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Admin Tool - Search by Email


Haldron wrote:

OK so a pretty simple idea that I just wanted to gauge potential interest on.

For one of the forums I work with, one of our community managers handles a team of volunteers that needed to be added as volunteers. I noticed that it's not possible to search for users in the admin panel by email.

Thus, the proposal is for a fairly simple feature to accept either usernames or email addresses in the admin panel search. But obviously I don't just want to put this together and submit a pull request, I'd much rather make sure this would actually be a useful tool for others first.


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Looking to integrate Google transliteration support in typing


Akshar Prabhudesai wrote:

My website is in an Indian regional language and I need to provide typing in Devnagari symbols. If anyone has already written a plugin or something for this please let me know. Else I will write one.

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Allow moderators to add a member to a group?


John Reid wrote:

I want to create a group that is 'invite only' for members.

Is there a way that I can allow moderators or members within the group to invite other members of the community into the group?

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Error while pulling translations from Transifex


Arpit Jalan wrote:

Sorry, why do I have this error?
ruby: No such file or directory -- script/pull_translations.rb (LoadError)

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Unauthenticated users can see topics in private categories


Michael Downey wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "Sign In" vs. "Log Out":

To clarify, they can not see the content, just that the topic exists and its title.

For an example, go to https://talk.openmrs.org/categories (no log in necessary) and look under the "Meta" category and click some of the topics that appear there.

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How do I use spoiler tags on my own discourse instance


ampburner wrote:

Is it a plugin? Do I need to enable a setting?

this seems to work on meta.discourse.org, but not on my own installation

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Get a list of all emails and/or sync with MailChimp?


Travis wrote:

Is there a way I can get a list of all user email addresses or easily sync the userbase with MailChimp? I have a product announcement I would like to send a specialized mailing for.

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Docker New Version Available, 0 new commits

Theming request - Please move inline styles to stylesheet


ampburner wrote:

On my forum I have some custom CSS to make the footer of the page a different background-color from the white body (and also to take the entire width of the page)

This works great, except sometimes when new content is loaded. Then I see some 40px worth of whitespace at the bottom of the footer.

I believe this is due to an inline style which I suppose is being dynamically added to the #main-outlet element via javascript.

I have a simple request. Whenever the added padding is needed, is it possible to set it via a CSS class instead of inline css?
That way I could override the whitespace with my own custom stylesheet.

Please note - this is not just a "please change your software to match the exact needs of my specific implementation" type of request.
It's simply good practise to avoid inline styles.

body #topic-list-bottom,
body #suggested-topics {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 60px;
padding: 40px 10px 0px 10px;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-ms-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #272524;
color: #333;

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How can I download the current running repo on my website for local development?


Rahul Banker wrote:

I don't want to download the github code but the exact code which my site is running currently. Is there anyway to get that repo downloaded to my local machine? Sorry, just too noob with these stuff

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Why doesn't the default category display in the Category column?

SCSS variables in custom CSS

Fatal: ambiguous argument 'tests-passed@{upstream}': unknown revision or path not in the working tree


Ip2k wrote:

Current install:

Name	Status
discourse (5b39913)
New Version Available!

Remote Version: (eedb0df)
Last Updated: 2 hours ago
292 new commits
Upgrade to the Latest Version
poll	 Up to date
docker_manager (89a7ad0)	 Up to date
emoji	 Up to date

docker_manager update went smoothly, but the discourse upgrade outputs:

$ cd /var/www/discourse && git fetch --all && git reset --hard tests-passed@{upstream}
Fetching origin
error: No upstream branch found for 'tests-passed'
error: No upstream branch found for 'tests-passed'
fatal: ambiguous argument 'tests-passed@{upstream}': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions

I let a few upgrades lapse before updating to this most recent version, and it looks like that may be the issue. Not sure how to fix this.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks smile

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Some links and avatars show as broken


Bryan wrote:

This error is shown in sidekiq.

Error Class
Error Message Invalid :protocol option: "http://http://"

Users can upload avatars but they do not show, and only show a broken image icon. Also, when I tested with mandrill it had the url of my site with an extra "http://". I am not sure how I can fix this.

Also, after uploading an image to the assets topic, it changes to this url:


So something is definitely wrong. Can't find any info on this topic. I know it's just because I most likely mistakenly added the http to my domain url at some point.

