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Categories no longer showing counts - a bug?


Nicholas Smith wrote:

The "New" category tab isn't showing a count, but when I click on "New" I see there are topics listed. Is this a bug?

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Asset pipeline dependency issues with plugins


Michael wrote:

[I don't know if this is a bug, or if we just don't really understand how it should work, recategorise at will]

We already noticed this during the development of the AdSense plugin, but our test environment wasn't very clean, so we blamed that. This weekend we installed a new test server and the problem still seems to exist.

When installing a plugin using rake plugin:install , followed by rake assets:precompile and a restart, the client translations (from config/locales/client.en.yml in the plugin directory) are often missing.

We found we had to do a rm -rf public/assets/application* and clean tmp/cache as well before precompiling the assets in order to make sure the assets are recompiled to include the new client translations. Even rake assets:clean doesn't seem to do the trick. Such a harsh delete causes downtime for the forum while precompiling the new asset files, so this is not really a desired way of doing things.

There's probably something I'm missing here, since I'm not very familiar with the asset pipeline. As far as I understand, those files must be added to the Sprockets manifest. But I'm clueless how this is done, especially with plugins. And I'm even more clueless how Sprockets does seem to find those files after all when the compiled assets are removed.

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Sharing links on facebook: original post vs replies?


Kamal Patel wrote:

When I copy a thread link to facebook, the correct thread title and excerpt show up.

However when I scroll down and then copy the link (with the response # appended), and then paste that in facebook, nothing shows up.

Maybe this isn't a bug or is intended, but in my old forum users would often directly copy and paste links from the address bar to facebook (as would I). Actually, the same thing happens when clicking the link icon on replies -- no excerpt or title comes up on facebook.

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Image as first part of pinned post causes pin text to look weird

Line return after italics


Dalans wrote:

When there is a line return after text in italicsit doesn't show in the preview or the post

Two line returns

kicks the next line down properly

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Blue notification bar doesn't go away


Bill Ayakatubby wrote:

When I get the blue notification bar and click the Discourse logo, the new/updated topics are shown but the bar doesn't go away. Both Firefox and Chrome, latest release versions.

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Beginners Guide to Deploy Discourse on Digital Ocean using Docker


Arpit Jalan wrote:

The Discourse Docker Image makes it easy to set up Discourse on a cloud server. We will use Digital Ocean, although these steps will work on other similar services.

This guide assumes that you have no knowledge of Ruby/Rails or Linux shell. Feel free to skip steps you are comfortable with.

Create New Digital Ocean Droplet

Discourse requires a minimum of 1 GB RAM, however 2 GB RAM is strongly recommended. We'll use "discourse" as the Hostname.

Install Discourse on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS x64. We always recommend using the current LTS distribution.

You will receive a mail from Digital Ocean with the root password to your Droplet. (However, if you use SSH keys, you may not need a password to log in.)

Access Your Droplet

Connect to your Droplet via SSH:

ssh root@

(Alternately, use Putty on Windows)

Replace with the IP address of your Droplet.

You will be asked for permission to connect, type yes, then the root password, which is in the email Digital Ocean sent you when the Droplet was set up. Enter it.

Install Git

apt-get install git

Generate SSH Key

We strongly recommend setting a SSH key because you may need to access the Rails console for debugging purposes. This cannot be done after bootstrapping the app.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"

(We want the default settings, so when asked to enter a file in which to save the key, just press enter. Via GitHub's SSH guide.)

Install Docker

apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring

Reboot the server:


This will log you out from your SSH session, so reconnect:

ssh root@

Finish installing Docker:

wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/ | sh

Install Discourse

Create a /var/docker folder where all the Docker related stuff will reside:

mkdir /var/docker

Clone the Official Discourse Docker Image into this /var/docker folder:

git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/docker

Switch to your Docker folder:

cd /var/docker

Copy the samples/standalone.yml file into the containers folder as app.yml, so the path becomes containers/app.yml:

cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml

Edit app.yml:

nano containers/app.yml

(We recommend Nano because it works like a typical GUI text editor, just use your arrow keys. Hit CtrlO then Enter to save and CtrlX to exit. However, feel free to choose whatever text editor you like. In the below screenshot we use Vim.)

Edit as desired, but at minimum set DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME.

We renamed DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME to discourse.techapj.com, this means that we want to host our instance of Discourse on http://discourse.techapj.com/. You'll need to modify your DNS records to reflect the IP address and preferred URL address of your server.

Mail Setup

Email is critical to Discourse. We strongly recommend configuring mail settings before bootstrapping.

  • If you already have a mail server, put your existing mail server credentials in the app.yml file.

  • Otherwise, create a free account on Mandrill (or Mailgun, or Mailjet), and put your mail credentials (available via the Mandrill dashboard) in the app.yml file. The settings you want to change are DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS, DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT, DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME, DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD.

  • Be sure you remove the comment character # from the beginning of these mail configuration lines!

