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Images in title and character length of title


@rornoob wrote:

Is it possible to show images in title? Is it possible to increase title character length to more than 255? If not, then how can those be achieved? Plugin, core modification, any ideas? Thanks.

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[Paid] Grid Gallery Plugin


@bartv wrote:

Hi there,

We’re preparing to launch a Discourse forum for the Blender 3D community, with a strong focus on graphics. We’ll be using the Topic List Previews by @angus for featured graphics as well as displaying thumbnails in the ‘Artwork’ gallery. You can see it in action on our test site here.

We’d like to extend this functionality by offering a ‘grid gallery’ view of categories and tag listings, with the following features:

  • Like Topic List Previews, extracts the first image from a post.
  • Displays a rollover with information about the image title and author, similar to the featured bar in Topic List Previews.
  • Supports endless scrolling.
  • Responsive - works both on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Configurable image size (width + height) both for desktop and mobile display.
  • Can be enabled for specific tags and categories.
  • Within these tags and categories, allow users to toggle between gallery display and regular topic listing. Remember this preference for each user.
  • Efficient in terms of storage - reuse images generated for the Topic List Previews?

A good example of what we’re looking for is the CG Society gallery (see also the screenshot below).

For clarification of the requirements, please leave a reply. If you’re interested to work on this, please send me a PM with your email address and an overview of your Discourse plugin development work.

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Form submission plugin?


@Bri_Castellini wrote:

I’m looking for some sort of plugin that turns the comments on a particular thread (or perhaps in a particular category if that’s better) into a form submit, so users have to submit only in pre-made fields. Essentially, a Google Form plugin where instead of being able to freely comment on a thread they have to fill out a short form and it’ll populate in that structure in the thread. Does that exist? What would it be called, if so? Or how would one go about making this work? Thanks!

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User notified of post that gets deleted?


@8BIT wrote:

I couldn’t find this. I don’t think it does alert anyone… would this be worth adding as a notification?

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Auto-lock topics after X days?


@maniacalmorgan wrote:

Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to set a timer on topics so that they auto lock after a certain number of days. Thanks in advance!

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Tags overlap topic age on topic list

Add new Emoji page

Solved link to solved post opens in new tab

Official Discourse Advertising Plugin feedback on options


@McBlu wrote:

Do any of you who have been using the options offered in the Official Discourse Advertising Plugin have any feedback on those options? Pros/cons? Most monetized? Which is best for local advertising? Which are the most visually pleasing/least obnoxious? Is it best to wait till you get a level of membership before initiating?

Google Adsense
Google Double-click for Publishers
Amazon Affiliates


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Latest Release - Broken Post Preview?

Q&A design (blank)


@Stranik wrote:

I was asked to do Q&A design, sketch. Which can then be used for later editing.

This code is very raw and if someone wants it, they can use it further.

It was a fun hobby - 10 minutes.

I won’t support it, but I’m placing it here, maybe it will be useful to someone.


.sidebar {
    float: right !important;
    padding: 1px 15px 15px 15px;
.list-container.has-sidebar {float: left !important;}
.topic-list .sortable, .topic-list .posters, .badge-wrapper.bullet .badge-category-bg {display: none;}

.topic-list a.title, .topic-list-item.visited a.title {
    color: #72afd2 !important;font-size: 1.06em;
   &:visited {color: #07C !important;}
   &:hover {color: #f56400 !important;}

.post-row .box .t {
    margin-top: 8px;
.badge-wrapper {
    font-size: 13px;
    font-weight: 300;
    color: #3c8dbc !important;
.number, .post-row .box .c{font-size: 16px;}
.userlink {
    float: right;
    padding-top: .1em;
    font-size: small; color: #777;
a.pren, .sidebar .badge-wrapper.bullet span.badge-category {
   color: #3e6d8e !important;

.badge-wrapper.bullet span.badge-category {
    color: #777 !important;
.badge-wrapper.bullet span.badge-category:hover, a.pren:hover {
color: #f56400 !important;
.text-right {
    text-align: right;
.post-row {
    padding: 12px 0 15px 0;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;

.clearfix .communities .badge-wrapper.bullet {
padding: .4em .5em;
.clearfix .communities .badge-wrapper.bullet:hover {

.post-row .box {
    display: inline-block;
    min-width: 58px;
    margin: 0 3px 0 0;
    font-size: 11px;
    color: #777;
    padding: 5px 5px 6px 5px;
    text-align: center;
    float: left;
.post-row .count-box {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
.post-row .unanswered {
    background-color: #fff;
    color: #45A163;
    border: solid 1px #45A163;
.post-row .title-box {
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;
.post-row .title-box .post-title {
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 16px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
.post-row .community-pad {
    margin-top: 5px; color: #777;
    margin-bottom: 2px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: normal;
    display: inline-block!important;


<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='list/topic-list-item.raw'>
<div class="post-row">

<div class="count-box">

<div class="box">
<div class="c">{{number topic.views numberKey="views_long"}}</div>
<div class="t">лайков</div>

{{#if topic.replyCount}}
<div class="box unanswered">
<div class="c">{{topic.replyCount}}</div>
<div class="t">ответа</div>

