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Improving usability of wiki post editing?


@diogocsc wrote:

I would like to reopen https://meta.discourse.org/t/making-it-clearer-how-to-edit-a-wiki-post/18527, but didn't know how, so added this new post.

So, I've just asked a friend to open this post I wrote, sending her a direct link: https://dialogue.diogocordeiro.pt/t/what-are-the-things-that-need-to-be-addressed-to-effectively-feed-love-and-peace-thoughts-and-actions-into-americas-presidency/63 to test how easy she would find to understand the text and edit it.

I just wanted that anyone - even non-used to forum users - coming to my forum could edit this.

She started by double-clicking my text to try to edit it. She couldn't.
It was not clear (for her, through my eyes) she needed to register. She spent a while trying to write on the post, and I just said she needed to. She only realized how to register when she clicked Post a reply and the login window appeared (which she did reluctantly and after I requesting so, as I had written in the text for people to change text in specific places).

Ok, so, she logged in - perfect, read that an email was sent, activated the account - very nice and flowing.

And then she went back to the post and tried again to double-click it...
Meanwhile I was checking if the admin parameters I had set for a user to edit a wiki post would send some intuitive warning... Eventually they did, though we found the pencil edit icon before that, and after clicking the three dots icon.

I wonder if somehow is possible to have this "edit on and where double-clicked" feature for wiki posts.

Any suggestions to get, with current features, some users participation on that topic I mentioned are also welcomed.

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Anonymous user language selector for Discourse


@deivid-rodriguez wrote:


First of all, thanks for discourse. It's really user friendly! :heart_eyes:

We've set up a discourse instance so people in Catalonia can discuss the principles and statutes of a newly born political party.

Language spoken in this region is very equally distributed between Catalan and Spanish, see here for a reference. It's also a pretty sensitive issue. Most of the people can understand both languages, but feel unconfortable when they are not given a choice.

So in this context, it's really compulsory to have a language choice. The fact that users can optionally select a language preference in their profile and that the browser language can be optionally autoselected as the site language helps a lot but doesn't completely solve the issue: anonymous users can't select their language.

I guess the same situation happens in other places (Quebec, for example?). In particular, in Spain it would happen in some another regions that have two official languages as well (Galicia, Valencian Community, Basque Country...), which amount to around 40% of the total population (~15million people).

I'd like a simple way of enabling a language choice in Discourse. We've implemented this through a new optional setting that allows admins to select a number of languages which will be displayed in the main menu allowing changing the UI language.

I'd like to ask whether there's interest in this feature so I can open a PR to the discourse repository.


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Installing Discourse for the First Time Using Vultr Hosting


@elmurph wrote:

Hey guys,

I want to start a forum and I have chosen vultr for cloud compute. But am still confused on some details I read on this forum and online too. I use windows 10 and I don't know if it relates to installing dicourse on a cloud server.

This is where I got stuck. Should I pick Windows or any other OS? Is it according the OS I use on my PC?

I just need someone to explain the whole process to me. Thanks

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Visiting from Admin Logged in account gives Error 502


@veer wrote:

The forum works verfy fine, browsing logged , but if i brwose the forum from a admin logged in account, it gives Error 502.
Already rebuilded the app many times.

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What's the maximum number of categories we can have?


@whizkid77 wrote:

I'm considering using Discourse as the backend for my website and app, but I haven't seen any documentation on its scaling limits.

What's the maximum number of categories we can have? Is it 1000? 10,000? 100,000?

I plan to heavily use the API and create a custom frontend for both web and mobile. Part of this is programmatically creating a new Category whenever a user wants to. So it's more of a backend systems question than the UI.

For example, will the /categories.json endpoint scale? It doesn't seem paginated.


