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How to block all crawlers but Google's


@Roy_ILGM wrote:

About 1/3 of our traffic is from crawlers (about 250K last month). Is there a way to block these but allow Google's crawlers?

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Can't reset password for admin user


@pfaffman wrote:

I have a multisite instance & when I try to reset password for an admin user (the only user), I receive the email, but clicking the link just takes me to the home page, not logged in, and no prompt to change the password.

Related: how do I pass a database name to rake admin:create?

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How to install customized discourse on docker?


@l3est wrote:

I forked discourse on github and it's working really good on development environment.
How can I install this repository instead of the main one?

list of files I've edited:

I tried to copy edited files manually but it didn't work, I think it needs rebuild but I don't know how to rebuild assets.

ps: I know plugin is better for this but I should start my community quickly. I'll make plugin for this later.

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How my dev environment is configured


@sam wrote:

I wanted to do a post (that I try to keep up to date) with notes about my current dev environment.

(note, this post is a work in progress, as stuff changes I will update it)

My building blocks

  • Windows 10 creators update
  • Wsltty which I prefer built in bash for windows console
  • VMWare workstation with latest Ubuntu installed
  • Mobaxterm cause its nice to have an X server
  • Vim plus my vim setup installed inside the VM
  • rbenv plus a bunch of rubies for my dev
  • 7+ taskbar tweaker cause Windows makes it annoying to ungroup icons
  • i3wm - I use it less these days but it is a great tiling wm I sometimes like to use


A desktop shortcut to my linux VM

I use this shortcut to access my VM - target:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\wsltty\bin\mintty.exe --wsl -o Padding=5 -o Locale=C -o Charset=UTF-8 /bin/wslbridge -C~ -t /bin/bash -c "DISPLAY= ssh -X ubuntu"

It adds a bit of :sparkler: in that I have nice padding on my terminal and connect my mobax windows manager to the session so I can run stuff like git gui if I want.

A shortcut to puma

I use a custom shortcut to launch puma:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\wsltty\bin\mintty.exe --wsl -o Padding=5 -o Locale=C -o Charset=UTF-8 /bin/wslbridge -C~ -t /bin/bash -c "ssh ubuntu '(cd /home/sam/Source/discourse && echo `pwd` && . ~/.zshrc && cd ~/Source/discourse && bin/puma --kill-existing)'

This shortcut is pinned to my taskbar and allows me to easily launch puma when needed and easily find it.

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User has no option to change username?


@RobMeade wrote:


I have a user on our hosted solution who has reported not being able to change their username. They have provided a screenshot and there is no edit icon next to their existing username.

Additionally, they have option to delete their account, although I think this may be because they have made posts?

Things we have tried;

  • I have tried elevating their permissions from basic user to member to regular, this made no difference.
  • They created a new github account and a new Discourse account, this worked as expected and a delete option was available.
  • I have tried deactivating the existing account with the issue, with them then re-activating it via the email, this made no difference.

The user is using github authentication. I can provide you with their details if required. We did have a similar issue once before regarding a Twitter user, I think one of you team had a little nose around in the database and cured something... not sure if it's the same issue though, just feels a bit like it.

Any help would be really appreciated, kind regards :slight_smile:

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List of users with locked trust level?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I was just investigating an issue with trust levels, and realized that a handful of moderators had their trust level locked and I don't know why. Does this happen automatically when you promote someone to moderator or shouldn't their trust levels adjust automatically as they move along and up in the community food chain? Or are there other circumstances when trust levels get locked by the system, not manually by staff?

I worry that other users might have their trust levels similarly locked inadvertently. To ease my concerns I have been hunting for a way to see a list of users with locked trust levels, but to no avail. If this feature exists, please point me to it. The easiest way may be to include it as a column in the user export. Or perhaps someone knows a database explorer query they can share?

Many thanks in advance. :seedling:

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SSO integration & external profile sync help


@Brock_Busby wrote:

Hi Community - we have a successful SSO integration currently. When users are created on our site, it creates the user on Discourse, but we need some direction on the following:

  1. We noticed the options for SSO payload updating bio, email, avatar, etc. and it will be refreshed on login. Users will be able to update these settings on their external profile. How do we sync these updates when they save on their external profile?
  2. Is there a way to have these syncs happen in the backend? When a user logs in, and while the sync happens, we display a message to the user. This can be problematic since it can take longer than we'd like and gives opportunity to interrupt the sync with a refresh or closing the tab.
  3. Discourse auto log out: by default, Discourse logs users out after 1440 hours. We do not auto log out our users on our external site and must manually log out. Anyone have any advice or warnings here? e.g. the user deletes their cookies/sessions will that be an issue?

