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Google wrongly treats the topics tags as breadcrumbs, because Discourse marks them so

CSS Problem with image resizing on large image uploads


@mitchellk wrote:

I had this fixed but then broke it somehow, can someone perhaps see if they can spot where in CSS I can get images uploaded that are over 1400px in width to auto size and not be cut off.

I had this in CSS which worked 100%

body .cooked img:not(.thumbnail) {
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    display: block;
    max-width: 900px;

until I changed it to the following (adding .emoji) as emojis were displaying big. That worked for fixing the big emoji's but broke the image resizing of large images again.

body .cooked img:not(.thumbnail .emoji) {
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    display: block;
    max-width: 900px;
    max-height: 900px;

If I inspect the element in Chrome it shows that this is where it is getting it's CSS from

#reply-control .d-editor-preview img:not(.thumbnail), .cooked img:not(.thumbnail) {
max-width: 1200px;
max-height: 1200px;

However trying to override that with

body #reply-control .d-editor-preview img:not(.thumbnail .emoji), .cooked img:not(.thumbnail .emoji) {
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    display: block;
    max-width: 900px;
    max-height: 900px;

has no effect. I'm a bit stumped now.

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Should I be running 1.8beta? or 1.7 release?


@jlorance wrote:

Just setup Discourse. It's super awesome! I'm currently doing my build out to roll this out to my community; however, I'm wondering if I should be running on the Beta version that installed with the container/wizard based installer or should I be running 1.7 which is what is highlighted on the Discourse homepage?

Just curious about the distinction.

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No longer seeing .../finish-installation/register


@tophee wrote:

I installed discourse yesterday but stopped the process at the .../finish-installation/register screen because I wanted to go ahead and install wordpress first. Today I wanted to come back to disourse and finish the installation but http://forum.mydomain.net/finish-installation/register now gives me "Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." Should I just register via the "Signup" button or is that a different process?

I am assuming that this has nothing to do with the issue described here because I originally did see the finish-installation screen and because the issue has been fixed in december.

I also tried http://forum.mydomain.net/wizard but that brought me to the dafault welcome post.

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Empty class values in hamburger menu


@Mittineague wrote:

While experimenting with decorateWidget, I discovered that the li tags in the hamburger menu have a class attribute with an empty string as the value.

The hamburger menu widget does add classes to the links within the list items, so CSS is not entirely impossible.

I'm guessing this was an over-sight when the header was revamped. But as no one has squawked about it and they don't seem to be causing any problems as they are, maybe they could simply be removed and they could be targeted using nth-child (or kin) when need be?

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I'd like to send a bi-weekly email to all of my users via my Discourse. is that possible?


@AndyatFocallocal wrote:

i'd like to send a very simple bi-weekly reminder to all of the members of my team to remind them that its time to perform an action, if they'd like to join in this round of action on a project.

i'd like to give users the ability to opt out, or mute notifications for a set time. perhaps even modify how often they receive the reminder.

is this possible via discourse?

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Renaming category does not rename about category post


@tophee wrote:

Sorry if this is by design but I thought I'd mention it:
I just created a new category ("Website feedback") and then realized that there already is a category named "Site feedback" so I edited my new category to be called comments and to be a child category of "Site feedback". It worked fine except that the About post in that category was still called "About the Website feedback category" rather that "About the Comments category". When I opened that post and clicked to edit the heading, it automatically adopted the new heading "About the Comments category". Wouldn't it make sense that this happens without me attempting to manually edit the heading?

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Discourse docker not supporting PG 9.6


@hlcfan wrote:

We're using PG 9.6 as DB server, but when I try to backup, it fails:

[2017-01-25 09:30:21] Dumping the public schema of the database...
[2017-01-25 09:30:21] Dumping the public schema of the database...
[2017-01-25 09:30:21] EXCEPTION: pg_dump failed
[2017-01-25 09:30:21] pg_dump: server version:; pg_dump version: 9.5.5
[2017-01-25 09:30:21] /var/www/discourse/lib/backup_restore/backuper.rb:172:in `dump_public_schema'
/var/www/discourse/lib/backup_restore/backuper.rb:37:in `run'

Since PG 9.6 is stable, can we upgrade the PG client version in the image?

Thank you!

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[PAID] Import from Legacy Postgres DB


@sgjames wrote:

What would you like done?

  • I have a postgres dump from an old legacy forum I built
  • I wrote most of the custom import script, but having trouble navigating docker to import the legacy db to the host running postgres and run the import script
  • It's also possible my script has a few bugs to fix, as I haven't run it yet.
  • I need someone to import the database dump & run/fix the migration script until data is imported

When do you need it done?

  • Ideally in 1-2 weeks (complete by ~Feb 14-20th)

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

  • I estimate 1-3 hours of work depending on knowledge of discourse installs / docker, willing to pay $200.
  • You can send me a private message to discuss

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User avatar preference spontaneously changing to "Custom picture"


@pjv wrote:

I am currently on v1.8.0.beta4 +283. I just upgraded to beta from stable. The problem I am reporting here was happening also on stable v 1.7.2. I upgraded to the beta channel hoping for a fix, but it's the same. It was not happening on stable prior to 1.7.

Since the stable upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.7.0, and now also on v1.8 beta, I am seeing random blank avatars in our forum. When I look at the users that are affected, I see that in the preferences for that user, the profile picture setting has been changed to "Custom picture" but there is no custom picture and so the avatar is either completely blank or appears as the generic avatar. When I checked with users for whom I am seeing this, they are NOT manually setting the preference to "Custom picture." It is somehow happening "by itself" behind the scenes.

We are using WordPress SSO via the wp-discourse plugin (to which I am a code contributor), but I do not have the override avatar from SSO payload setting turned on.

