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Does Onebox support Sketchfab embeds?

Categories in "top menu"?


@SidV wrote:

I've already read some topics about custom links, and I understood that discourse does not allow such thing. BUT, how could "this site" (here) have got these links? (look this screen)


Could someone tell me how to add that to my site, please?

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Onebox expansion causes mixed-content SSL warning (ebay)


@ryantm wrote:

Using a onebox expansion uses a non HTTPS img with an eBay link. For example, the first post in:

uses a http link http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/191836488300-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

It would be nice to use an https URL or to download the image like is done with other images.

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Analyze and Grow your Discourse community - now in beta :)


@pdx wrote:

Hi there, I'm building a new tool that will help you analyze and grow your Discourse community. I'm using it to get insights and grow my own forum and have seen great results so far.

If you would like access to the private beta test (for free), click here: https://pdx.typeform.com/to/xCZd3A

I'm letting in a few new users at a time, but click on the link above and I will notify you as soon as you can get access :slight_smile:

Jørgen / pdx

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Discourse mobile stuck with rendering js

Ability to Block Certain Readers from Seeing Your Posts


@youderian wrote:

Does Discourse offer the ability to block certain forum members from seeing your posts?

Why I ask: Our private community is made up of business owners who share freely from their experience, strategy, etc. But as we grow one of the biggest fears is that a user's direct business competitors who are currently in the forum (or those who join in the future) could see their contributions and using them against them.

Most of the time, when members start worrying about this they stop sharing all of the really good stuff. However, we've had requests about if it's possible to block a certain user(s) (ie, their direct competitors) from seeing their comments. A bit unorthodox I know, but would be a great solution for us.

Is this something that's possible or on the roadmap -- or available as a plugin? Thanks!

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Digest emails being sent all over the place


@stefanini.mf wrote:

Hi, we run a discourse instance and on 03/19 we updated to v1.5.0.beta13.

After that, digest emails have been behaving weirdly. First our instance started sending emails twice or thrice a day (and every day) to everybody, even though our configuration is set to 'weekly' and only for users seen in the last 7 days in the forum.

Assuming it was a bug and that it probably would be fixed soon, we just disabled digest email when we noticed that. The even bigger problem started today, when it sent digest emails to around 25k users, even though they are marked as disabled for everybody.

Now, since in great scale emails are costly, we had not other choice but to turn off the email key, so none can be sent from discourse until it's resolved. No need to say that this is a huge pain, as many os discourse's functionalities rely directly on emails (like signup and forgot my password).

Is this happening only to us? And is this a known bug of the version?

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My Opinion about the default os for the Discourse self install node


@chemical wrote:

Hi all,

In my honest opinion, I have used both Ubuntu 14.04 and CoreOS for the main node for Docker. I would like to suggest CoreOS as the default solution. CoreOS is bare metal and based on the ChromiumOS and ChromeOS.

The difference between Ubuntu and CoreOS is the security and sandboxing of apps. CoreOS uses a fixed minimal install, so basically no crap is added when CoreOS is built by the CoreOS team.

Discourse compiles a lot quicker on CoreOS on the factory installed Docker than Ubuntu.

I would love to see other people opinion about using CoreOS.

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Moderator tools being cut off by the top of the post?


@lee_dohm wrote:

Repro Steps

  1. Be a moderator
  2. Find a one-line post to split off to a new topic
  3. Click the ellipsis button to get the full set of options for the post
  4. Click the wrench button to get the moderator options

Expected: Full moderator menu is available (or at least scrollable)
Actual: Moderator menu is cut off by the top of the post (see attached GIF)

(I tried searching but couldn't find this reported already. Apologies if I missed it!)

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Can't collapse expanded reply when filtering topic


@Mathgirl wrote:

Hi, I recently found a bug on our forum, The Hopscotch Forum. It's also an issue on meta. I don't know how to describe it, but you should understand after looking through the steps to reproduce it.

Steps To Reproduce:
1. Find (or make) a post that is replying to the post directly before it.

  1. Tap the profile picture of the person who made the post, then tap the button that says "__ posts in topic.

  2. Tap the button that an arrow was pointing to in the last picture, then tap the "view __ hidden replies" button above the post in question. This is what you should see:

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How I debugged and fixed issues with unread/new counts


@sam wrote:

Today I fixed a couple of issues with incorrect new and unread counts.

The fixes themselves though interesting are less interesting than the debugging method I used to track it down.

This is how I diagnosed the issues

Run multiple browser windows and catch one misbehaving

Once I isolated a bad actor :dagger:

Open chrome dev tools and run:


Then walk through the states array:

Using this information I was able to discover that

  1. When a topic was deleted we were not notifying the topic tracking state about this happening

  2. When we were reporting "unread" "latest" etc we were not informing topic tracking state if the topic at hand was a PM, causing PMs to corrupt the counts

There may be more edge cases here, but that is the general gist of how I debug it.