Thanks in advance all!

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Improving the Bulk Actions UX


@jomaxro wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "make listed" again in the bulk actions:

Currently the Bulk Actions modal is, well... not pretty.

Some "issues" that come to mind: the buttons aren't aligned, similar buttons aren't next to each other (why are replace & append tags on separate lines, why are "[foo] topics" on 3 different lines, etc), only "relist topics" is smart, all other buttons appear at all times.

Suggested improvements:
Adjust the order of the buttons so similar buttons are better grouped.
Consider standardizing the button sizes so they are aligned.
Make all buttons "smart". In the above screenshot, all selected topics are closed and unlisted - therefore "close topics" and "unlist topics" should not appear.
Provide tooltips to help new site staff: what exactly does "reset read" mean, what is the difference between replace tags and append tags, who does "change notification level" affect, etc.

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Include images and fonts in themes


@sam wrote:

Themes now allow you to handle uploaded assets such as images and fonts.

To add uploads view your theme and click + Add in the Uploads section:

In the upload dialog, upload the asset and name a SCSS variable name which you can use in your stylesheet.

Once uploaded it will pop up in the uploads list:

Uploaded assets can be referenced in your css using the variable name.

So for example, we can use this font by setting common SCSS to:

@font-face {
  font-family: Amazing;
  src: url($Amazing-Font) format('woff2')

body {
    font-family: Amazing;
    font-size: 15px;

You can control what assets your theme accepts using the site setting: theme authorized extensions

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Add Wordpress users to groups automatically?


@sunnyt7 wrote:


I run a membership site on Wordpress, and would like for certain member levels to automatically get added to groups on Discourse.

Is there any way to accomplish this (I'm using Paid Memberships Pro)?

If it helps, I can also set the Wordpress User Role to automatically emulate the membership level, which would disaggregate the functionality from specific membership plugins. Effectively, I would just want people to automatically get added to groups based on the Wordpress User Role.

Any ideas?


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Theme script does not work on 404 page


@jomaxro wrote:

We use the following script to make the logo link to /latest when clicked, as an effort to support people who like the categories view (default) and those who prefer the latest view. It was just reported, however, that the logo link on a 404 page does not get modified as expected, and links to categories not latest.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Make logo link to /latest -->
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.4">
  api.changeWidgetSetting('home-logo', 'href', '/latest')

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Create and share a font theme component


@sam wrote:

Discourse supports importing themes containing assets from a remote repository.

This allows theme authors to share fonts and images.

Create a new git repository with the font

mkdir discourse-roboto-theme
cd discourse-roboto-theme
git init .
vim about.json

For about.json add a skeleton config file

   "name" : "Roboto theme component",
   "about_url" : "",
   "license_url": "",
   "assets": {
        "roboto": "assets/roboto.woff2"

Add a LICENSE file, I usually use MIT


Download the font

http://localfont.com/ is a handy site to get fonts

mkdir assets
cp ~/Downloads/roboto.woff2 roboto.woff2

Add CSS that consumes the theme

mkdir common
cd common

Create a file called common.scss with

@font-face {
  font-family: Roboto;
  src: url($roboto) format('woff2')

body {
    font-family: Roboto;

Push changes to GitHub

Check in all your changes:

git add LICENSE
git add about.json
git add assets/roboto.woff2
git add common/common.scss
git commit -am "first commit"

Create an account on GitHub.com and then create a new repository.

(Optional) create a topic on Discourse as a home to discuss your colors

Ideally you would create a topic in the #plugin:theme category with some screenshots of your color scheme. You will use this as your about_url

Fill in the missing information in your about.json file

  • Navigate to your LICENSE page on GitHub, fill in that URL as your license_url

  • Either use the GitHub project URL or Discourse topic URL as your about_url

At the end of the process your about.json file will look something like:

   "name" : "Roboto theme component",
   "about_url": "https://github.com/SamSaffron/discourse-roboto-theme",
   "license_url": "https://github.com/SamSaffron/discourse-roboto-theme/blob/master/LICENSE",
   "assets": {
        "roboto": "assets/roboto.woff2"

Check in the change and push to GitHub

git commit -am "added more details"
git push

Test your font component

  • In the admin/customize/theme screen import your theme from GitHub


You can now easily share fonts!