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I Have an Issue With Swap File (2GB) During Installation

Propose to send email digests at nights (regarding a recipient's timezone) and weekends only

Test email not sending, 'completed 422 unprocessable entity' in production.log


@Shannon wrote:

Hey all! I'm trying to set up our company's discourse forum but am encountering some issues with emailing. We use GSuite for our e-mail service and I am using GSuite's SMTP-Relay for my SMTP address. I was not able to get the admin account to send an activation email so in order to continue setting up our forum I set myself as admin in terminal.

I have already gone through every option in the e-mail troubleshooting guide to no avail.

  • My connection is not being blocked when I check with telnet.
  • I ran rails r "SiteSetting.notification_email = 'noreply@MyCompanysWebsite.com'" when I entered the app from terminal because my forum is located on a subdomain of my main company' website. I also tried this with the -exec command in app.yml.

Here is what my app.yml file reads in the relevant section:

  LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: forum.MyCompanysWebsite.com

  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp-relay.gmail.com

and here is the log statement that I get when I run tail shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log:

  Parameters: {"email_address"=>"my-email@my-company.com"}
Sent mail to my-email@my-company.com (232.4ms)
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 260ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.5ms)
Started POST "/admin/email/test" for [ip] at 2017-02-07 03:19:14 +0000
Processing by Admin::EmailController#test as */*

I can't make heads or tails of this & google searches have proven unfruitful. Any ideas about what's going on?


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Invalid Article Schema


@tolkin wrote:

Hey there Discourse team,

I am totally new here and I love what you have done so far. I noticed that when someone replies to a thread created in Discourse forums that answer is marked as an Article with microdata.

This comes up as invalid at Google's Testing Tool since it is missing a few markups such as "headline", "image" and "publisher" which are required when Article is being used.

Is that something that was discussed previously? If yes please feel free to delete my Topic.

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Plugin outlet for topics-list by categories


@leo.proctor wrote:

Hi, I want to add a small flag/tag etc for certain topics in topics list. I'm successful in adding this flag in 'latest' tab by raw-plugin-outlet 'topic-list-after-title'. But i'm unable to find any outlet for 'categories' tab. Is there any plugin-outlet or any workaround to achieve this? thanks.

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Can Google Calendar be One-Boxed?


@xiasummer wrote:

I've read the Google-Calendar plugin post, but it is now not working anymore.

I've seen the Google Maps One-Box, it works perfectly now.

I really wander if Google Calendar can work with One-Box ??

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Hostname not working after discourse installation


@elmurph wrote:

I installed discourse but I have not been able to access it with the domain name I use. It's still showing the default goddady page if one have not created a website with the domain. I also tried to use the server url but I have not been able to visit the discourse website with that too. I am getting a little bit frustrated here at the whole process. Please was there anything I did wrong during installation? Please help me out. Thanks

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Repairing damaged post_search_data (unable to create database dumps and execute search reindex)


@skriesch wrote:

The table post_search_data is damaged. I tried to repair it on different ways:

1) using rake search:reindex:

root@xxx:/var/www/discourse# rake search:reindex
Reindexing 'default'

rake aborted!
PG::InternalError: ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 69779 in pg_toast_16766
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.1/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:50:in `exec'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.1/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:50:in `exec'
/var/www/discourse/lib/freedom_patches/active_record_base.rb:7:in `exec_sql'
/var/www/discourse/lib/tasks/search.rake:9:in `reindex_search'
/var/www/discourse/lib/tasks/search.rake:52:in `block in reindex_search_all_sites'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rails_multisite-1.0.6/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:126:in `block in each_connection'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rails_multisite-1.0.6/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:124:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rails_multisite-1.0.6/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:124:in `each_connection'
/var/www/discourse/lib/tasks/search.rake:51:in `reindex_search_all_sites'
/var/www/discourse/lib/tasks/search.rake:2:in `block in <top (required)>'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => search:reindex
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

2) Reindex in the Postgres database:

REINDEX table post_search_data;
ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value 69852 in pg_toast_17881

3) Removing the table post_search_data, excluding it of the last working dump, restoring it in the discourse database and executing the reindex:

-> same like above

4) Trying to remove damaged entries with:

for ((i=0; i<13467; i++ )); do psql discourse -c "SELECT * FROM post_search_data LIMIT 1 offset $i" >/dev/null || echo $i; done
select post_id from post_search_data limit 1 offset 5971;
delete from post_search_data where post_id in (5981,6949,6944,6925,6918,6901,6900);
VACUUM FULL post_search_data;

At first the database is saying it would be removed. But they exist after a short time of waiting.