MessageBus is working like a champion and never dropping messages or corrupting ordering.

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I just disabled mailing list mode on meta


@sam wrote:

I was looking at the mail logs today and noticed that we are skipping mail for 13 users that have mailing list mode enabled.

Having a partial copy of data in your mailbox is kind of pointless so as I see it we either

  • Up the max_emails_per_day_per_user on meta so we can have mailing list mode function correctly

  • Or, disable mailing list mode here globally

I went with the "disable" option for now.

cc @kennym @irrationalJ

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Moving a topic to another category doesn't propagate


@Falco wrote:

Steps to repro:

  1. User A create a Topic on Category I

  2. User B enters topic

  3. User B moves Topic to Category II

  4. User A still on topic, but it didn't updates the category


  1. User A, still on topic, makes a small edit on the text. Topic gets moved back do Category I.

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[Sender] 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified


@eldy wrote:

I'm using Amazon SES. I have problem getting email verification when a user signed up. I had verify my own email address used for admin account, hence I can get it. That's strange, how does verify address work in SES? I have to verify noreply@mydiscourse.com to be able to send out emails?

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Badge description disappeared in Chinese forum, seed_fu problem?


@fantasticfears wrote:

Badge doesn't show the description at all.

Version: 1.5.0.beta15


(First Quote)

It's an old installation. The problem is that badge name is not overridden by seed_fu. Without the proper name, it can't get the i18n key. Therefore, description is not shown.

New badges are doing fine.

 id: 17,
 name: "读者",
 description: "",
 badge_type_id: 3,
 grant_count: 0,
 created_at: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:55:53 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 01:42:51 UTC +00:00,
 allow_title: false,
 multiple_grant: false,
 icon: "fa-certificate",
 listable: true,
 target_posts: false,
  "    SELECT id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n    FROM users\n    WHERE id IN\n    (\n      SELECT pt.user_id\n      FROM post_timings pt\n      JOIN badge_posts b ON b.post_number = pt.post_number AND\n                            b.topic_id = pt.topic_id\n      JOIN topics t ON t.id = pt.topic_id\n      LEFT JOIN user_badges ub ON ub.badge_id = 17 AND ub.user_id = pt.user_id\n      WHERE ub.id IS NULL AND t.posts_count > 100\n      GROUP BY pt.user_id, pt.topic_id, t.posts_count\n      HAVING count(*) >= t.posts_count\n    )\n",
 enabled: true,
 auto_revoke: false,
 badge_grouping_id: 1,
 trigger: nil,
 show_posts: false,
 system: true,
 image: "",
 long_description: nil>


I tried:

  1. rake db:seed_fu success but doesn't change the badge.
  2. Invoked rake task in the console, not effective.
  3. I copied the hash and update_attributes to one old badge. The model is valid but it doesn't change the record.

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Moderator unauthorized for user Invites?


@Tungdrim wrote:

Hey Guys,

my case: i want to set more moderators, but i don't wan't that them inviting new users. Is this possible to configure?

Best regards from germany

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Showing parent category label and sub-category label


@tomwrench wrote:

On the 'latest' page, if there is a topic in a subcategory it only displays the label of the subcategory it's in.

Is there a way to show both the parent category and subcategory labels in this instance, as I may have multiple subcategories with the same name but under different parent categories, so it could get confusing.


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Filtering out delivery status failed


@carlokok wrote:

Would it be possible for the email in code to filter out delivery status failure mails? We sent out a mailing last night and have 200 failures as posts in discourse now:

(Any suggestions on getting these out in the first place would also be appreciated,especially the 200 notification entries)

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Job exception in mail receiver


@carlokok wrote:

Job exception: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

/var/www/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:181:in `split'
/var/www/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:181:in `trim_discourse_markers'
/var/www/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:140:in `select_body'
/var/www/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:62:in `process_internal'
/var/www/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:39:in `process!'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:27:in `process_popmail'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:96:in `block (2 levels) in poll_pop3'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/pop.rb:688:in `block in delete_all'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/pop.rb:687:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/pop.rb:687:in `delete_all'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:95:in `block in poll_pop3'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/pop.rb:531:in `start'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:94:in `poll_pop3'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:15:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:154:in `block (2 levels) in perform'

(I'll post the mail privately @zogstrip)

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PAID: Migration from Simple:Press Forums to Discourse


@JohnnyFDK wrote:

Hi I'm wanting to move my users and posts from my wordpress based Simple:Press forums to my Digital Ocean hosted Discourse.

171 Members
573 Posts

There's no script made for this yet. I imagine it shouldn't be too different from the bbPress script though, since both are WordPress-based.

Let me know if this is something you feel comfortable doing!

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