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Discourse Spam-fighting features compared to phpBB


Craig Oda wrote:

The admin for one of the forums I use for my hobby recently shut down his hobby forum, which is based on phpBB. He was a victim of massive spam and didn't have time to deal with it. He's offered to give me admin access to the forum to bring it back alive, but I am reluctant to volunteer for this since I don't know what features phpBB has to fight spam. I'm also not really interested in learning more about phpBB.

I offered to start a new forum for him based on Discourse, but it would be fresh. he would lose all the content on his old forum.

This is for an open source project related to a specific type of Android application development. No one really has any time or interest to deal with spammers. The end-result is that the community has lost the forum and I think the primary developer is probably a bit disillusioned with the whole concept of giving back to the community with open source and access to a forum.

I'm not really sure what to do here, but thought I would see if there was a quick listing of the features that Discourse has to fight spam that phpBB does not.

This is a bit sad for more since I use the open source project to teach my kids Python. The libraries are still there of course, but it is a bit disheartening that spammers can kill a discussion community built around a ncie open source project. cry

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Docker upgrade failed: no upstream branch found for 'tests-passed'


Jonathan wrote:

$ cd /var/www/discourse && git fetch --all && git reset --hard tests-passed@{upstream}
Fetching origin
error: No upstream branch found for 'tests-passed'
error: No upstream branch found for 'tests-passed'
fatal: ambiguous argument 'tests-passed@{upstream}': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions

Any ideas?

Posts: 3

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Hosting fees and/or support?


Frank wrote:

If I get everything working again the way I had it, can I lean on you guys for maintaining my droplet?

Note: I will have some custom javascript widgets that will be in the header and some that will be included in the body (you guys have seen the stock bar I made (someone has)...I will make more junk like that). I will be responsible for that functioning (not you guys).

I pay $10 for my 1gb droplet has Discourse dev considered maintenance packages and fees?

What I am looking for: Come visit the site and occasionally click the blue upgrade button, and make sure the website survives, else fix the the broken.

What would the fee be for this?

Posts: 5

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Cannot login as admin


Federico wrote:

I installed SSO plugin (I dont know if its related), but I removed it (deleted the folder from plugins).
I dont know if its related, but I have readed SSO will disable normal login. So may be its related.

The admin popup is loading for several seconds, and then it dissapear but Im still not logged in.
Im using a Bitnami server on EC2.

Any idea?

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Slow sql queries


Piotr Szal wrote:

With 1 mil topics and pinnend globally topics the TopicList (Startpage) needs 12 sec to load on eight core and 8GB memory system.

Without the ordering of pinned topics (default_ordering) it needs only 2 sec.

On my dev with 23k Topics:

EXPLAIN SELECT  "topics".*, "categories".*, "topic_only_relative_urls_categories".* FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "topics" "topic_only_relative_urls_categories" ON "topic_only_relative_urls_categories"."id" = "categories"."topic_id" AND ("topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL) WHERE ("topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND (topics.archetype IN ('regular','question')) AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> topics.id) AND "topics"."visible" = 't' AND (topics.category_id IS NULL or topics.category_id IN (238,189,88,254))  ORDER BY topics.pinned_globally, topics.bumped_at DESC LIMIT 30;
                                                                                                  QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=19470.24..19470.32 rows=30 width=2703)
   ->  Sort  (cost=19470.24..19528.89 rows=23458 width=2703)
     Sort Key: topics.pinned_globally, topics.bumped_at
     ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=3824.30..18777.42 rows=23458 width=2703)
           Hash Cond: (categories.topic_id = topic_only_relative_urls_categories.id)
           Join Filter: (topics.deleted_at IS NULL)
           ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=23.13..1543.10 rows=23458 width=1845)
                 Hash Cond: (topics.category_id = categories.id)
                 Filter: (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> topics.id)
                 ->  Seq Scan on topics  (cost=0.00..1138.80 rows=23459 width=858)
                       Filter: ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND visible AND ((archetype)::text = ANY ('{regular,question}'::text[])) AND ((category_id IS NULL) OR (category_id = ANY ('{238,189,88,254}'::integer[]))))
                 ->  Hash  (cost=23.06..23.06 rows=6 width=987)
                       ->  Seq Scan on categories  (cost=0.00..23.06 rows=6 width=987)
           ->  Hash  (cost=962.74..962.74 rows=23474 width=858)
                 ->  Seq Scan on topics topic_only_relative_urls_categories  (cost=0.00..962.74 rows=23474 width=858)

(15 rows)

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Beautiful colors for your discourse

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