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How to get a docker image of discourse using bash on windows 10?


@golden_eagle wrote:

I am very new to the concept of Docker. Can somebody help me out on how to get a docker image of discourse for Windows 10 via bash ( I have Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on my bash)?

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"You cannot allow membership requests without any owners."


@Trash wrote:

I've got this error everytime I try to create a group with the setting "Allow users to send membership requests to group owners".
When you create a new custom group you can't add the owners immediately because you need to save the group first.

Probably this particular setting need some review. At least it can be removed here, you can see it after you save the group

I don't create groups frequently so I don't know if this is an intentional behavior but, to me, it's something strange.

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Restore Mailing List Mode Daily Summary


@joebuhlig wrote:

For a variety of reasons the option for mailing list mode users to receive a daily summary email was removed. It turns out there are a handful of communities that relied on this feature and as such it provoked a good discussion about the restoration of the feature. It was mentioned in that topic that I was working on this. Thanks to @lkramer and team for sponsoring this work! :tada:

This plugin adds an option to the email preferences for a user and allows them to enable the daily emails. It is NOT dependent on mailing list mode being turned on.

I should note that this essentially takes the code that was removed and wraps it up in plugin form. In the production scenario we've tested it in we even saw the email text/content customizations automatically pull in without extra work. The only change that was made was the addition of the standalone user preference.

Putting the code back in place is only part of the equation. It's to be expected that admins will want to automatically turn this on for users that previously received the email. To do that you'll need SSH access. Then you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a backup in place. Just to be safe.
  2. Enter the app and start a rails console.

    cd /var/discourse
    ./launcher enter app
    rails c
  3. Run this command:

    UserOption.where(mailing_list_mode: 'f', email_digests: 't', digest_after_minutes: 1440).pluck(:user_id).each do |id| UserCustomField.find_or_create_by(user_id: id, name: "user_mlm_daily_summary_enabled").update(value: "true") end

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Plugin Question/Suggestion


@Dashie wrote:

Hello! I've been looking for a way to link a specific custom field that a user selects when registering to a specific group. As in, user selects "I'm a developer" and it puts them in the developer group. Is there a way to automate this on the website or a plugin that will do it for me? Thanks!

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Do we need to keep support for bbcode [ol] and [li] tags


@sam wrote:

As I am porting over our Markdown engine I am coming across some gems.

One of them is that we support

[li]hello world[/li]

Which outputs:

  1. hello world

I wonder, do we need to keep this support?

To me this feels like something importers should take care of, not the default engine. I can not think of one reason why it is superior to:

1. hello world

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Error while rebuilding


@Rohit_Manglik wrote:


I just installed latest version of Discourse in AWS.

In /admin/upgrade all the services were running in latest versions. Then to configure the email, I followed the guidelines at https://meta.discourse.org/t/troubleshooting-email-on-a-new-discourse-install/16326.

Then after I ran /launcher rebuild app and it exited with an error.

Whole console log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/roheh38k4mdku3a/MobaXterm_DiscourseIITJEE1_20170620_024543.txt?dl=0

Can someone please help me in understanding what does the error mean? I tried following the same path twice and everytime it was stuck in that part.


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Topic filters persist when moving to a different page


@David_Taylor wrote:

Bit of a weird one. Steps to repro:

  1. Go to a category page, say #bug
  2. Append ?status=closed in your address bar, press enter
  3. Observe only closed topics are shown :white_check_mark:
  4. Click on logo to return to "latest"
  5. Be confused that only closed topics are shown in latest :x:
  6. Click the logo again in confusion
  7. Observe that it's now back to normal :tada:
  8. Visit another page, e.g. view a topic
  9. Click the logo again
  10. Aaaah it's back to only showing closed topics in latest! :x:

Only way to fix it seems to be to refresh the page

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Ensure sidekiq is running - v1.9.0beta2


@RBoy wrote:

This started today out of the blue.

I've searched the forum and tried all this:

  1. Upgrading manually to the latest git and rebuilding the app
  2. Rebooting the machine as @codinghorror suggested
  3. Checked diskspace, over 20GB free
  4. Trying what @clay suggested - trying to flush the queue (and then restarted and EVEN rebooting the machine) and I got:

    [1] pry(main)> Sidekiq.redis { |r| puts r.flushall }
    Passing 'flushall' command to redis as is; administrative commands cannot be effectively namespaced and should be called on the redis connection directly; passthrough has been deprecated and will be removed in redis-namespace 2.0 (at (pry):1:in `block in pry')
    => nil

Taking my clues from here, nothing seems to work. Any ideas what's going on and how to fix it?

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[PAID] Multisite Install


@Hugo_Roger wrote:

What would you like done?
Mutlisite Install.
When do you need it done?
I need 5 discourse forums installed as sub-domains/subcategories under a main site.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Please send in offers
No urgent deadline

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Net Neutrality Day of Action


@Mittineague wrote:

Those that have been paying attention may have noticed that with all that has been happening in politics these days, one concern is proposed changes to Net Neutrality.

Thank you Discourse for confirming your participation in the July 12th day of action.