<div class="box no">
<div class="c">{{topic.replyCount}}</div>
<div class="t">ответов</div>

<div class="box view">
<div class="c">{{number topic.views numberKey="views_long"}}</div>
<div class="t">показов</div>


<div class="title-box clearfix">

<div class="post-title">
{{topic-link topic}}

<div class="clearfix">

<span class="communities community-pad">
Раздел: {{category-link topic.category showParent="true" onlyStripe="true"}}

<span class="userlink text-right muted">
изменен <span class="ago2">{{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="tiny"}}</span> назад
<a class="pren" href="/u/{{topic.last_poster_username}}" data-auto-route="true" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{topic.last_poster_username}}</a> &nbsp;



You can use other elements in it, for example:

{{#if topic.featured_link}}
    {{topic-featured-link topic}}


And also sorting at the top:

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='topic-list-header.raw'>

Posts: 1

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Article/Topic Suggestions


@Irwin_Binamungu wrote:

Is it possible to have Topic Suggestions to a reader based on what content was recently read…similar to Youtube Suggest that suggests content for their users to keep them engaged on their site?
The articles or topics can be briefly written at the bottom of the page a user is on.

Posts: 7

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Is there a an event fired when a post is definitively destroyed?


@hanks wrote:

Hi. When a post is deleted, it triggers the event post_destroyed, but the post can be recovered. Is there another event triggered when a post is definitively deleted?

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Category pulldown search does not show subcategories


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Is there any way to make this search work, to make it possible to go straight to a sub-category? Select “all categories” pulldown, then type in “voting” to find and go to the #plugin:voting category.

This does work - select “all categories” pulldown, type in “plugin” to find and go to the #plugin category.

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How to add a subcategory to the top nav menu?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I know I can add a category to the top nav menu by typing category/CATNAME - that works. But how do I add a sub-category? I tried various permutations based on what I found here on meta but with no success. Most grateful for any advice.

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Get list of wiki editors


@Bolarinwa_Balogun wrote:

I’m working on a plugin that notifies editors of a wiki post when that post has been edited. I was wondering how to get the list of editors of a wiki post so that I can send them a notification when the wiki post has been edited.

Thank you.

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Fix discourse after digitalocean reboot


@stance455 wrote:

What would you like done?

Have had discourse running for years and a recently forced reboot by digital ocean caused it to go offline. I’m thinking something on the server needs updating.

When do you need it done?


What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

Whatever it costs to get it done ASAP

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Understanding Solved Plugin


@Bolarinwa_Balogun wrote:

I am trying to understand the solved plugin to get a better idea of creating plugins. I had a few questions about code snippets from the solved plugin.

In the tutorial for developing plugins, there was a path field, why isn’t there one in the solved route-map?

In the plugin.rb file, I couldn’t find the solved plugin version of

add_admin_route 'purple_tentacle.title', 'purple-tentacle'

How does the solved plugin, achieve the solved interface in the user activity? How are the notifications linked to this interface?

Thank you

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How To Edit Trust Level Emails


@TimothyDonaghue wrote:

Hello There,

Can I revise the emails that a user receives when they reach a certain trust level? On my Discourse at the moment, the email that a user receives for TL1 does not match the features they can access. Thank you.

Be Well,

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Upgrading a very old instance


@pfaffman wrote:

I’m trying to upgrade a very old instance with an old version of postgres.

It says

Add the line: base_image: "samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1"
In containers/app.yml: Change "templates/postgres.template.yml" TO "templates/postgres.9.2.template.yml"

Run ./launcher rebuild app again

When your instance is running:
Run ./launcher enter app
Run cd /shared/postgres_backup && sudo -u postgres pg_dump discourse > backup.db

Undo the base_image in your container config
Run: ./launcher stop app
Run: sudo mv /var/discourse/shared/standalone/postgres_data /var/discourse/shared/standalone/postgres_data_old
Run: ./launcher rebuild app

Run: ./launcher enter app
Run: cd /shared/postgres_backup
Run: sv stop unicorn
Run: sudo -iu postgres dropdb discourse
Run: sudo -iu postgres createdb discourse
Run: sudo -iu postgres psql discourse < backup.db
Run: exit
Run: ./launcher rebuild app

So I add

 base_image: "samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1"

at the beginning of app.yml and replace the postgres line.

Then I get

root@discuss:/var/docker# ./launcher rebuild app
Ensuring launcher is up to date
Fetching origin
Launcher is up-to-date
Stopping old container
+ /usr/bin/docker stop -t 10 app
lUnable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1' locally
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1 not found.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.
Unable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1' locally
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1 not found.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.
cd /pups && git pull && /pups/bin/pups --stdin
Unable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1' locally
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for samsaffron/discourse:0.1.1 not found.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.
cat: cids/app_bootstrap.cid: No such file or directory
"docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rm --help'.

Usage:  docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...] [flags]

Remove one or more containers
rm: cannot remove 'cids/app_bootstrap.cid': No such file or directory
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one
root@discuss:/var/docker# l

@sam should this still work?

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