What can we do that we can get new backups of the complete database?

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Canonical tag on topic URL


@CosM wrote:

Hi ,

Google the past few weeks is complaining about URL errors .

Figured out that the content of e.g some.forum.com/topic-title/topic-number?page=4 contains 20 posts, from 60th to 80th.
So assuming that this topic has 61 posts, Google "detects" a some.forum.com/topic-title/topic-number?page=5 url, thus a 404 page.

What I was not able to figure out is when and why this is happening, because it does not happen for all topics but for quite a few of them.

Is this a known issue ?


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How to get current login username from onebox?


@suanfazu wrote:

I'm developing a plugin to embed jupyter notebooks into discourse posts. It's a private jupyter server and the user can only share his notebooks. So i need to verify the user.

  1. how to get the current user (and maybe the author of the post or reply) in discourse onebox plugin? i need to get the username (the login name)
  2. another question is, there are script tags in notebook html? seems the onebox removes all the script tags. how to make it keep the script tags?
  3. one more question, is there any cache in one box? seems there are no more requests when i modify and save the post

below is my test code

Onebox = Onebox

module Onebox
  module Engine
    class XXXXXXNotebookOnebox
      include Engine
      include JSON
      # include CurrentUser : NameError: uninitialized constant Onebox::Engine::BigQuantNotebookOnebox::CurrentUser
      # include CurrentUser


      def placeholder_html
        'hello place holder'

      def to_html
        a = 'no user '
        if current_user
          a = 'has user'
        "test hello html <iframe src='https://XXXXXX.com/'></iframe>  <script>alert('test me');</script> end " + Time.new.inspect + a

thanks in advance

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Higher level of granularity for category & subcategory styling


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Show subcategory list UI:

I find our current options for category styling a bit confusing. When I change the category style, I expect that category style to apply everywhere, unless otherwise specified. The fact that a subcategory index has a unique, hardcoded styling is unexpected.

I'd love to have category UI settings with this level of granularity:

  • desktop category page style
    • Categories only
    • Categories with featured topics
    • Categories and latest topics
    • None; just show Latest
  • :new: desktop sub-category list style (replaces show subcategory list)

    • Inherit desktop category page style
    • Categories only
    • Categories with featured topics
    • Categories and latest topics
    • None; just show Latest
  • :new: #feature page style (i.e. configured in a category's General settings)

    • Inherit desktop sub-category list style
    • Categories only
    • Categories with featured topics
    • Categories and latest topics

This would would allow us to set a more documentation-friendly styling for our #howto category, while the rest remains focused on discussion.

(Also find it a bit weird that we only do this on desktop, as there's definitely a way to do a mobile style layout for all of these options, but that's a different topic.)

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Setting 'min username length' greater than 5 breaks granting and revoking Admin/Moderator permissions


@MarkT wrote:

We ran into an issue while setting up our Discourse forum. We were trying to grant Moderator permission to an account we created for our Sales team, but kept receiving a 422 error.

I went through our error logs and this was showing up:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Name must be at least 6 characters)
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `raise_record_invalid'

We had modified the min username length to 6 instead of the default 3 when first going through the setup since that is the length we want to require. Once I reset the field to 3 I was able to add/remove the Moderator permissions. I did some testing and found that I could change min username length anywhere from 1-5 and it did not cause an issue, but as soon as it was set to 6 or greater it broke granting or removing Admin/Moderator permissions.