Add Your SSH Key

If you successfully generated the SSH key as described earlier, get it:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Copy the entire output and paste it into the ssh_key setting in the app.yml file.

Bootstrap Discourse

Be sure to save the app.yml file, and begin bootstrapping Discourse:

./launcher bootstrap app

This command may take some time, so be prepared to wait. It is automagically configuring your Discourse environment.

After that completes, start Discourse:

./launcher start app

Congratulations! You now have your own instance of Discourse, accessible via the domain name you entered in app.yml earlier.

You can also access it by visiting the server IP address directly, e.g.

Log In and Become Admin

Sign into your Discourse instance. If you configured DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and your email matches, your account will be made Admin by default.

If your account was not made admin, try SSH'ing into your container (assuming you entered your SSH key in the app.yml file):

./launcher ssh my_container
sudo -iu discourse
cd /var/www/discourse
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
u = User.last
u.admin = true

This will manually make the first user an admin.

Post-Install Maintenance

We believe most small and medium size Discourse installs will be fine with the recommended 2 GB of RAM. However, if you are using the absolute minimum 1 GB of RAM, or your forum is growing you may want to set up a swap file just in case.

To upgrade Discourse to the latest version, visit /admin/docker, refresh the page a few times (yes, seriously) and then press the Upgrade button at the top. View the live output at the bottom of your browser to see when things are complete. You should see:

Killed sidekiq
Restarting unicorn pid: 37

Then you know it's complete. (Yes, we will be improving this process soon!)

If anything needs to be improved in this guide, feel free to ask on meta.discourse.org, or even better, submit a pull request.

Posts: 159

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Facebook Login popup not big enough


Alexandre Angelim wrote:

I'm getting the following message when trying to register with facebook:

Your popup is too small to display this page. Please enlarge it to proceed.

Changing the height to 420px in jsapp/controllers/login_controller.js:96 solves the problem, but I didn't test on a phone or anything.

Thank you

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What's the secret for getting ssh to work into a container?


Dave Howell wrote:

Okay, I'm totally baffled. I can't get Discourse to deliver my mail, so I figured maybe I could find the undelivered file and extract the link or whatever I need from it. But, I can't get into the container at all. I have tried the instructions under "Troubleshooting" multiple times; everything I do results in SSH asking for my password. Usually it asks for "root's" password. I don't think root HAS a password.

(1) Am I running as root or as a regular user? I have no idea.

(2) When pasting the "contents of ...id_rsa.pub" into container/app.yml, am I supposed to include the "ssh-rsa" at the beginning and/or the "my unprotected key" at the end?

(3) I managed to guess that it should be possible to access the system by using "ssh -p 2222 -l a-user-name localhost" rather than "./launcher ssh app", which would at least let me add parameters to ssh. What I don't know is, what ought to happen? I'm guessing that it's supposed to use the keys and not ask me for a password, but since I've never done that with SSH, I don't know. Since none of the steps state what the positive outcome looks like, I have no way to confirm that the previous steps actually worked correctly.

(4) The instructions say I'm supposed to paste the public key into "[my] templates (see placeholder YOUR_SSH_KEY in samples.)" But the templates don't have a place for an ssh key. That's in containers/app.yml. I don't understand the (over?)use of the term 'template' in this context.

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Emojis Not Displaying / Old Avatar Styles


Anthony Giovannetti wrote:

EDIT: Read entire post. The example is now working.

Relating to the original issue that I filed at: https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-wordpress-plugin-emojis-do-not-properly-display/11520

We are currently on the latest version of Wordpress with the latest version of the plugin. (0.5.5).

You can see that emojis are not displaying correctly.

The Plugin:

EDIT: Just as I was finishing this post, the emoji started to correctly display. Emojis for older posts are still not displaying correctly, but this post is.

Older URLS: http://stimhack.com/plugins/emoji/images/stuck_out_tongue.png
Example page with non functioning emoji: http://stimhack.com/fear-and-loathing-set-review-playtesting-guide/

Now working URL: http://forum.stimhack.com/plugins/emoji/images/smile.png
Example Page with functioning emoji: http://stimhack.com/uncles-games-bellevue-s-c-draft-tournament-2nd-place-report/#respond

Additionally, the avatars are all the older style and not the nicer looking square style that is currently used. Could we have screwed something up in upgrading to the newer version of the plugin? @sam

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Display issue under Chinese Simplified

Activation email not sending


vetrivel wrote:

I have created user registration but email verification and activation mail not send.I used production mode. How to rectify the problem

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Where to get discourse_org_access_key?


Zach Latta wrote:

Hello everyone.

I just set up a Discourse installation on my VPS. I'd like to check usernames against the Discourse Hub. Where can I get the discourse_org_access_key required for this (if it exists)?


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Writer for user and administrator manual


Michael wrote:

One of our customers wants to have manuals for both users and administrators.

This is not something we're good at, so let me try this way. Is there someone willing to create a comprehensive user and admin manual for Discourse? Format should be HTML, with PNG screenshots. Rights will be transfered to us.

