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Enter safe mode issue


@Trash wrote:

I noticed it yesterday on my forum (1.8.0 beta 5) but Meta and Try have the same issue (see the gif, please)

tested with Firefox and Chrome.

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Custom OG/Twitter Metadata Image per Category


@Patrick_David wrote:


I run an instance that caters to various Free Software photography projects. I've created specific categories for each project to use as their own.

I am thinking it might be nice, from a social outreach perspective, to allow them to specify metadata images for each individual category.

For instance, the RawTherapee project has a category here: https://discuss.pixls.us/c/software/rawtherapee

I occasionally post to twitter/facebook/google+ about posts from that category. Right now, the social platform picks up the default opengraph image url and twitter summary large image url values and shows the images correctly. But they're site-wide.

I know that the projects would love to be able to control this branding themselves possibly. Perhaps as another image option on the category settings? Maybe as a "Category Metadata Image"?

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Admin Verification not received

Private vs public site and sharing topic links


@Shrike wrote:


I have a little bit controversial idea. I have a forum where it's hard to decide for me whether it should be private or public (I mean should it require login for reading). What is for private: I want to see who uses it, it's kind of a local community so it's not much sense in anonymity. But being private for the forum has a strong consequence - it's not possible to share deep links in social networks (FB and the like). That's bad. That's so bad that I doubt about keeping it private.

So the idea is: would it be possible to allow sharing topic links and keeping auth required? It's possible to detect FB-crawler (which requests topic page for making a preview) and let it pass. Indeed it won't be strictly private after that as anyone can pretend he's a FB-crawler. But I don't need strict security for reading here.

It could be the 3rd mode after public/private - require login for reading, but allow previews/sharing.

What do you think?

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Frontend Uploader for Open Graph Images


@itsbhanusharma wrote:

Hey There!

Using Discourse as our discussion board for over a month now and Honestly, I'm loving the experience overall.
The Only Problem faced by me (and maybe others too) is that there's no option to upload the Opengraph images, only an option to paste the link. What if one wants to upload the image directly to the forum directly and use that?

I Assume that's possible as we can upload logo and other images during the installation Wizard. can it be that aside from posting logo there could be an upload button to upload OG:IMAGES directly to forum?

Thanks in advance

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Post text does not render (firstBlock.shift is not a function)


@masda70 wrote:

The following post text causes the error Uncaught TypeError: firstBlock.shift is not a function

- a <div> b
- </div> c

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Wordpress on my discourse website

Email to set password not sent out after invitation


@Frank_Meeuwsen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Invited users are ignoring the set password email I am currently in the following setup (running 1.8.0+beta5):

  1. I have a csv with new users I want to invite. I am testing this with my own emailaccounts right now.
  2. The CSV is accepted, emails with the invite are sent out.
  3. I click the link in the email and I click the button Accept Invitation
  4. I see the welcome message and I am automatically put in a hidden group
  5. Right now, I should get the email to set a password. But I don't.

So new users, not really familiar with forums and all that, don't know they should set a password. We do a workaround now and show them to the preferences page to set their own password. But can anyone point me in the right direction to solve the problem that the automated email to set a password is not sent from our system?


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Create new topic pasting the URL directly


@SidV wrote:


I have a problem with new feature that creates new topic when a user directly paste a URL in title section.

Example (on try.discourse.org)

As you can see, the "url" before the edited title appears truncated because are a "limit" to title.
So, if the URL exceeds that limit, does not paste correct URL.

For this example I used: https://blog.discourse.org/2017/03/moving-from-facebook-groups-to-discourse/more-text-to-url-more1-more2-more3-more4-more5-more6-more7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16,

I know this URL does not exist. But I did not know the URL limit for try.discourse.org site. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you can understand me.

I need to know how to fix the problem, and edit the new topic.

I mean, when a user creates a new topic from one URL, the link informed below the title, how edit that link?