Here is what my "avatar" related settings look like:

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Topic link suppression for quoted blocks


@sam wrote:

I think we need to open a bit of discussion about some long term link suppression we had in place.

In English this means: "Please ignore any links that are in aside.quote or .elided classes."

In even more English this means that if you quote something, we ignore all the links you quoted for topic linking, meaning we don't track bi-directional links for that case.

So for example:

  • Say I am writing a reply in topic T1
  • I am quoting a post on topic T2
  • Inside the quote there is a link to T3

There is no link between T1 <-> T3 cause this is ignored.

I am not 100% certain this is correct. I think the more internal links exist, the better. There is a connection between T1 and T3.

Note: recently this our post pipeline changed somewhat and this rule started stripping out internal links between oneboxed topics and posts. This is clearly not desirable.

I think we should just junk this suppression altogether, I don't see and value... not sure about the .elided one as well, seems odd.

@codinghorror @eviltrout @zogstrip thoughts?

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SSO Failed to clear temp storage


@Michael_Wransky wrote:

Hello all,

Our Discourse instance is managed by an enterprise account. We have SSO login enabled. However, some users are reporting a problem with this. See below for a screenshot of console error.

Does anyone have advice on the source and/or solution for this error? Is it coming from Discourse, our servers, or specific to the client's browser?


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You have not completed all the user fields API error


@nathanhamilton wrote:


I am trying to create a user with the api and here is the curl request that I used:

curl -X POST "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "api_key=my_api_key" -F "api_username=my_api_username" -F "name=My Name" -F "email=email@test.com" -F "password=password" -F "username=username" "https://forums.lumerit.com/users"

The response that I receive is this:

<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>
{"success":false,"message":"You have not completed all the user fields"}

I also tried watching the network traffic through dev tools on my instance and creating a new user, but it was posting to /login not /users so I was greatly confused. Any help that someone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

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Put TL4 in the "moderator/admin" category instead of trust level


@erlend_sh wrote:

TL4 is confusing. It can only be attained by manual promotion and it grants you some potentially destructive abilities i.e. splitting & merging topics.

It is my understanding that it started out as a trust-level because we figured we might be able to devise a safe promotion-condition for it after seeing more Discourse communities in action:

But it doesn't seem to me like we're ever gonna get there. Rather, the default TL3 level is already very picky, and it usually filters your prospective TL4 candidates down to a very manageable level. My impression is that we'll never have a great algorithm for TL4 promotion, nor do we need one since we have the list of TL3s to pick from manually with our amazing human brains :challengeaccepted:

I suggest we take TL4 out of the "trust level" model and instead make it the lowest level of Moderator & Admin.

Some name suggestions:

I'm a big fan of Curator. Our most avid members are doing a great job curating the content of our forum by linking to older topics and guiding newcomers .

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Reset user password by Admin


@RahulSharma wrote:


I have had an issue with a user and he is unable to reset his password due to some mail issues. I wanted to reset his password or email from admin section but I don't find the option. Kindly let me know how to solve this issue.

One option is to ask him to create a new account, then I change the ownership of his topics to a different user but that's a creepy method. We should have a better way to handle this right?


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I can not install Discourse cause I forgot to set Mail


@dev11 wrote:

What the hell?
Im using Ubuntu 16.04 server and Im following standard way of installing Discourse.

All goes well until bootstraping Discourse. It starts, goes up to PUPS trying to start MySQL when its already started.

HELP HELP HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I have ASA hardware in my network - will Discourse work?
    2, Will Gmail account work from installer (is it suitable?)

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Incoming emails getting rejected with NoBodyDetectedError


@David_Taylor wrote:

We have a category of our Discourse instance set up as a "mailbox" for incoming emails (making use of the "Custom incoming email address" setting). This is working great, except for when two people send us an email with the same subject.

What I'd like is for Discourse to just create a new thread for each email, and I have "Allow topics with identical, duplicate titles." turned on. What actually happens is that the second email gets rejected with a Email::Receiver::NoBodyDetectedError error. When I click on this error in the admin panel, I can clearly see content in the "body" box.

Is there something I can do to make this work? Or is it a bug?

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[PAID] Membership plugin


@BokiBoki wrote:

What would you like done?

Hi, I'm looking for someone who can create plugin that will make the board paid-members-only and process payments via 2checkout.

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Problem installing


@dev11 wrote:

OK I will start again.

Freshly installed Ubuntu 16.4 server with NO user-added packages.

After initial setup like password for root, apt-get update, I started following the guide to install Discourse.

All went well to the point of Mail-setup. There is `Email

:warning: Email is CRITICAL for account creation and notifications in Discourse. If you do not properly configure email before bootstrapping YOU WILL HAVE A BROKEN SITE!
Already have a mail server? Great. Use your existing mail server credentials.
No existing mail server? Check out our Recommended Email Providers for Discourse.
For proper email deliverability, you must add valid SPF and DKIM TXT records in your DNS. See your email provider instructions for specifics.`

I started a thread where I - amongst asking for help with this urgent thing - asked if Gmial will work. Mod didnt answer, closed topic and changed TOPIC in thew way thats suggesting my fault. He is cofounder and is not helpfull at all.

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Discourse's Fourth Birthday


@codinghorror wrote:

Originally published at: https://blog.discourse.org/2017/02/discourses-fourth-birthday/

As of today*, it’s been four years of Discourse! It feels like only only yesterday that we launched Discourse as an open source project. We’ve certainly been busy for the last four years: 1 official non-beta release of Discourse 7 total releases of Discourse, currently on 1.8 beta ~600 hosted customers ~8000 public installations of…

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