checksum
e13f8a56e7bc: Download complete
Pulling repository docker.io/discourse/discourse
Tag 1.3.10 not found in repository docker.io/discourse/discourse
Your Docker installation is not working correctly

See: https://meta.discourse.org/t/docker-error-on-bootstrap/13657/18?u=sam

The server is living on DigitalOcean, if it matters.

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HTML/RTF pasting


@alehandrof wrote:

Is there an option, plugin, planned featured, or any hope for being able to paste HTML/RTF into Discourse?

I'm asking -- because my community has asked me repeatedly -- for the ability to paste content from Google Docs, emails, Word documents, and the like into Discourse's editor while preserving basic formatting, especially links.

I'm not asking for a WYSIWYG editor. Most of my folks would be perfectly happy with an on-the-fly conversion into Markdown. Or whatever magic accomplishes this most basic of tasks.

Can i haz please?

A specific scenario (with some friendly ranting :innocent: )

The other admin at my community (the director of the organisation) wanted to comment on our forum about an email he received from a mailing list.

  1. He tried copying and pasting the email into Discourse's editor, but that didn't preserve the links.
  2. He forwarded the email into Discourse, but that staged a user based on the sender of the original email (who is unrelated to our community). This isn't what he was trying to do. He deleted this user, which then also deleted the post.

At this point, I noticed what was happening and asked him what he was trying to do. He wrote:

i wanted to share and comment on that but decided it wasn't worth further time spent on it

I asked him to forward the email to me. I copied and pasted it in Sublime Text. I spaced out the paragraphs and added URLs for the links. I escaped a # which made a hashtag into a heading. I added a space in front of one URL, because that's the only way to prevent a onebox from unfurling there, which was very confusing in that context. For good measure I made the whole thing a blockquote, by adding > in the beginning of every line, making short work of all this with Sublime Text's multiple cursors. I then sent him the prepared Markdown, ready for posting.

However, it should take fewer than two people to copy and paste an email into Discourse.

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Access-Control-Allow-Origin on SSO url by external ID


@Rojoss wrote:

In our Unity WebGL game we'd like to get data from the forum.
When I do a request to the forum from the game I get the following error.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://forum.curvefever.io/users/by-external/1.json. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://curvefever.io' is therefore not allowed access.

I don't really know much about CORS so I'd like to know if there's something I can do to make this work.
I've looked it up a little but I mostly found that the location that sends the request has to add a header and I'm not really in control of that.

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Importing SMF 2 to discourse


@Miro wrote:

Trying to import posts from SMF

getting error
in each_strongly_connected_component_from': stack level too deep

creating groups
        2 / 2 (100.0%)
creating users
       19 / 0 (  Inf%)
creating posts
//usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/tsort.rb:422:in `block (2 levels) in each_strongly_connected_component_from'
         ... 9868 levels...
        from smf2.rb:66:in `execute'
        from /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts/base.rb:45:in `perform'
        from smf2.rb:25:in `run'
        from smf2.rb:667:in `<main>'

Any idea what to look for?

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Left clicking permalink does not work


@ryantm wrote:

Left clicking a permalink that you have linked to from a post does not work.

Steps to reproduce from new development vagrant instance running latest master branch:

  1. Make a post that has a link the lounge category (/c/lounge)
  2. Edit the lounge category to be lounge2, which creates a permalink for /c/lounge
  3. Try left clicking on the link you made in step 1

You should see this error message:

Here is the console log:

ember:5732 DEBUG: -------------------------------
ember:5732 DEBUG: Ember  : 2.10.0
ember:5732 DEBUG: jQuery : 2.2.0
ember:5732 DEBUG: -------------------------------
ember:5732 DEBUG: For more advanced debugging, install the Ember Inspector from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ember-inspector/bmdblncegkenkacieihfhpjfppoconhi Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
discourse/routes/application:86 Object
error @ discourse/routes/application:86
ember:27784 Error while processing route: discovery.parentCategory
logError @ ember:27784
ember:16911 Error: Forbidden
    at unwrapErrorThrown (ember:30421:15)
    at errorFor (ember:30403:14)
    at onerrorDefault (ember:30393:17)
    at Object.trigger (ember:57841:9)
    at eval (ember:58725:26)
    at invoke (ember:339:14)
    at Queue.flush (ember:407:9)
    at DeferredActionQueues.flush (ember:531:15)
    at Backburner.end (ember:601:23)
    at Backburner.run (ember:724:16)
defaultDispatch @ ember:16911
lounge2:192 Uncaught promise:  Object

Refreshing the page, or middle clicking the link works.

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