This didn't make sense to me since we only had 6 Users and all of their usernames were 6 characters or more. I looked through the rest of our forum to see if there was anything that would be related specifically to Moderators/Admins and had a name that was less than 6 characters. The staff Group is the only thing that I've been able to find that meets those criteria. And since it is 5 characters that may be the reason that I can set min username length up to 5 and not cause any issues. This definitely seems like something is not connected correctly within the system.

I found a couple of Topics here with similar issues:

The 'solution' to both of those issues was to just reset min username length to the default value, which is just a workaround not an actual fix for the issue.

Other than this issue the rest of the setup has been a breeze. Thanks for the great product.

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Cannot parse email correctly: another case


@meglio wrote:

Here is the email contents that fails parsing correctly:

Delivered-To: forum.kozovod.com+d2087a39fd926dc770fc69ad642a5b35@gmail.com
Received: by with SMTP id g63csp2663084wmd;
Wed, 1 Feb 2017 19:35:51 -0800 (PST)
X-Received: by with SMTP id 32mr5222217wra.140.1486006551429;
Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:35:51 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: antonov.aleksandr@ukr.net
Received: from frv197.fwdcdn.com (frv197.fwdcdn.com. [])
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(version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:35:51 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of antonov.aleksandr@ukr.net designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;
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dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=ukr.net
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=ukr.net;
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for forum.kozovod.com+d2087a39fd926dc770fc69ad642a5b35@gmail.com; Thu, 02 Feb 2017 05:35:50 +0200
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2017 05:35:50 +0200
From: =?UTF-8?b?0JDQu9C10LrRgdCw0L3QtNGAINCQ0L3RgtC+0L3QvtCy?=
Subject: Re: =?UTF-8?b?W9Ca0L7Qt9C+0LLQvtC0XSBb0JfQsNCx0L7RgtCwINC+?=
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01 февраля 2017, 09:56:50, от Екатерина < no-reply@kozovod.com >:
Veterin Екатерина Ветеринар
01 Февраль Александр добрый день. Отдых вашей козе нужен был (без дойки) если она у вас очень истощена. Покрывают высокоудойных коз раз в 1,5 лет. Если она у вас хорошо выглядет - этого делать не стоило - теперь внимательно следите за рационом - может зажиреть и уже не покрыватся.
Молоко такое - скорее всего - молодое, если вымя здоровое и в анамнезе не было мастита - со временем пойдет нормальное молоко.
Высокоудойная - это сколько на пике было и какая длина лактации? Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond. To unsubscribe from these emails, click here .

Давала по пять литров.Ну,для меня это высокоудойная.Она сама среднего роста.Лактация была с апреля по средину декабря.

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Category security: Obfuscate topic content from admin


@trudat wrote:

I am operating Discourse as a closed intranet for an organization. I use groups and category permission settings to create private sections for different groups of users.

But the admin user is still able to access topics from any category, and users are bound to figure this out. The users do not want the forum admin to have access to their private discussions

I am looking for a way to restrict the admin's access to a category. The ideal feature would be one that obfuscates the contents of a topic while leaving the topic history and stats intact, so the administrator can see the amount of activity, but not the contents.
This setting could be called 'Hide topic contents from admin' on the security tab of the edit category modal.

Has such a feature ever been considered?

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Bad gateway 502 errors on some specific searches in some specific categories


@JagWaugh wrote:

I'm not sure what to make of this:

Some specific searches give bad gateway errors

Here is an example:

If I search "remove doorhandle" on our category "E-Type" it returns a list of hits.
If I search "remove doorhandle" on our category "XJ" it returns a list of hits.

If I search "remove engine" on our category "E-Type" it returns a list of hits.
If I search "remove engine" on our category "XJ" it fails with bad gateway

Both of those categories are roughly the same post/thread count, and there should definitely be hits in both categories.

This is 100% consistent. "Engine removal" always fails on the XJ category. "replace doorhandle" never does.

Where do I start looking? The category in question is searchable for other terms.

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