See also:

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Trouble with Sidekiq on multisite


@pfaffman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from How to specify alternate configuration in multisite:

I've got a multisite instance up and sidekiq's not running on any of the sub-hosts. I noticed some errors like this on rebuild--looks like site_settings didn't get created?:

I, [2017-05-10T19:08:48.828869 #16]  INFO -- : Purging temp files
Bundling assets
Compressing Javascript and Generating Source Maps

I, [2017-05-10T19:08:48.830823 #16]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake multisite:
2017-05-10 19:08:55 UTC [19246-1] discourse@discourse_instance2 ERROR:  relation "site_settings" does not exist at character 3
2017-05-10 19:08:55 UTC [19246-2] discourse@discourse_instance2 STATEMENT:  SELECT name, data_type, value FROM site_settings
URGENT: ERROR:  relation "site_settings" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT name, data_type, value FROM site_settings
 Failed to initialize site discourse_instance2
2017-05-10 19:09:01 UTC [19242-1] discourse@discourse_forum LOG:  duration: 287.092 ms  execute <unnamed>: SELECT COUNT(*)
 FROM "topics" WHERE ("topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND (id NOT IN (SELECT topic_id from categories where topic_id is not
^C2017-05-10 19:09:18 UTC [19246-3] discourse@discourse_instance2 LOG:  duration: 179.263 ms  statement: CREATE  INDEX  "index
_top_topics_on_monthly_op_likes_count" ON "top_topics"  ("monthly_op_likes_count")
> Seeding dark and light themes
I, [2017-05-10T19:09:40.931958 #16]  INFO -- : `/root` is not writable.
Bundler will use `/tmp/bundler/home/discourse' as your home directory temporarily.
Migrating default

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Non-permalink normalizations


@pfaffman wrote:

Should permalink normalizations work for non-permalinks?

I'm working on a Ning import.

Links look like this:


This link works fine (the slugs match)


If I create a permalink for /topics/ancillary-probate-procedure-oklahoma and then a permalink normalization like


It works just fine, but this permalink:


seems like it should redirect to the built-in Discourse URL, but doesn't.

Do I need to create permalinks for all of those slugs when Discourse could just match them up itself?

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Can't add user with underscore in their username to a custom group


@Nicholas_Tolstoshev wrote:

I created a custom group and I'm adding users to it. The add members field won't seem to autocomplete for a user that has a _ in their username. I was able to go to that user's admin page and add them to the group that way, but it wouldn't work from the group settings page. Is this a known issue?

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New user of month still sending PM even when disabled


@AstonJ wrote:

I've disabled it via the ACP, but it it still sending members a notification that they have been awarded the badge - is this a bug? Or do I need to turn it off somewhere else?

It's a great idea btw - but we already run a Member of The Month award and this may cause confusion, hence wanting to switch it off.

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[Paid] Fix a Steam plugin oAuth bug for unconfirmed emails


@dylanh724 wrote:

What would you like done?
This Steam login plugin works well -- except when an email isn't confirmed, logging in will popup a 502 error: https://meta.discourse.org/t/steam-login-authentication-plugin/18153/7

The original creator faded out from the project, but we'd definitely like to use it. Demo use:

When do you need it done?
Whenever -- I'm mostly asking for quotes and to see who is interested, so far. It's not dire, but I do have it on my live forum now -- so sooner is better.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Quotes are best -- Let me know what sounds fair. This is my first request, so I'm not quite sure the going rate for such a bug fix. I'm an indie game studio, so budget is limited but I can def pay something :slight_smile:

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REST api or webservice?


@mikakun wrote:

apologize i don't know much about discourse & i'm not sure it'll fit my requirements

I want to develop a re-usable web application pretty much based on a forum (& its auth features) & a QA & extra features of my own. that app would work on shared or any kind of server completely independently of the discourse server i'd set-up one time (i'm assuming i can host as many forum as i want on one instance of discourse).

1 - is there a rest api in discourse & if it's in ror only would it be easy for me complete noob in ror to convert it in php - so i can keep dev with my framework ? or could i set-up some web services easily from the discourse server (& without having to worry when there is a discourse update)

1 - is there a Question/answer stackOverflow style feature already available in discourse ?

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Feature request: "minimum trust level" setting on a group


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I have a "robust" political category on my forum whose membership is controlled by a group. Members can opt in.

We've had problems with new members joining this group for activist purposes. I'd really prefer it was a place for established members who understand the etiquette and accept the rules.

It would be really helpful to have a new group setting where I could restrict membership to a trust level (e.g. TL2 and above). Attempts to join the group on TL0-1 would receive a helpful message explaining that the group is restricted to established members of the forum.

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