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Bulk invitation log message contains raw HTML and is in a code block


@barryvan wrote:

Once a set of invitations has been sent out in bulk, the message that's sent as a result contains the log:

As you can see in the screenshot, it's fenced in a code block, and apostrophes are being interpreted as the start/end of strings, so you get runs of red and runs of black.

Additionally, the log itself contains HTML to bold the email addresses and provide a link to the user summary page, but this is unparsed and thus not particularly useful, instead just adding noise.

I would suggest that the log be output as is or as a list, and the HTML either stripped or interpreted.

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Passing through rel=0 on YouTube embeddings


@niemeyer wrote:

Hello there,

I see we pass through width and height on YouTube embeddings. Any chance we can also get the rel=0 parameter through, so that one may disable suggested videos at the end of the linked video? The previous suggestion early last year didn't seem to get much traction, but it seems like a good one and in line with the idea of keeping things on topic (the suggestions are often pretty random). I'd even argue that it should be the default, but at least passing through would be great.


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How to create a new page similar to About, FAQ, Terms & Privacy?

Why is empty everywhere?


@stantyan wrote:

Even here if you check the page source HTML you will see this:

This results in error "The meta tag on the page was specified with name 'author', which matches a configured property of this object type. It will be ignored unless specified with the meta property attribute instead of the meta name attribute." in Facebook sharing debugger tool.

Is there any way to insert original poster's name here or at least site name?

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Share post URL text displaying as link

Theme-specific background for categories


@precessor wrote:

I just switched to the Dark theme for viewing my Discourse instance on mobile. I'd set a background image which is very light which looks great with the default light view. But with the Dark theme the light text is is lost because my light background remains.

I'd like to be able to set a background image for each theme, or restrict the background image to be used only with specific themes. Is this possible?

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How to filter multiple tags

How to notify admins of replies to posts by system user?


@tophee wrote:

Is there a way of getting notified when someone replies to a post owned by the system user? For obvious reasons, I wouldn't want to set the site contact username to a real person but I'd like to know when people reply, for example to the welcome message, a category definition or other system owned posts (yes, people do that). A similar problem might occur when people try to send messages to system, I suppose.

Options considered and dismissed (for now):

  • change ownership of the topics in question
  • close these topics to avoid replies

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Anyone know of a PlayFab plugin?


@dylanh724 wrote:

Anyone here use PlayFab for game development? They have tons of OAuth login points, such as Steam, with JSON end points. It'd probably be really easy to integrate it if you know Discourse well.

I'd probably pay for a plugin if one such existed~

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No option appears to choose better answer

Is there an option to download the files just logged in?

Notification email


@shalz wrote:


As a admin on my site how do i get all threads as notification mail to my email id even if my name is not mentioned or using @ symbol

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Can't login after restoring data on new installation?


@Yassine_Yousfi wrote:

I can't login to my discourse (using google account) after restoring data from another discourse install, the error google is giving is this:

"400. That’s an error.

Error: invalid_request

Missing required parameter: client_id

Learn more

Request Details

Apparently the client_id, is being passed empty or something!! :o

any ideas?

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Voice messages for discourse

"Request to join group" not working?


@ChrisBeach wrote:

When I set a group to accept join requests, I'm finding it's listed as "closed" on the /groups page. Anyone else seeing this?

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Turn off all other notifications except group notifications


@Gunnel_Backgren wrote:

I'm creating small closed areas for small user groups on my main forum just because it's so easy to do.

Problem is, in many cases these people are then interested only in notifications that are created within this particular group. So any other notifications from the public areas or even for site purposes aren't relevant to them.

So is there a good way to have people in a group only receiving notifications from their own group and that alone?

Right now I'm telling people to go and mute every category that they are not interested in. Well, that works... but having lots of users do the same seems, well, inefficent.

Similarly, telling people to go and copy paste into muted categories in their settings would work too, except new stuff gets added and then they need to go there, again and again.

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Any way to create a 2nd account with same email?


@jmsachs wrote:

I'm an admin on my discourse server and I need a way to create a "normal" account for myself in order to check some issues we're having with permissions. I only have one email account though (and our Microsoft Exchange server doesn't support the normal_account+modifier@ourdomain.com syntax like gmail does).

Is there a way to do this?

(NOTE: this is a behind-the-firewall server so I can't use any other email domain aside from the normal one at work. I suppose I could ask for an email alias for this purpose.)

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Patreon plugin uses disk icon for save instead of checkbox

Rebuild error - color_schemes.versioned_id does not exist


@kkershaw wrote:

I was trying to setup letsencrypt for my discourse install, and launcher rebuild app fails with the error:

2017-05-09 18:12:54 UTC [3532-1] discourse@discourse ERROR:  column color_schemes.versioned_id does not exist at character 54
2017-05-09 18:12:54 UTC [3532-2] discourse@discourse STATEMENT:  SELECT  "color_schemes".* FROM "color_schemes" WHERE "color_schemes"."versioned_id" IS NULL AND "color_schemes"."enabled" = 't' LIMIT 1
rake aborted!

My discourse install is now down:

Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 3518 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}

I've searched the output of launcher rebuild app and from what I can tell, that postgres error is the only one, how could I go about fixing this?

Note: in /var/discourse, a git pull shows Already up-to-date.

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Markdown Lists cause problems with the poll-plugin

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