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Bug in inviting users (?) Cannot login, claiming activation already sent (false)


@nordize wrote:

Just installed from docker the latest 1.8.0.beta7. I think I stumbled upon a bug. Here's what I did:

  1. checked login required in Settings (it's a closed discussion forum)
  2. sent invite to a user
  3. user got the invite and clicks the link
  4. user got to the page asking for their username and optional password
  5. user fills in both fields and clicks "accept invitation"
  6. the interface logs them in automatically (no further emails are sent)
  7. user logs out
  8. user tries to log back in, but now interface says:
    You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at user@domain.com. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account. Click here to send the activation email again.
  9. this is false, an activation email was not sent
  10. user clicks on "here" to resend activation email
  11. interface then says:
    Sorry, this account has already been activated.
  12. which is true, but it is not approved, here's what the Admin > Users panel shows for their account:
  13. user is stuck and can no longer login


If the user does not fill in the password at step 5. above, then an activation email is actually sent, and the user can properly activate the account and login. But this is cumbersome and impractical as I would need to warn all users in advance...

This must be a bug, right?

I tried quite a few combinations in Settings. This happens whether or not invite only is checked. Here are the relevant Login settings:


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Deleted Post Bumps Activity


@Patrick_David wrote:

[Update] : this is a dup of this post: https://meta.discourse.org/t/old-topic-containing-newly-deleted-post-still-appears-at-the-top/31627

Not sure if this is expected behavior.

On topics that get a spam post in them, we can delete the post (and user), but the "Activity" will still show as the last time the topic had a post (the spam post). In this way, topics with spam posts will all float to the top of the default view (even after those spam posts have been dealt with).

Is this expected? If not, perhaps it's a bug?

I found this old topic:

But it seemed to be more focused on the auto-close date being reset (though it's showing similar problems I'm describing here).

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Individual Invite Codes


@Ralphy wrote:


I would like to make invite codes but it askes for the persons email to invite. Is there any way to do it without their email and just give a invite link and they sign up?

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Require a template to be used


@Simplism wrote:

I want to have an application form in a category on my forum. Is there a way to make it so people can't delete the template defined in the category settings? I want them to use my format.

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Email-in replies thread wrongly


@LeoMcA wrote:

Frequently (possibly even always), replies by email show up in the web interface as a reply to the wrong post.

Here's one such example:

The reply key of the email yousef was attempting to respond to here was: d3ce04730acfc6ea2343a867dd5f171f

And (some of) the raw text of that email:

Delivered-To: discourse+d3ce04730acfc6ea2343a867dd5f171f@mozilla-community.org
Subject: Re: [Testing] Test post of a conversation
To: Mozilla Discourse
References: <topic/14479@discourse.mozilla-community.org>
In-Reply-To: <0100015adc4df3e6-373a7dd3-d6d4-474e-916a-07ea85c7ab3d-000000@email.amazonses.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

And this is a response by email.

Thunderbird rules!

On 17/03/17 12:46, GeorgeRoter wrote:
> [george] 	george <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/george>
> GeorgeRoter <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/george>
> March 17
>     george:
>     [33] At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui
>     blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos
>     dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non
>     provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia
>     animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis
>     est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est
>     eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime
>     placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor
>     repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut
>     rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae
>     sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a
>     sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores
> This is a response to this big block of text using the web interface.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Visit Topic
> <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/test-post-of-a-conversation/14479/2>
> or reply to this email to respond.

And here's another:

With the reply key of the email Yousef was attempting to reply to here being: eb1cfa58abb6c528c7fd5519577b0d0f

Again with (some of) the raw email:

Delivered-To: discourse+eb1cfa58abb6c528c7fd5519577b0d0f@mozilla-community.org
Subject: Re: [Testing] Test post of a conversation
To: Mozilla Discourse
References: <...>
In-Reply-To: <0100015adc5a4fec-69d3459d-059b-40ec-8bd2-29d8da582c94-000000@email.amazonses.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You should do this time

On 17/03/17 12:59, GeorgeRoter wrote:
> [george] 	george <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/george>
> GeorgeRoter <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/george>
> March 17
> Do I get an email if I reply?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Visit Topic
> <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/test-post-of-a-conversation/14479/4>
> or reply to this email to respond.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         In Reply To
> [yousef] 	yousef <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/yousef>
> Yousef Alam <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/users/yousef> not a
> Community Sysadmin
> March 17
> And this is a response by email. Thunderbird rules!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Visit Topic
> <https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/test-post-of-a-conversation/14479/4>
> or reply to this email to respond.