Let me know the price, your ideas and a small example of your work.

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Docker error on Bootstrap


Dan Rye wrote:

I've tried an install a few times, double and triple checking things along the way, but I'm getting the following when I try to bootstrap. I assume I'm just missing something basic

./launcher bootstrap app
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Calculated ENV:
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.

Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Run a command in a new container

  -P, --publish-all=false: Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces
  -a, --attach=[]: Attach to stdin, stdout or stderr.
  -c, --cpu-shares=0: CPU shares (relative weight)
  --cidfile="": Write the container ID to the file
  -d, --detach=false: Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container id
  --dns=[]: Set custom dns servers
  -e, --env=[]: Set environment variables
  --entrypoint="": Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image
  --expose=[]: Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host
  -h, --hostname="": Container host name
  -i, --interactive=false: Keep stdin open even if not attached
  --link=[]: Add link to another container (name:alias)
  --lxc-conf=[]: Add custom lxc options -lxc-conf="lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1"
  -m, --memory="": Memory limit (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)
  -n, --networking=true: Enable networking for this container
  --name="": Assign a name to the container
  -p, --publish=[]: Publish a container's port to the host (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort) (use 'docker port' to see the actual mapping)
  --privileged=false: Give extended privileges to this container
  --rm=false: Automatically remove the container when it exits (incompatible with -d)
  --sig-proxy=true: Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)
  -t, --tty=false: Allocate a pseudo-tty
  -u, --user="": Username or UID
  -v, --volume=[]: Bind mount a volume (e.g. from the host: -v /host:/container, from docker: -v /container)
  --volumes-from=[]: Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
  -w, --workdir="": Working directory inside the container
cat: cids/app_boostrap.cid: No such file or directory


Remove one or more containers

  -f, --force=false: Force removal of running container
  -l, --link=false: Remove the specified link and not the underlying container
  -v, --volumes=false: Remove the volumes associated to the container

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Many UpdateUserInfo jobs scheduled


Michael Gutteridge wrote:

At some point, our discourse system started showing a consistent, high CPU load.... around 90% steadily. It's just a small server supporting a dozen or so individuals and about as many posts at this point. Seems pretty out of the ordinary.

Looks very similar to this issue, but we're all updated so I'd figure it's not that problem. It is sidekiq using all the CPU, and when I check, it's showing 88,000 scheduled jobs and increasing. They're all very similar- worker is "Jobs::UpdateUserInfo" and the arguments cycle are of the form

{"user_id"=>11, "ip"=>"nnn.nnn.75.122", "current_site_id"=>"default"}

I can't figure why it'd have so many of these queued up. I did run "script/discourse remap" as part of a hostname change... the timing of the two events is suspicious.

Any advice?


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Firefox: Middle-click triggers pop-up blocker


ComputerDruid wrote:

Middle clicking (to open in a new tab) on a topic triggers Firefox's pop-up blocker.

This doesn't make sense to me, given that middle clicking on an ordinary link opens in a new tab without this. Is discourse intercepting middle-clicks somehow?

Right-clicking on the link (if you aim VERY carefully), and selecting "Open in new tab" works as expected, but this is a pain compared to the much-easier-to-execute middle click.

Edit: You don't actually have to aim carefully to right-click on the link, you have to right-click twice. The first right-click acts as if you'd right-clicked on the page, and the second one as if you'd right-clicked a link. Right-clicking before middle-clicking also works. This is really weird.

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Can we get a Usage Guide alongside the FAQ?


Kane York wrote:

START WRITING HERE: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/wiki/Basic-Usage-Guide

Mock: https://meta.discourse.org/uploads/default/3922/e4f815b6c21508f7.png

Someone asked recently about a list of features in Discourse. Well, I was having a discussion with someone else about Discourse and the forum FAQ came up.

The phpBB default FAQs look like this: http://tasvideos.org/forum/faq.php#14

Now, these aren't frequently asked questions - it's really a usage guide. A usage guide would suffice for a list of the features.

We should have a usage guide, too - just don't name it FAQ. Name it "Usage Guide".

I would want it to cover what the button is able to do, what means, and yes - how to create a topic.

What the "Your topic is similar to..." popup means.

How to invite more people to a private message.

A glimpse of what the admins see when you flag a topic.

So - a guide for basic and advanced usage of Discourse.

Although the best way to use it is to type paragraphs smile

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/Admin/Users/User page blank


J Steiner wrote:

I run a private, invite-only forum, and have my security settings set like this:

And when I click on an active user's name, or even the "Admin" link in the dropdown from my avatar, this is all I see:

I can view the admin screen for users who've not yet been approved, interestingly enough; but not active / approved users.

If I turn off the "Admins must approve all users before they gain access" option, then all user admin screens load correctly.

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Cannot use clipboard on subject


Nathan Rijksen wrote:

When creating a thread and trying to paste in the subject input field the paste gets forwarded to the message body textarea. I'm guessing this is a feature but I personally find it a bit annoying and don't really see the purpose of it. Is there a way to disable this functionality?

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