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Regression: edit reason input not autofocussed


@barryvan wrote:

It looks to me as though @sam's fix for this has regressed; in Firefox, when I click "add edit reason", the input isn't focussed automatically.

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Can't load banner topic while logged in


@riking wrote:

Something odd just happened on the Waypoint forums.

I can't load that topic while I'm logged in.

No errors show up in the console when loading the topic.

It was loading fine before it was made into a banner and the category changed.

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User profiles no longer showing up after latest update to to v1.9.0.beta2 +95


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I'm pretty sure this started with a discourse update to v1.9.0.beta2 +95 yesterday - take a look below at the screenshots and error notice from the javascript console. I notice there is no repro on meta.

_ember_jquery-16a09ec….js:28913 Error: expected an implementation for text
    at Object.o [as assert] (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:7:7179)
    at e.compile (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:5:29921)
    at C (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:4:5093)
    at https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:5:19523
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at e.compile (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:5:19496)
    at e.compile (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:5:18727)
    at Object.g [as compileLayout] (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:4:4342)
    at e.n.Cache.n [as func] (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:9:18500)
    at e.get (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:11:20122)

I also have errors like this but this is nothing new - it doesn't seem to affect the operation of the site.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (https://community.namati.org/u/tobiaseigen:502:38)
    at l (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:2:6364)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:2:7127)
    at Function.ready (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:2:8944)
    at HTMLDocument.s (https://community.namati.org/assets/ember_jquery-16a09ec3affb6cc585f0cb71e2fbbcb788ec390641302900b1b3736a97bbaff9.js:1:1026)

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Add the mobile UX as a theme option to desktop users as well


@Pad_Pors wrote:

just like the mobile-web application which has the choice of "activate desktop theme" it would be great if one can activate the mobile theme for the desktop.

is this possible?

p.s.: reason to ask this is simple: the mobile theme is more attractive when you want to read.

p.s.2: I just noted this theme:

and it's more or less the same as mobile-theme ... . so removal of the request.

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Discourse::NotFound error when clicking bounced email type


@tophee wrote:

Under /admin/email/bounced when I click on any of the email types (last column), I get a modal saying:


Not sure what would be the expected behaviour. I was hoping to maybe get some more details about the bounce reason, though I assume that that information is not part of the sparkpost webhook anyway so I'll probably have to look those up on the sparkpost website. (It would be great, though, to have that list of bounced emails link back to sparkpost...)

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Tapping Google Maps Onebox scrolls user away from Onebox


@ChrisBeach wrote:

The embedded streetview and maps oneboxes are excellent and the interactivity has always worked well in the past. However, recently I've noticed that tapping on the Onebox causes the browser to immediately scroll downwards, leaving the user several posts away from where they expected to be. It's an annoying problem that makes the interactivity very confusing for visitors.

I'm on iOS (latest), using Safari. iPhone 7

Example 1: https://se23.life/t/disposal-of-open-space-land-30-32-stanstead-road/5021/2?u=chrisbeach

Example 2: https://se23.life/t/disposal-of-open-space-land-30-32-stanstead-road/5021/20?u=chrisbeach

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Clicking next/previous in Emoji set closes the plug-in window


@editorsean wrote:

On our forum, we use the Babble chatbox plug-in. In its compose window, there is a button to insert an emoji, which brings up the discourse emoji set.

When I click the next or previous buttons at the lower right to cycle through the pages of emojis, the chatbox closes, losing what I typed. This also occurs when I click the background as illustrated by the left red arrow below:

As far as I can tell, this issue appears to be caused by the ".emoji-modal", ".emoji-modal .nav .next a" and ".emoji-modal .nav .prev a" mouse click events not returning false, while the ".emoji-page a" events do return false.

As a crude workaround, I added the following script to our forum's "/body" to temporarily fix the issue:

$('body').mousedown(function() {
  $('.emoji-modal, .emoji-modal .nav a').click(function(){return false;});

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Move wrench to bottom in mobile layout

Trying to use videojs inside discourse


@vikaskedia wrote:

My goal is to create tutorial videos like at: https://blog.discourse.org/2015/09/discourse-1-4-released/

When I embed mp4 directly the onebox shows the video beautifully but I cannot control the poster image.

Here are the steps I took to enable videojs:

Add css to head

Add JS to /body

In my post used the videojs embed

It is getting rendered as:

Why not just like give the link to the video and let onebox take care of putting the video tag?

Because I want to use the videojs poster feature. So that when the video is not being played I can decide which frame to show.

In the discourse blog at: https://blog.discourse.org/2015/09/discourse-1-4-released/ The poster feature of videojs has been used.

<p><video width="100%" preload="auto" poster="https://blog.discourse.org/wp-uploads/2015/09/d14-darktheme-poster.png" controls><source src="https://blog.discourse.org/wp-uploads/2015/09/d14-darktheme-HD.mp4"></video></p>

From http://docs.videojs.com/docs/guides/options.html

"The poster attribute sets the image that displays before the video begins playing. This is often a frame of the video or a custom title screen. As soon as the user clicks play the image will go away."

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