Any ideas why this is happening?

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Links to certain categories on wordpress page?


@knittingtoday wrote:

Is there a best method to show a link to certain categories or even posts on a wordpress page? Is it as simple as linking to the URL?

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Displaying sub-categories in boxes


@neil wrote:

There are two new ways to display a list of sub-categories within the parent category:

  • in boxes with only the name, logo, and description
  • in boxes with name, logo, and a list of some featured topics

You can enable these styles by visiting the parent category, editing its settings, going to the settings tab, and choosing these options:


The "Boxes" style is currently being used in our howto category. By using very short category description and adding logos to each subcategory, it looks like this:

The logos are optional, but its best to either use logos for all or none of the subcategories.

Boxes with featured topics

The "Boxes with featured topics" will include a list of a configurable number of topics.

Set how many topics to show in each sub-category's settings:

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Grok Pattern for Nginx logs

Problem with a MessageFormat string Arabic translation


@SafaAlfulaij wrote:

I'm seeing that the Arabic final output translation of a MessageFormat string is not right.
Check the text that appears at the end of the topic saying you have # of unread topics and such..

Which says:

You have 0 topics unread, or browse other topics in category

But clicking the link shows me 3 unread topics.
Is it because I missed something with the translation? It's a bit long yes, but I can't see any problems in it..
This is the string: https://www.transifex.com/discourse/discourse-org/translate/#ar/clientenyml/13697764
According to the translation, the "zero" form shouldn't produce anything.
It is using the "few" form.

{UNREAD, plural, zero {} one {تبقى {BOTH, select, true {<a href='/unread'>موضوع واحد غير مقروء</a> و} false {<a href='/unread'>موضوع واحد غير مقروء</a>} other {}}} two {تبقى {BOTH, select, true {<a href='/unread'>موضوعان غير مقروءان</a> و} false {<a href='/unread'>موضوعان غير مقروءان</a>} other {}}} few {تبقت {BOTH, select, true {<a href='/unread'># مواضيع غير مقروءة</a> و} false {<a href='/unread'># مواضيع غير مقروءة</a>} other {}}} many {تبقى {BOTH, select, true {<a href='/unread'># موضوعا غير مقروء</a> و} false {<a href='/unread'># موضوعا غير مقروء</a>} other {}}} other {تبقى {BOTH, select, true {<a href='/unread'># موضوع غير مقروء</a> و} false {<a href='/unread'># موضوع غير مقروء</a>} other {}}}}{NEW, plural, zero {} one {{UNREAD, plural, zero {تبقى } one {} two {} few {} many {} other {}}<a href='/new'>موضوع واحد جديد</a>} two {{UNREAD, plural, zero {تبقى } one {} two {} few {} many {} other {}}<a href='/new'>موضوعان جديدان</a>} few {{UNREAD, plural, zero {تبقت } one {} two {} few {} many {} other {}}<a href='/new'># مواضيع جديدة</a>} many {{UNREAD, plural, zero {تبقى } one {} two {} few {} many {} other {}}<a href='/new'># موضوعا جديدا</a>} other {{UNREAD, plural, zero {تبقى } one {} two {} few {} many {} other {}}<a href='/new'># موضوع جديد</a>}}، أو {CATEGORY, select, true {تصفّح المواضيع الأخرى في {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}

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Notification setting button with context


@nukeador wrote:


One of the main complains we are getting from people new to discourse is that it's not easy or natural to discover how to "subscribe" to a category.

Buttons now:

Is it possible to add another visual aid to make it clear that button there is where you have to go to follow a category?

I was thinking on text aid like:

Also, when you are not logged in there are no buttons. Maybe these buttons should be there to drive users to create an account/log in and get the action done (new post/subscribe) smoothly.

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CSS updates stopped working


@planted wrote:

I was working away at my CSS changes and going well and all of a sudden the site has reverted back to default and will no longer apply any of my styles.

I read some forum topics about perhaps too many includes so i combined them all into 1 but no luck.

No css is being applied anymore no matter how basic, any ideas would be much appreciated here as I am loving this software and looking to have some fun customising it.


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